Glowie-Wolf Greentext

This was written by spaceface404, check him out here!

Post no. 50190057

you wake up
why do you have such a killer headache?
you try to open your eyes and look around, and find the whole world dark
oh god
you've gone blind!
no, wait, it's something else
there's something covering your eyes
as a matter of fact, you feel it
a blindfold tied tightly around your head
as feeling returns to the rest of you, you find more than just your head hurts
your whole body aches
and your wrists and ankles burn, tied to the arms and legs of some hardwood chair
you groan and tug fruitlessly against your bonds
not a good idea
only makes things hurt worse
and it draws attention to you
"He's awake."
a woman's voice, cold and clinical
and footsteps getting closer
oddly, it sounds like she's not wearing shoes, just an odd clicking sound with each step
"Very well then..."
she rattles off your name, home address, date of birth, and social security number
" will answer every question I ask honestly. You have family and friends you care about."
that doesn't sound good
gotta think
who could this be?
you don't owe any debts, you don't know anything important, your job is nothing special
did you fuck up your taxes?

"Wait, hang on, what's going on here? I haven't done anything!"

something heavy and rough strikes you across the face
was it furry too?
did she hit you with a shag rug?
"Let me be clear. You do not speak unless it is to answer my questions. Cooperate, and this will be over with no further pain. Do you understand?"
you nod your head fervently

"I understand! I understand! Please, I haven't--"

you start to argue your case, but get the premonition of another blow about to descend
so you shut up
"Good. First, have you had any contact with high-ranking federal employees, such as FBI, CIA, NSA, or DOD?"
you don't even recognize half of those letters

"No! No, I work for a shipping company. We move boxes all day. And--And my friends are all nerds!"

the voice hums
"If you're lying, we'll find out."

you try to steady yourself with a deep breath

"I promise, I'm not lying. I'm not a liar. I just want to go hom--Oof!"

you're punched in the gut, hard enough to knock the wind out of you
gasping, you fail to draw breath
you're doubled over in pain, trying to force your diaphragm to work
"You are jeopardizing your health, as well as the health of your family. Follow directions or there will be further consequences."
you take short, squeaky breaths
right now you can't speak even if you want to
not that you want to
the voice waits for you to recover before asking the next question
"What is the website four-chan dot org? What is trash and what is ADHG?"
what the fuck
have you been arrested over your porn habits?
your old youth pastor was right all along

"T-trash? It's a porn board. For f-furry porn. Anthro. I dunno, some people distinguish."

another hum
you hear that clicking start to circle you
"And the ADHG?"
oh god
why didn't you put a drill bit through your hard drive when you had the chance?

"It means uh, anthros dominating humans general. It's about like, femdom porn where the furry women dominate human guys."

there's a snarl
holy shit, is there a wild animal in here?
are they gonna maul you with dogs for your sins against decency?
your face is grabbed, squeezing hard
her nails are sharp
way too sharp and long to be regular human nails
pinpricks of pain piercing your skin
"The truth! You've been spreading encoded messages through the imageboard! Revealing our plans! This is your last chance, tell me how you know of the anthrostate!"
you twitch
your brain fizzles


that isn't words
try again

"Uh...the wha...?"

squeezing hard
digging into your cheeks
make it stop!
you squirm and jerk, trying to escape
only after you start to cry out in pain does she release you
"Very well. We'll simply have to liquidate you. Any confession you make now may shorten the time it takes for you to die."

holy fuck
they're going to kill you
not just kill you
torture you to death
what the fuck do you do?
you thrash

"Wait! Wait please! It's not real! It was made up! It's all just porn! I write the stories because I think they're hot and I want to self-insert as the characters in them!"

the voice hisses
"Lies! We know what you've written! You're spreading propaganda against the true ruling party! Seeding dissidence against the future and eternal anthro-state. No one would want to live in the worlds you write about."
fucking harsh
what did she say?
the anthro-state is real?
holy shit

"Hang on, the anthrostate is an actual thing? Like the deep state?"

the clicking circles around you
but there's no answer
holy fuck
those are claws tapping against the floor
she hit you with a furry fist!

"You're an anthro! They're real! Oh my god!"

you wish desperately to see through the blindfold
you gotta know what she is

"You're a canine, right? With the growling? If I guess German Shepherd would that be cliche cause they're police dogs? Doberman?"

the clicking stops in front of you

"What if you're a chihuahua! Ha! And then I take off the blindfold and you're only like, three feet tall. You have to show me. Please, before you like, pull my fingernails off, I gotta see what you are!"

there's still no reply
you fidget in your chair, holding out hope to see
you feel her paw--
her actual paw!
on your head, turn you to look upward
"You aren't lying, are you? It really was an accident."
you try to nod
but fail due to the paw holding you steady

"Wow! Lucky guess huh? Holy shit, the anthrostate is real. When does it take over?"

your interrogator sighs, and yanks the blindfold off your head
you blink and stare at the figure silhouetted against the single bare bulb behind her
too big to be a chihuahua
she's a wolf, in the classic g-man get-up
all she's missing is the shades
"We already took over decades ago. Just behind the scenes for now."

"Oh. Okay. So uh, what now? Do I get to go home?"

the she-wolf laughs
"Oh no. Not at all. Legally, you're already dead. Gas explosion."
shit, that sucks
at least it wasn't something embarrassing
the interrogator starts to undo your bindings, but gives you a stern 'sit' when you move to stand

"So are you going to actually kill me? Or like, throw me in a deep dark hole forever?"

the wolf stands in front of you, hand on her hips, teeth bared in a knowing grin
"That all depends on you."


she leans down so she's at eye level with you
"Yeah. You free for coffee later? I think I'd like to try out some stuff from your stories."

pic attached to one of the posts

Pub: 16 Aug 2022 20:40 UTC
Edit: 17 Aug 2022 16:48 UTC
Views: 2340