Xenogender Terms

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Charic - a gender relating to a character, very helpful for when the line is blurred between a person and character for ex Dream the content creator and c!dream, so you can know which one the gender is referring to

Tropic - a gender relating to a trope or stereotype

Foodic - a gender relating to a food(but also encompasses drinks usually)

Songic - a gender relating to a song

Ix - typically an suffix to a gender that is only for autistic or neurodivergent people in general, NOT ALWAYS THOUGH

Neurogender - a gender that can only be used by people with a specific mental disorder, and it will specify which one(s) those are usually

Embodiment - a gender relating to being the embodiment of something

Stimmic - a gender relating to self stimulating behavior, or stims

Aesthtigender - a gender relating to an aesthetic

Colorgender - a gender under the aesthetigender umbrella relating to colors

Celestial system - genders relating to celestial energies in masc, fem, or non bi ways

Hoarder/stasher/collector - a gender relating to collecting, hoarding, or stashing xenogenders

Alterhuman system - a gender relating to being alterhuman/otherkin

Lexic - a xenogender relating to a word

Comfic - a gender relating to something that comforts you

Pub: 24 Sep 2023 02:26 UTC
Edit: 24 Sep 2023 02:44 UTC
Views: 91