The people who I would literally do anything for . SEXY BEAST, Bree, JOHN, MAGALAGADINGDONG my sweet boy, and lim REAL

JOHN THE ROHN THE HOHN CENA Ironically I met john through a good friend of mine, and to both of our suprise, we really hit it off. It's genuienly crazy how much we talk to eachtoher. He was someone I never thought I'd get along with, 24 tom, would put sensitive middle school thomas into cardiac aresset.. John brought out a part of me i've never seen. He brought out the social part of me I thought I lost years ago, they may not be fully back; but im more than greatful he was able to bring back a big part of me. He gave me the confidence to actually be around other people and not give more than 2 shits about what anyone thinks. Cause it's my life, and not theirs. Johns a funny, Creative, caring, handsome. (if only he could see that cause he IS) He's genuinely my best friend I dont know how i'd be without him. I love him to death. Thank you for always making me laugh, and dealing with my bullshit for almost 3 years.

analannabelle Let's be honest, Anna's a sweetheart, I've never been so glad to ever meet someone, she means a lot to me, from all we've done together, and what we've been through, we still remained little buddies, and honestly, that's fucking awesome. I apperesiate her and I dont know if she knows that. But Its true, she's breath taking, shes beautiful. She's smart, funny, god where do i even go on, Anna's one of those people that's just fun to be around, she ligths up the room. She's a very open minded person, and tolerates more than ANYONE i know could every fucking do. And that's crazy. I love you anna, dont let noone tell ur ass otherwise :3 (2024 edit: Anna has went offline, and has cut contact with a lot of people, inculding myself, a almost 3 year friendship was abandonded, although we dont talk, i still consider her one of my best friends in the whole wide world. I just hope shes okay)

LIM GODDDAMNNN the message for this one SUCKED!! So here's a revamped. I've known Luna for 2 and a half years, the shit we've been through during this whole friendship is wild. If it wasn't for cassie, we wouldn't be nearly as close as we are now. Through all the stuff thats went down, we've always remainded the ultimate powerduo. We don't have a duoname.. BUT! that's fine. I was there when Dani died on call with us while you were watching some random ass video. As deperessing and devistating as it was, we joke about it, and its fucked up but who cares. It's funny.
Throughout this we found our 3rd member to our trio. Jog, we quickly all clicked, and became the putty playing apoc squad, because we played apoc most the time. but now its just whatever we want, we became an inseperable trio. She's a funny, talented, georgeus woman, I dont even know if she sees that in herself, but i sure as hell do. She's got a kickass personality, and a hankering for Viek.... She got me into it somehow... But i clapped back and got her kpop hating ass into BTS. The jimin affect is real. She made me so much more confortable with myself. And I thank her for that, I love you, Luna. Enough with the sappy. One thing I find funny is how when you went to japan i jokingly said to get me something and you got me a whole ass boxashit, and you STILL HAVENT FUCKING SHIPPED IT. SHIP IT YOU RETARD.

Bree She's one of the first people i ever met online and talked to for over a year without stopping, I've known her for four years now. And we've honestly been inseperable, she helped me drop a friendship that was so bad on my mentality that it was physically, and mentally draining to watch. And I really thank her for that, I know im not good at audibaly telling her how much she means to me, but genuinely, she means more to me than I ever thought. Bree's more of a mother figure of mine, then my actual mom, she cares about me, and makes sure im okay, keeps me on my toes, we've been through SHIT. A lot of shit. and we still stuck. I don't know how often i tell her but she's a sexy hot loveley, smart, funny, talented girl. I fucking love you bree :sob:

taxi The one I had before this really sucked jesus christ. How uncreative am I? But let's get into the real stuff, Taxi is the most handsome, and amazing person I've ever met, and I'm insanely lucky to be with him, and ontop of that to have MET him. Irl. He gives the best hugs. He's kind, smart, and he doesnt give himself enough credit for it. I've known him for 3 years I beleive and as of 2024 we've become super close, espesically this january. These past 6 months have been the best months of my fucking life. He's the light of my life. And I would do anything for him. He cares more about me than i've seen anyone ever care. My alltime favorite memory is seeing his handsome face IRL. Noahs brought me confidence and has taught me to like myself, and to take care of myself. I've changed a lot of unhealthy habits cause of it. I would do anything for him, and I know he would do anything for me. I love you so fucking much Noah. And I would do ANYTHING for you. I dont know what else to say besides I love you so much. Thank you for all that you've done. You were there for me when Ruby dissapeared, which is probably the worst moment of my life. And probably the lowest aside from middle school. You were there to say I was ognna be okay. And you were right. I was. Any moment we spend together is always gonna have a special place in my heart.

maggie waggie saggie daggie My wife, my best friend.. It's LOWKEY funny how we met. Sacrifice sancuarty all because of my starcode jake badge :sob: BUTT lets get onto the bits that will make someone cry if they werent ready to see. You're genuinely a funny ass person. smart as FUCK and you do things that are really brave. Like cutting your own hair on a voice call with me and john. Still laughing about that. You brought out some good music taste in me. You made me listen to artists i'd never even FUCKING heard of.. Like GODDAMN. Thank's before you my music taste fucking sucked. Anyway. You're genuinely so fucking pretty like dude, I dont get how you dont see it. You're BREATH taking like. I would use a cheesy ass pickup line on you.
You're not scared to tell the truth, and that's a quality i admire on you, you're super fun to be around, and the calls that we do have regaurless of if theyre on the retards, or just DMS. They're still an awesome few hours that we call for. I love watching the Old jake webber game shows with you and for some reason laughing our asses off at Coreys dance. I love you maggie. You sillie billie :3

Pub: 19 Oct 2023 02:34 UTC
Edit: 12 Jul 2024 01:44 UTC
Views: 330