A Moment to Last

Mari led Sunny along as they walked hand in hand, together down the ocean front.
The moonlight was filtering through the clouds, bathing the world in a faint glow as the ocean itself looked like it was tinted purple, fireflies dancing through the air in some unknowable soiree.
It was magical. Mari felt so happy to be sharing this moment with Sunny, and she could tell he shared that sentiment with all the cute little "ooh's" and "ahh's" he was letting out. Not that she wasn't doing that, too. It was all so beautiful.
The beach was abandoned, meaning they had it all to themselves.
Mari looked ahead, and could barely see the outline of a palm tree near the water. That looked like a good spot for them to rest by.
"Sunny, see that palm tree over there? I'll race ya to it!"
She started to sprint as Sunny started running as well. Once he caught up, she started to match his pace, to keep it even.
Sunny managed to make it there first and almost tripped at the finish line. Mari caught his arm before he did, spinning him around.
"Woah, that was close. Good job winning, Sunny!" She said to cheer him up from his almost fall, petting his purple hair.
She smiled as Sunny started leaning into her hand, encouraging more pets. He was so cute when he acted like this.
"Alright, now how about your reward?" Mari pulled out two popsicles she had on her, and handed the watermelon one to Sunny.
Sunny gave a slight smile as he took it. "Thank you." He politely added, warming her heart.

They took off their shoes and set them to the side, letting the waves brush against their feet, as the ocean breeze ran through their hair. Enjoying the popsicles they had while watching the fireflies dance over the ocean. Mari felt Sunny's hand touch hers, and she moved it to cover his.
"Isn't it gorgeous, Sunny?"
"Mmhmm." Sunny mumbled in agreement, popsicle still his mouth. Mari had to stop a giggle.
"You shouldn't talk with your mouth full, you know?"
Sunny nodded, before taking the popsicle out of his mouth. "Mmhmm." Mari couldn't stop a few giggles from that.
It didn't take long before they finished their popsicles, and left the wooden sticks on the sand.
The sound of the waves rushing in and out of the shore made for an oddly beautiful melody.
The light of the moon bathing the world in a faint purple light, giving them limited sight of what was immediately around them.
The fireflies dancing above and around them, some moving between each other, some together, and some alone, all in harmony.
It was perfect. A wonderful, perfect night.
Who better to share it with then her perfect little brother?
Mari lifted her hand from his, and started running her fingers through his beautiful purple hair, matching hers.
She was messing it up a little, but she could fix it at home. Sunny looked cuter with messy hair, anyways.
"Mari..." She heard him mumble, slightly upset that she's messing up his hair.
"Sorry. It's just that petting you makes me so happy. Doesn't it make you happy, too?"
Sunny didn't exactly respond to that, but even in the faint light she could see him blush slightly.
Her hand soon got tired, as she lowered it back to where it belonged, above his.
However, she felt Sunny raise his hand. She turned to him as she started to feel him run his fingers through her hair.
He paused once she was looking at him, but she gave a nod, encouraging him to keep playing with her strands of hair.
She felt him wrap some around his fingers, others he'd raise up before letting them fall, his eyes filled with wonder of it all.
Mari started giggling from the tingly feeling it was giving her. Sunny eventually stopped.
She wrapped her arm around him as he leaned against her, both looking out to the ocean and the stars...
Mari looked at Sunny, and saw his eyes starting to droop. It was late at night, after all.
Without a word, Mari patted her lap. Sunny started to lie down, curling up and using it as a pillow.
Once he was settled down, she moved a hand to stroke his head, and began humming a familiar tune.
If only this moment could last forever...
If only...
Mari moved her hand to squeeze Sunny's fingers between hers.
"I promise, I'll always watch over you."
She felt Sunny starting to squeeze her fingers too, for a moment.
It didn't take long for Sunny to fall into a deep sleep.
She stayed there, petting his head until she found it difficult to keep her own eyes open.
Mari gently moved Sunny, and rested beside him.
Looking at his sleeping face, she once again made a vow.
She would always love and protect him...




Mari found it difficult to open her eyes, still beyond exhausted.
She felt the usual pleasant warmth of Sunny by her side, which motivated her to open them up.
Barely mumbling a "Good morning, Sunny..." Mari got up, only to be surprised by the lack of resistance.
She rubbed her eyes, and slowly looked to her side.
This was their room, and Sunny wasn't here.
Eh? Wait, where did he go? He should have been-
O-oh, r-right...She-she forgot...
Mari took a deep breath to stifle a scream, but quickly exhaled into sobs, tears starting to run down her face.

Pub: 09 May 2022 08:58 UTC
Views: 610