i love you HEY HONEYY
I love you so much, youre the best boyfriend ive ever had. You actually listen to what i have to say and you're patient with me and i cannot believe im dating the most perfect boy ever. you mean more than the world to me, when i wake up i immediately wanna talk to you. you're constantly on my mind and whenever i get a notification i pray that its you, when it is you i start smiling like a complete idiot. im constantly talking about you to my friends. youre so handsome and pretty and i just want to hold you in my arms FOREVER!!! youre so sweet and funny and talented and i love talking to you, i could talk to you all day, i love you so much and im so lucky to have you
you make my day so much better, even if i had a really shitty day, just seeing you dm me makes me smile and blush (CRINGE ALERT!!) sometimes i cant even sleep bc i think of you WAY too much. youre my favorite person, i used to talk to a lot of other people, but youre the only person i actually enjoy talking to. i talk about you to my friends CONSTANTLY and i bet they get annoyed but i dont even care, i cant even explain how much i love you. you are my whole world, i love when you text me, i love when you call me "honey" or "baby" or anything else, i love your hair, i love your eyes, everything about you is perfect. you're constantly on my mind. I dont like to think about my future a whole lot but with you it's different, i want to have a future with you. I want us to be able to see each other, and not online. I would literally do anything, ANYTHING to see you in the flesh. I love seeing your face, I love getting notifications from you, and I love how you understand me for who I am. Youre the best boyfriend I have ever had, and I mean that. If we ever break up I genuinely dont think I'll be able to recover. Just the thought of us not being together makes me tear up. I couldn't imagine a world without you. So what Im trying to say here is: I love you. I genuinely love you, and I cant get over the fact that we're together, "I wanna be your end game" or whatever Taylor Swift said.
I really hope you dont break my heart, because long distance is a real struggle for me, I live for physical touch, and I would kill to hug and kiss you. You make my day so much better

Pub: 10 Nov 2023 18:31 UTC
Edit: 19 Dec 2023 17:00 UTC
Views: 398