Cun Wrāz

šon gukúr - 1

bahaaríi á lo šo g r ke húke mamó, áltitar
bahaarí-e éem-ul-e š + uk ké húke+mamó-Ø áltit-ar
spring-GEN time-LOC-ESS Shon.Gukur LINK Huke.Mamo-ABS Altit-DAT
In the springtime they had brought Shon Gukur and Huke Mamo to Altit.

  • spring:PS nårå
  • time:FU(U) purkɜ
  • šon gukúr:proper name. šon means "blind", and I don't know gukúr's mean.
    • maybe it's a name of animal...
    • wrāz:BMAC *uarājha- "wildboar"
  • and:Yassi aw
  • húke mamó:proper name. lit."dog's milk".
    • dog:PS wën cf. PFU pene
    • milk:PS ńimse < PU ńim-śä
  • Altit:name of city.
    • in this story, there are two town "Altit" and "baltit", so I made two thorp's name "əgzerm" and "uyzerm"
      • əgzerm < PYenissei *xiɢa"sun" + BMAC *jharmya
      • uyzerm < PYenissei *(ʔʌ)suj"moon" + BMAC *jharmya
  • bring:PS tə- < PU tolwa-
  • Past Perfect:stem-PST-personal suffix+Copula
    • Uralic copula is PU wole-

Narəy purkal Cun Wrāz aw Panəy Pim Əgzermah trwaselrel
nar-əy purk-al cun+wrāz-∅ aw panəy+pim-∅ əgzerma-h trw-as-el-rel
spring-GEN time-LOC Tsun.Wraz-ACC LINK Paney.Pim-ACC Egzerm-DAT bring-PST-3PL-COP-3PL

šon gukúr - 2

u óltalik húnzue š r á o bam.
ú-Ø u- ltalik húnzo-e maš u bi á -čo-Ø bá-an-m
they:DIST-ABS 3PL.H:II-both Hunza-GEN famous shaman-PL-ABS COP-3PL.H-NPRS
Both were famous in Hunza as Bitans.

  • both:uhhh....
    • they two:səy (3.du.)
    • they+two:səl kac
  • Hunza:name of the Valley. Altit and Baltit is located in Hunza Valley.
    • (new toponym) Hur < PYenissei xur₁"water", this ancestors in many language mean "river". So Hur river is a plausible name for a tributary of Yas river.
  • famous:mašur < Persian mašhūr. Burushaski word is also from this.
  • shaman:PS cåcäpä

Kac səy Hurəy mašur cacebal wrasel.
kac səy Hur-əy mašur caceb-al wr-as-el
two they(3.du.) Hur-GEN famous shaman-PL.ACC COP-PST-3PL

šon gukúr - 3

óltalik gá numánin h r á .
u- ltalik-Ø á i n-ma - n hu +bá-an-m
3PL.H:II-both-ABS gathering CP-become-CP sit+COP-3PL.H-NPRS
The two of them were sitting together.

  • together: Zb. gal"with" + PIr. *hamHáh "same"
  • sit down:PS åmtə- ~ ämtɜ- < PU amV- + -tA-

Kac səy garam amtasel.
kac səy garam amt-as-el
two they(3.du.) gathering sit.down-PST-3.PL.

šon gukúr - 4

óltalik r bam, óltalik, r gá e
u- ltalik-Ø n-hu -n bá-an-m u- ltalik ka a á i-e
3PL.H:II-both-ABS CP-sit-CP COP-3PL.H-NPRS 3PL.H:II-both Karagadimuts-GEN
káa han á buáan j c ím.
káa hán ba á buá-an-Ø j -č+b- i-m
together one:X bald cow-INDEF.SG-ABS come-IPFV+COP-3SG.X-NPRS
The two of them were sitting when a piebald cow came down from Baltit by the
Karagadimuts people.

  • Karagadimuts:place name.
    • PYeniseiv *χeʔ "big"+ *ʔoɢ-"meadow"
  • people:kiməl(kim"man" < PU koj-ma)
  • piebald:PIIr. *pŕ̥šants
    • In Tibet, colors of cattles are presented by duplicatted color word. Piedbald is ཁྲ ཁྲ (khra, “many-coloured; variegated; mottled; striped”)
  • cow:Ish. ghu; W. ghiu; Zb. ghui
  • come:PS toj- < PU saγe-

Kac səy amtasel, Qeogəy kiməl garam əc pṣ̌ant mṣ̌ant γyu yaselrel.
kac səy amt-as-el, Qeog-əy kim-əl garam əc pṣ̌ant-pṣ̌ant γyu y-as-el-r-el
two they(3.du.) sit.down-PST-3.PL., Qeog-Gen man-PL gathering one piebald-piebald cow come-PST-3.PL-COP-3.PL

šon gukúr - 5

á e yeécuman, húke mamúe šo g r r
bi á -čo-e i-i - m-an húke+mamó-e š + uk -ar
shaman-PL-ERG 3SG.Y:I-see-NPRS-3PL.H Huke.Mamo-ERG Shon.Gukur-DAT
ésimi: khóse yuúlulo isk
i- s- m-i khós-e i-ul- ul-e i-sk- Ø
3SG.HM:II-tell-NPRS-3SG.HM this:X-GEN 3SG.X:I-belly-LOC-ESS 3SG.X:I-young-ABS
b- i-Ø
The Bitans saw it and Huke Mamo said to Shon Gukur: ‘This cow is in calf’.

  • see:Yassi kas- < PU *koke-?
  • tell:PS jəptə- < PU *jupta-
  • this:Zb. this, am; of this, ama
  • belly:BMAC *maljha-
  • calf:PS cərkəj-

Cacebəl ksasel, Panəy Pim Cun Wrāzah yupase aməy marzal cəṣ̌t wre.
caceb-əl ks-as-el, Panəy.Pim Cun.Wrāz-ah yup-as-e aməy marz-al cəṣ̌t wr-e
shaman-PL see-PST-3PL, Paney.Pim Tsun.Wraz-DAT tell-PST-3SG this-GEN belly-LOC calf COP-3SG

šon gukúr - 6

šo g re húke mamúar ésimi,
š + uk -e húke+mamó-ar i- s- m-i
Shon.Gukur-ERG Huke.Mamo-DAT 3SG.HM:II-tell-NPRS-3SG.HM
ískan bi, óor akhóle phá e
i-sk- an-Ø b- i-Ø óor akhól-e i-pha -a -e
3SG.X:I-young-INDEF.SG-ABS COP-3SG.X-PRS and here-ESS 3SG.X:I-forehead-INS-ESS
burúm péč , rágan bilá.
bu - um peč- an-Ø rag- an-Ø b- il- Ø
Shon Gukur said to Huke Mamo, ‘(This cow) is in calf, and there is a white patch on the
fore head of the young one here’.

  • a white patch on the fore head:in Tibet, a yak with a white patch on the fore head is called རྫི་དཀར། rdzi dkar, literally"forehead white" or ཐོད་དཀར། thod dkar, lit."head white"
    • head:PS åjwå < PU ojwa
    • white:PS jekɜ OR PS ser < PU će̮rki

Panəy Pim Cun Wrāzah yupase cəṣ̌t wre aw iw caṣ̌t wre.
Panəy.Pim Cun.Wrāz-ah yup-as-e cəṣ̌t wr-e aw iw caṣ̌t wr-e
Paney.Pim Tsun.Wraz-DAT tell-PST-3SG calf COP-3SG and head white COP-3SG

šon gukúr - 7

šo g re sénimi, be ya un lát báa,
š + uk -e sén-m-i bée yá ún-Ø γalá bá-a-Ø
Shon.Gukur-ERG say-NPRS-3SG.HM no INTERJ thou-ABS wrong COP-2SG-PRS
esé í o apí. burúm akhóle
isé-Ø ko-Ø a-b- i-Ø bu - um akhól-e
that:X-ABS stain-ABS NEG-COP-3SG.X-PRS white-ADJVLZ here-ESS
á o apí.
áako-Ø a-b- i-Ø
embroidery.pattern-ABS NEG-COP-3SG.X-PRS
‘You are wrong, it is not a white patch’, said Shon Gukur.

  • say:Yassi man- < PU *monɜ-
  • negative particle:Yassi na
  • be wrong:PS jokə-
  • that:Ish. wa, dir; that (acc. subst.), wan; their, wev; they, -an
  • stein, spot:PIr *dáǰatī
  • negative copula:negative verb PU e- + copula PU wole-
    • negation of regular verb is "a-TENS-PERS verb.inf"
  • here: Zb. madak
  • embroidery pattern:FU *končɜ → PU form is like *komtV?

Cun Wrāz mnase, na ya tə ycal, wa laǰat awre, caṣ̌t malay kamt awre.
Cun.Wrāz mn-as-e, na ya tə yc-al, wa laǰat a-wr-e, caṣ̌t malay kamt a-wr-e
Tsun.Wraz say-PST-3SG, no INTERJ you be.wrong-2SG, that stain NEG-COP-3SG white here embroidery.pattern NEG-COP-3SG

šon gukúr - 8

ése isúmale š e élar akhíle
és-e i-sumál-e muš- a -e él-ar akhíl-e 3SG.X:I-tail-GEN edge-INS-ESS there-DAT such-ESS
díibilá, óor isé é lo isé aqhíirulo
d-i- +b- il- Ø óor isé é -ul-e isé aqhíir-ul-e
come:PFV-3SG.Y+COP-3SG.Y-PRS and that:X end-LOC-ESS that:X last-LOC-ESS
burúm bilá.
bu - um b- il- Ø
‘The tassel on the end of its tail has come there, and it is white.

  • tail:BMAC *pusća-
  • edge:PS *påncə- < PU *pončɜ
  • there:Ish. wadak; Zb. tada, woda, wuda.
  • such:????
  • end:PS ukə < PU *alka 3SG-GEN tail-GEN edge-LOC there-DAT such come-PST-3SG+COP-3SG and that edge-LOC that end-LOC white COP-3SG

šon gukúr - 9

yaaní sénimi ke isé isúmal ís l r
yaaní sén-m-i ké isé i-sumál-Ø i-sk l-a -ar
FIL say-NPRS-3SG.HM LINK that:X 3SG.X:I-tail-ABS 3SG.X:I-face-INS-DAT
díibí, óor isée lát dukóomaninin
d-i- +b- i-Ø óor isé-e γalá d- u- ma - n-n
come:PFV-3SG.X+COP-3SG.X-PRS and that:X-ERG wrong TEL:CP-2SG:III-become-CP-CP
burúm í o bi séibáa.
bu - um ko-Ø b- i-Ø sén-č+bá-a-Ø
That is, the tail is hanging down over its face, and so you see it like that and are saying

FIL say-PST-3SG and that tail face-DAT come-PST-3SG+COP-3SG and that wrong

šon gukúr - 10

óltalike bée ya. óltalik t ỵ .
u- ltalik-e bée yá u- ltalik-Ø a-d-u-maa - m-an
3PL.H:II-both-ERG no INTERJ 3PL.H:II-both-ABS NEG-TEL-3PL.H:I-be.peaceful-NPRS-3PL.H
Both of them say: ‘No’. The two disagreed.

both no INTERJ. both NEG-PST-3PL.H:I-be.peaceful-NPRS-3PL.H

šon gukúr - 11

yáa téerumanar isé buá áltitar
yá téer-um-an-ar isé buá-Ø áltit-ar
Then presently men brought the cow into Altit.

INTERJ so.much-DAT that cow-ACC Altit-DAT bring-PST-3PL

šon gukúr - 12

káman g cíŋc , buá halkíimi óor isk
kám-an u - iŋ-c-um buá-Ø halk- m-i óor i-sk- Ø
little-INDEF.SG day-PL-ADE-ABL cow-ABS bear-NPRS-3SG.X and 3SG.X:I-young-ABS
d-i- s-ma - m-i
Some days later the cow gave birth and a calf was born to it.

little day-PL-ADE-ABL cow bear-PST-3SG and young become-PST-3SG

šon gukúr - 13

isé buáa isúmale mujóq burúm bilúm. óor
isé buá-e i-sumál-e mujóq-Ø bu - um b- il- m óor
that:X cow-GEN 3SG.X:I-tail-GEN tassel-ABS white-ADJVLZ COP-3SG.Y-NPRS and
ískilar kawárd dálum manílúm.
i-skíl-ar kawárd dál-um ma +b- il- m
3SG.X:I-face-DAT covered over-ADJVLZ become+COP-3SG.Y-NPRS
The tassel of its tail was white and it was hanging down over its face.

that cow-GEN tail-GEN tassel white COP-PST-3SG and face-DAT covered over become-PST-3SG+COP-PST-3SG

šon gukúr - 14

šo g r á e bésan sénuma ke ité sahíi
š + uk bi á -e bés-an-Ø sén-um=a ké ité-Ø sahíi
Shon.Gukur shaman-ERG what-INDEF.SG-ABS say-ADJVLZ=Q LINK that:Y-ABS correct
ma - m-i
What Shon Gukur had said turned out to be true.

Shon.Gukur shaman what say-ADJVLZ=Q LINK that correct become-PST-3SG

šon gukúr - 15

sis heiráan umánuman.
sís-Ø heiráan u-ma - m-an
people-ABS surprised 3PL.H:I-become-NPRS-3PL.H
The people were filled with amazement.

people surprised become-PST-3PL

Pub: 11 May 2022 15:15 UTC
Edit: 13 May 2022 14:12 UTC
Views: 145