Given the recent independence of /risu/, the people of infinity will not pursue the construction of a canal there, as per their request. However due to our alliance, they have gracefully given us the privilege of other projects within their territory.

Given that, we want to announce a new proposal: a road to facilitate trade with the western end of the continent, bolstering relations and trade with them for us, /risu/, and the whole region.

At each coast of Risu there will be a port, and land roads will be made for the goods to travel between them.
A checkpoint, midpoint to the ports already mentioned, will be made with the objective of easing the travel and also to be a possible nexus for trading southward with /mep/ and Anya-Petra
The ports and checkpoints be guarded by Kronie navy and military, fortifying the region and protecting caravans and ensuring safe travels. They will under no circumstances interfere with /risu/ natives, but will offer aid to them if needed.

This is also a very ambitious, but more grounded, project. We seek assistance for its development. We know this project my disturb the /nasqfag/ nation given the importance of the south corridor for their profits, so we open a invitation to them in particular to join us in this venture. Of course, all our existing allies, who stand to gain from both projects, are invited.

We remind the world that we are quite novice in this kind of project given our geographic and cultural history as isolationists in the past. /∞/ will be grateful to any who help us and will offer them special trade deals as thanks.

Glory to the Kroniissiah. Thank you for your time.

Pub: 10 Mar 2022 14:17 UTC
Edit: 15 Mar 2022 02:11 UTC
Views: 215