xenofem.me nothing but black metal december

a series of posts from rowb1t, december 2024CE, gregorian calendar


long ago in the land of /mu/ there was a tradition known as #NothingButBlackMetalDecember (#NBBMD) where users would forego all other musical pursuits for the entirety of the month of december. eventually this was moved to november and december became NothingButDreamPop december (which makes no sense to me, bm is way more winter-y than dream pop. nothing against dream pop. but whatever)

in honor of this tradition, i will be making daily black metal posts, and everyone should feel free to join in and rec some stuff.

disclaimer: and for the elephant in the room -- yes, some (many) of the people who make black metal are shitty people. for educational purposes i will not be eliding any artists due to ideology if i deem their output important / good enough (though i will not be posting any overt nsbm). it's >current year, there are many ways to listen to music without the artist making a dime. or, you could not listen to it. or mute the thread. or unfollow/block me. no matter. anyway...

day 1: First Wave Black Metal (Part 1)

𝕭𝕸 == must-listens

Venom (UK):

Hellhammer (CH):

Celtic Frost (CH):

Sodom (DE):

Bathory (SE):

Tormentor (HU):

Mayhem (NO):
they'll pop up again when we get to the second wave, but this ep is really closer to first wave

honorable mentions (either they're not bm-enough or they're too obvious, but still check them out if you haven't) -- Mercyful Fate, early King Diamond, early Slayer

day 2: First Wave Black Metal (Part 2)

𝕭𝕸 == must-listens

Various (BR):

Sepultura (BR):

Vulcano (BR):

Sarcófago (BR):

Blasphemy (CA):

Samael (CH):

Master's Hammer (CZ):

Sadistik Exekution (AU):

Beherit (FI):

day 3: Second Wave Norwegian Black Metal

𝕭𝕸 == must-listens

Mayhem (NO) :

Thorns (NO):
this right here is black metal. Blackthorn would later join Mayhem as guitarist and engage in a number of wacky hijinks.

Darkthrone (NO):

Burzum (NO):
yeah, you know what it is. Varg is a fascist dimwit but his output in this period is among the most important in the history of music, let alone BM.

Emperor (NO):

Enslaved (NO):

day 4: Second Wave French Black Metal / "Les Légions Noires"

𝕭𝕸 == must-listens

Mütiilation (FR):

Vlad Tepes (FR):

Torgeist (FR):

Vlad Tepes / Belkètre (FR):

Black Murder (FR):

Seviss (FR):

these next two are more black ambient than black metal, but they're closely associated with this scene.

Moëvöt (FR):

Aäkon Këëtrëh (FR):

day 5: Second Wave "Norwegian" Black Metal (Part 2)

𝕭𝕸 == must-listens

Immortal (NO):

Ulver (NO):
if this were anything other than a NBBMD list, Ulver would get its own post. following the release of Nattens madrigal Ulver would go on to create an insanely diverse string of albums

Gorgoroth (NO):

Marduk (SE):

Impaled Nazarene (FI):

Ildjarn (NO):
getting a little weird

Abruptum (SE):
getting really weird

day 6: Melodic Black Metal

𝕭𝕸 == must-listens

Dissection (SE):

Dawn (SE):

Abigor (AT):

Sacramentum (SE):

Vinterland (SE):

Kvist (NO):

Taake (NO):

day 7: British Black Metal

𝕭𝕸 == must-listens

Cradle of Filth (UK):

Hecate Enthroned (UK):
the cooler Cradle of Filth

Old Forest (UK):

Adorior (UK):

Witchmaster (UK):

Frost (UK):

day 8: Greek Black Metal

𝕭𝕸 == must-listens

Rotting Christ (GR):

Varathron (GR):

Necromantia (GR):

Thou Art Lord (GR):

Deviser (GR):

Agatus (GR):

Order of the Ebon Hand (GR):

day 9: Enslaved

𝕭𝕸 == must-listens

𝕭𝕸 Eld (1997) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ceds_1ep4Fg)

Blodhemn (1998) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIm405LLBCw)

Mardraum: Beyond the Within (2000) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvJC3zoD_X8)

Monumension (2001) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0B2Lgz39es0)

𝕭𝕸 Below the Lights (2003) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8tsBOo3gnA)

𝕭𝕸 Isa (2004) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyy_eoyQFrM)

𝕭𝕸 Ruun (2006) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfjnTfGn5AE)

Vertebrae (2008) (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPkyV9qqKhSw_ljCumYZmovK7hnZx3-fH)

Axioma Ethica Odini (2010) (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPkyV9qqKhSwLIUxZGiBhdcAiW71lyb96)

𝕭𝕸 RIITIIR (2012) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUt3Xg2XhUk)

In Times (2015) (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHTo__bpnlYXgfjHb6DA1-P0ArTCz7Fxx)

E (2017) (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHTo__bpnlYXPhcOsRmWokA2u8IXs8CxN)

Utgard (2020) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_wSVZ1LIcU)

Heimdal (2023) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=644fzPdL-F4)

day 10: Viking Metal

this one's a little weird because viking metal started off as an offshoot of black metal but quickly morphed into more of a power metal thing, so we're sticking with the early shit.

𝕭𝕸 = must-listens

Bathory (SE) (again):

Helheim (NO):

Borknagar (NO):

Windir (NO):

Thyrfing (SE):

Vintersorg (SE):

day 11: War Metal

𝕭𝕸 = must-listens

Abhorer (SG):

Bestial Warlust (AU):

Conqueror (CA):

Revenge (CA):

Axis of Advance (CA):

Black Witchery (US):

Morbosidad (US):

day 12: Eastern European Black Metal

so today's post is a bit tricky. the core of the eastern european black metal scene is the Russian "BlazeBirth Hall" and Roman Saenko, the man behind Drudkh and a number of other Ukrainian bm projects. nearly all of these people have some ties to fascism or directly participated in NSBM bands, and some of the bands on this list themselves would eventually shift toward a NSBM direction (although still, nothing in today's post is explicitly NSBM). all the links posted are to pirate youtube channels, so no one's getting any money off this. obviously i understand if anyone would rather sit these out, but i do think they're important to bm history, or else i wouldn't include them. anyway...

𝕭𝕸 = must-listens

Branikald (RU):

Forest (RU):

Nokturnal Mortum (UA):

Hate Forest (UA):

Drudkh (UA):

Walknut (RU):

Mgła (PL):

⭐ Батюшка (Batushka) (PL):
gold star for being the only band on this list with no ties to fascism

day 13: Paysage d'Hiver (CH)

"The nonproblematic Burzum™"

𝕭𝕸 = must-listens

Steineiche (1998) (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nGFFNrLhQ0ZobCuCwAXfeLZahf3Y8U-tE)

Schattengang (1998) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Idt16OwL5nw)

Die Festung (1998) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwhNU99YaDw)

𝕭𝕸 Paysage d'Hiver (1999) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftJpAjEI9F8)

Kristall & Isa (2000) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHOUg5MXcUU)

𝕭𝕸 Winterkälte (2001) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrpFtJ6od_8)

Nacht (2004) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtspIkyPwW4)

𝕭𝕸 Einsamkeit (2007) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_mM2Pm66mE)

𝕭𝕸 Das Tor (2013) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6HgNq53P4M)

Im Wald (2020) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9L2TGDFEaYk)

Geister (2021) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0ykE83sIeY)

𝕭𝕸 Die Berge (2024) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7qtrGX2Nnk)

day 14: Atmospheric Black Metal

𝕭𝕸 = must-listens

Summoning (AT):

Agalloch (US):

Urfaust (NL):

Darkspace (CH):

Lurker of Chalice (US):

Altar of Plagues (IE):

Forteresse (CA):

day 15: US Black Metal

𝕭𝕸 = must-listens

Weakling (US):

Xasthur (US):

Leviathan (US):

Wolves in the Throne Room (US):

Cobalt (US):

Krallice (US):

Panopticon (US):

day 16: Depressive & Suicidal Black Metal (DSBM)

𝕭𝕸 = must-listens

Bethlehem (DE):

Sortsind (DK):

Abyssic Hate (AU):

Forgotten Tomb (IT):

Make a Change... Kill Yourself (DK):

Trist (CZ):

Lifelover (SE):

Gris (CA):

day 17: Blut aus Nord (FR)

𝕭𝕸 = must-listens

Ultima Thulée (1995) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fonEvDZfdBc)

𝕭𝕸 Memoria Vetusta I: Fathers of the Icy Age (1996) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFLKbR2WpO4)

The Mystical Beast of Rebellion (2001) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFhypWb6Rzs)

𝕭𝕸 The Work Which Transforms God (2003) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTiYJCbMIh4)

𝕭𝕸 MoRT (2006) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo3JsOwNMp4)

Odinist - The Destruction of Reason by Illumination (2007) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8_6g1ptoNM)

Memoria Vetusta II: Dialogue With the Stars (2009) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOxLYHuX8fI)

777 - Sect(s) (2011) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Jrxh_u3Mkg)

777 - The Desanctification (2011) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krtna3VN99w)

𝕭𝕸 777 - Cosmosophy (2012) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYB8ThL0c-Y)

Memoria Vetusta III: Saturnian Poetry (2014) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABb8NZYLu-E)

Deus salutis meæ (2017) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBccOXcBBDU)

𝕭𝕸 Hallucinogen (2019) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qk9Eb4i6Wn8)

Disharmonium - Undreamable Abysses (2022) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WHSZ7FE5M0)

Disharmonium - Nahab (2023) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eya7OAqb02g)

day 18: Industrial Black Metal

𝕭𝕸 = must-listens

Samael (CH):

Mysticum (NO):

Dødheimsgard (NO):

Thorns (NO):
again -- after serving his prison sentence for acting as Varg's chauffeur Blackthorn revived Thorns as an industrial BM band

Aborym (IT):

Anaal Nathrakh (UK):

An Axis of Perdition (UK):

Abigor (AT) (again):

day 19: Deathspell Omega (FR)

𝕭𝕸 = must-listens

Infernal Battles (2000) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGkclxZIwX4)

Inquisitors of Satan (2002) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMMwJxbr-xk)

𝕭𝕸 Si monvmentvm reqvires, circvmspice (2004) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ff3crNk83BA)

𝕭𝕸 Kénôse (2005) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Decpvh237Fk)

𝕭𝕸 Fas – Ite, maledicti, in ignem aeternum (2007) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KubSXhTiHeY)

Manifestations 2002 (2008) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmUk2vcRYK0)

𝕭𝕸 Veritas diaboli manet in aeternum: Chaining the Katechon (2008) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRhsLILfdHw)

Mass Grave Aesthetics (2008) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WzJbt_94Rw)

𝕭𝕸 Paracletus (2010) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRkkuv05ZDU)

Diabolus Absconditus (2011) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq-Zh_4EdZE)

Drought (2012) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGD5Efw71lE)

The Synarchy of Molten Bones (2016) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SB6G1xMt0Ss)

𝕭𝕸 The Furnaces of Palingenesia (2019) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KzXgA7dxXI)

The Long Defeat (2022) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaRGMv7Cnq4)

day 20: Icelandic Black Metal

𝕭𝕸 = must-listens

Svartidauði (IS):

Wormlust (IS):

Carpe Noctem (IS):

Sinmara (IS):

Misþyrming (IS):

〇 (IS):

Zhrine (IS):

Almyrkvi (IS):

Andavald (IS):

Sól án varma (IS):

day 21: Pagan Black Metal

⛧ Happy Solstice ⛧

𝕭𝕸 = must-listens

Graveland (PL):

Primordial (IE):

Negură Bunget (RO):

Moonsorrow (FI):

Kawir (GR):

Winterfylleth (UK):

Ygg (UA):

Dordeduh (RO):

day 22: Sigh (JP)

𝕭𝕸 = must-listens

𝕭𝕸 Scorn Defeat (1993) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUq4HB5N9gA)

Infidel Art (1995) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SypuE6huJpg)

Ghastly Funeral Theatre (1997) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S0J8KQx4EE)

𝕭𝕸 Hail Horror Hail (1997) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0YZyAXvxKs)

Scenario IV: Dread Dreams (1999) (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lwuP1Rqc2cr1B099sN-mT7dVkpSyEFU7o)

𝕭𝕸 Imaginary Sonicscape (2001) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIJ56d-8yPs)

Gallows Gallery (2005) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GmLBXvFjTg)

𝕭𝕸 Hangman's Hymn (2007) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQcRwK_UHiQ)

Scenes From Hell (2010) (https://mortprod.bandcamp.com/album/scenes-from-hell)

In Somniphobia (2012) (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzmw_gBCulcBnr6vcmUNFzO8YP9Bjy1_Z)

Graveward (2015) (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nUyhvKBNBTB7oGiU7D2wCmVYf8bs2Gozs)

Heir to Despair (2018) (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kgQquX2GM3fXxw0eVaBR1vMKd4rvlnvYo)

𝕭𝕸 Shiki (2022) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=crNfUtJefV4)

day 23: Blackgaze

𝕭𝕸 = must-listens

Alcest (FR):

Amesoeurs (FR):

Lantlôs (DE):

Deafheaven (US):

Sadness (MX/US):

Violet Cold (AZ):

White Ward (UA):

day 24: E Asian & SE Asian Black Metal

𝕭𝕸 = must-listens

Sabbat (JP):

Abigail (JP):

Kekal (ID):

Endless Dismal Moan (JP):

Be Persecuted (CN):

폐허 (KR):

Dismal (HK):

明日の叙景 (JP):

Vitriolic Sage (CN):

day 25: Black Ambient / Black Noise

𝕭𝕸 = must-listens

Emit (UK):

Wold (US):

Gnaw Their Tongues (NL):

Nahvalr (US):

Aderlating (NL):

Sutekh Hexen (US):

Abu Lahab (MA):

day 26: Atmospheric Black Metal (Part 2)

𝕭𝕸 == must-listens

Murmuüre (FR):

Bekëth Nexëhmü (SE):

Akhlys (US):

La Torture des Ténèbres (CA):

Sunken (DK):

None (US):

Trhä (MX/US):

day 27: War Metal (Part 2)

𝕭𝕸 == must-listens

Archgoat (FI):

Teitanblood (ES):

Diocletian (NZ):

Knelt Rote (US):

Infernal Coil (US):

Antichrist Siege Machine (US):

Concrete Winds (FI):

Heáfodbán (US):

day 28: South Asian War Metal / Warnoise

𝕭𝕸 == must-listens

Tetragrammacide (IN):

Genocide Shrines (LK):

Konflict (LK):

Kapala (IN):

Brahmastrika (IN):

Nirriti (IN):

Nyogthaeblisz (US):
obviously not South Asian, but this band was a huge influence on this scene

day 29: Blackened Crust

𝕭𝕸 == must-listens

Darkthrone (NO):
again. though Darkthrone always had a little bit of crust in their sound, in the early '00s they changed direction to more overtly show their punk influence.

Martyrdöd (SE):

Iskra (CA):

The Secret (IT):

Young and in the Way (US):

Calligram (UK):

Dödsrit (SE):

day 30: Jute Gyte (US)

𝕭𝕸 == must-listens

𝕭𝕸 Old Ways (2008) (https://jutegyte.bandcamp.com/album/old-ways)

Young Eagle (2010) (https://jutegyte.bandcamp.com/album/young-eagle)

Verstiegenheit (2011) (https://jutegyte.bandcamp.com/album/verstiegenheit)

Impermanence (2011) (https://jutegyte.bandcamp.com/album/impermanence)

Isolation (2012) (https://jutegyte.bandcamp.com/album/isolation)

Senescence (2012) (https://jutegyte.bandcamp.com/album/senescence)

Discontinuities (2013) (https://jutegyte.bandcamp.com/album/discontinuities)

Vast Chains (2014) (https://jutegyte.bandcamp.com/album/vast-chains)

𝕭𝕸 Ressentiment (2014) (https://jutegyte.bandcamp.com/album/ressentiment)

Ship of Theseus (2015) (https://jutegyte.bandcamp.com/album/ship-of-theseus)

The Sparrow (2016) (https://jutegyte.bandcamp.com/album/the-sparrow-12-ep)

𝕭𝕸 Perdurance (2016) (https://jutegyte.bandcamp.com/album/perdurance)

Oviri (2017) (https://jutegyte.bandcamp.com/album/oviri)

𝕭𝕸 Birefringence (2019) (https://jutegyte.bandcamp.com/album/birefringence)

Mitrealität (2021) (https://jutegyte.bandcamp.com/album/mitrealit-t)

𝕭𝕸 Unus mundus patet (2023) (https://jutegyte.bandcamp.com/album/unus-mundus-patet)

day 31: Avant Garde & Contemporary Black Metal

𝕭𝕸 == must-listens

Oranssi Pazuzu (FI):

Liturgy (US):

Thantifaxath (CA):

Plebeian Grandstand (FR):

Altar of Plagues (IE):

Ashenspire (UK):

Victory Over the Sun (US):

Wayfarer (US):

Scarcity (US):

Pub: 01 Jan 2025 18:17 UTC
Edit: 01 Jan 2025 20:43 UTC
Views: 1081