Tea Blend

Inspiration Source of the art used: https://twitter.com/milo_quiet/status/1486518916218191872

Kronii heads to the Council building. She looks around like she’s searching for something. She checks every nook and cranny outside, dirtying herself in the process.

Frustrated she doesn’t find what she’s looking for; she sighs and walks to the front door. She twirls her finger to turn back time and remove all the dirt from herself.

“I swear if I lost my book somewhere else…”

She opens the door and finds Bae in the lounge. She’s lying upside down on a couch scrolling on her phone. She seems so absorbed into whatever she’s doing on it she almost doesn’t notice Kronii.

“Oh, wazzup Krooooniii.”

She waves her hand, almost dropping her phone in the process.

“Heyyyyy Baeeeee.”

Looking at her, Kronii notices she has an opened bag of chips on the table. She doesn’t see anyone else around.

After exchanging some quick pleasantries Bae goes back to her phone. Kronii takes the chance to search around in the lounge. They never agreed on the theme they’d use for this place, so everyone brought furniture and decorations of their own. A mix of paintings from everyone, photographs of Council, Hope and of the Myth girls, antiques and… weapons from the Guardian of Civilization… adorn the walls of the room.

I should get rid of those one of these days…

She stares at a dagger mounted on the wall.

Mumei did beg us to let her keep them though…

Kronii shakes her head and keeps looking, opening and closing the drawers they have there, even going so far to move some things. The furniture is also a mix of everyone’s tastes: A bean bag chair from Sana that everyone fights to use, a throne Mumei got from who knows where that everyone is certain is haunted…

I don’t want to know how she got it, I really don’t.

…A rocking chair from Fauna that Kronii sometimes uses to take naps, a cute hanging egg chair from IRyS that Reine took for herself when she visited them, and IRyS being as stubborn as she is, refuses to budge so they always have to sit next to each other... way too close to one another…

Surprising no one…

…A blue armchair from Kronii that Fauna likes to use to read and a chair from Bae that was made in such a way not even the Ancient Ones were able to explain how when Ina asked them about it.

Not even Bae knows anyways.

And finally, two completely normal couches one of which everyone pitched in to buy and the other Kronii bought with IRyS when they went out together one time. Bae decided to lie on the latter today.

Now that she’s taken a good look of the place, some thoughts pop up on Kronii’s mind.

Is this what counts as a normal lounge? …Are we weird?

Kronii puts her hand on her chin and closes her eyes in deep thought. Bae stares at her.

“You okay?”

After a minute or so, she slowly opens her eyes and nods at her.

…Naaaah, we’re fine.

She smiles to herself, putting the furniture she moved to search back to its place.

Though maybe we could get more seats? At least another couch, I don’t think we have enough for the other girls… Or maybe we do.


Bae’s scream interrupts her train of thought. She walks to the couch where the rat’s chilling at and sits next to her.

“Is it just you here, Bae?”

She shakes her head.

“Nope, Fauna’s around too, she’s in her office.”

“I see.”

“Sana and Mumei were here too, but they left before I got here.”

Kronii resists the temptation to scratch Bae’s ears. Instead she reaches out to eat from Bae’s chips.

“And what are you doing here?”

“I just didn’t feel like readin’ at home.”

Bae tries to grab one for herself, but she can’t.

“Oh yeah, I get that.” Kronii grabs another chip and feeds it to Bae. “Is it a book you’re reading or…?”

“Hmm hm hm…” Bae tries to explain with her mouth full. She ends up showing her phone. “Manga. I’m going through what IRyS recommended.”

“Oh really?” Kronii has given up with resisting and scratches Bae’s ear a little. “How about what I recommended? “

“Kronii please, my backlog’s never gonna end.”

“That’s the point of a backlog!”

Kronii laughs, making Bae sigh.


Bae consoles herself while Kronii feeds her again.

“I was at Fauna’s office at first, but one of her experiments didn’t smell that nice at all, might be because she just put whatever she grabbed into her cauldron, so now I’m chillin’ here.”

“Aw, really?”

Wait, cauldron?

Kronii notices a kind of herbal smell, probably coming from the kirin’s office.

“Is she working on something?”

“Yeah, Fauna told me Kiara asked her for… what was it, a tea blend?” Bae lightly moves her legs up and down; she probably reached a chapter with some exposition. “I didn’t really get the deets, but Fauna seems to be having fun with it.”

“I see.”

Kronii reaches out for another chip. She stops herself.

Wasn’t I supposed to look for my book?

“By the way…” She pokes Bae’s cheek. “Have you seen a book of mine around here?”

Bae grabs her hand to stop her poking. “A book?” She looks at her. “Well there are a bunch around here so…”

“Well, yeah but,”—Kronii moves her hand away –”A book that has my blue bookmark?"

“Oh! The one with a kronie hanging onto it? I think I saw the book in Fauna’s office when I went to see her.”

“R-really?! Bless!” Kronii almost jumps out of happiness, “You’re not lying to me, are you?”

“With how desperately you were searching for it I don’t have the heart to lie to you.”

Kronii stops and stares at her.

O-oh yeah she was… watching…

Her lips quiver and starts to blush.

“Forget that, please…”

She tries to give her another chip as a bribe.

“Suuure, but first, answer me something…” Bae smirks at her. “Was that ‘bless!’ because you found your book or because it’s with Fauna?”

Kronii’s blush turns redder. Bae’s about to eat her bribe but Kronii takes it for herself.


To make up for that, she pulls the bag closer to Bae.

“W-well...” Kronii walks towards the kirin’s office, “if you’re staying here I guess I’ll see you later.”

“KRONII!” Bae tries to grab Kronii, but she can’t move much because of her current position. “DON’T DODGE THE QUESTIO—”

Kronii makes a hasty escape. She heads to the office right next to hers. The scent she noticed really is coming from here.

She’s about to open the door, but she hesitates. She fidgets for a second.

…What am I doing…?

She sighs and decides to knock instead.

Knock, knock


“Oh, is that you, Kronii?”

“Yeah, can I come in?”

“Of course!”

Kronii opens the door to find the kirin mixing something in a small cauldron. Fauna looks at her and gives her a warm smile.

“It’s weird that you knocked, though.”

Kronii tries to avoid her gaze.

“I… thought you were busy. “

Fauna giggles.

“I’m just brewing tea! You know you can enter whenever you want~.”

“Thank you…”

Whenever one enters her office, they immediately think ‘yeah, this is Fauna’s place’. Furniture made with different kinds of trees: oak, mahogany, maple… a ‘necessary sacrifice’ according to her when asked why she used so many trees. It’s all extremely durable, she says it’s so the cats don’t destroy anything but not even their scratching would do much damage.

Fauna grabs what appears to be rose petals and adds them to the cauldron.

“What brings you to my humble abode?”

“…You mean your office.”

“Same thing! I sleep here sometimes anyways…”

Kronii laughs, relating a little to that statement.

“I’m just looking for my book.”

“Oh that Freud one? It should be on the table.”


She walks towards the table and grabs the book she was searching for all day.

“Oh man, finallyyyyyyy…”

She hugs the book.

“Did you think you lost it forever or something?”


Fauna keeps giggling.

“You left it here the other day, dummy!”

“Did I???”

“Yes! You could’ve called me.”

“Oh! Ummm… Sorry…”

“Hehehehe, oh Kronii, now why are you saying sorry?”

“I just… Aaargh never mind…”

Fauna giggles watching Kronii struggle to explain. The clock gives up entirely.

Well… just like Bae, I don’t feel like going back home just to read.

She turns to look at Fauna who’s looking for more ingredients.

“I’ll just keep reading here if that’s okay.”

“Obviously it is okay~.” Fauna’s opening and closing cupboards. “Make yourself at home!”

Kronii sheepishly looks around even though she’s been here too many times to count. Fauna’s office is divided into a kitchen and the ‘office’. Her kitchen has everything she needs to cook for herself and her friends, constantly making treats for everyone so she can always have an excuse to pamper them. She also likes to bring Kronii tea whenever they’re both working, she usually drags her back to her own office so she can take a break. She recently bought a cauldron since she got back to working on special tea blends and potions.

Kronii walks to what basically is her chair at this point and slumps on it.

“So, a witch, huh?”

She looks at Fauna, who’s proudly mixing ingredients in her small cauldron.

“The best around!”

“You’re the only one we got so…”

The proud smile turns into a pout.

“Well, you’re the only Warden of Time we have, and I still call you the best!”

Kronii covers her mouth, trying to stop herself from laughing.

“Some unconditional support, please!”

“I’ll think about it.”

Kronii reads a few more pages of the Interpretation of Dreams before staring at Fauna again. Unlike her, the kirin is very concentrated on her work, talking to herself while writing down on a notebook. She writes the ingredients she’s used and the amount; when they were added and how much time they’ve spent in the cauldron.

“Isn’t it kind of inconvenient to use a cauldron?”

Fauna frowns at her.

“You’re doubting the witch, Kronii?”

“O-of course not.”

She giggles.

“There’s an infuser inside, the cauldron’s just for show.”

Kronii stares at her again, a blush appears.

“…Yeah, I knew that.”

“I know you know!”

Too embarrassed to keep going with that, Kronii tries to change topics.

“Is this one like, a first-time thing for you?”

“For this tea blend, yeah.” Fauna shows her notebook and flips through it. Kronii notices some pages with some stuff crossed out. “It’s funny how no one’s asked me for this kind of thing ever.”

“What’s it for?”

“Well I’ve been getting along with Kiara recently, mainly talking about our cats…”

A small tinge of jealousy creeps up on Kronii.


“And we somehow started talking about the other girls and relationships…”

The jealousy turns into anxiety.

Maybe she talked about…? No, of course not…

“…and she ended up asking me for something for Ame.”

“For that detective?” Kronii raises her eyebrows. “That’s… unexpected.”

“You would think that at first, huh?” Fauna laughs to herself. “Luckily for you, you weren’t around when she talked my ears off gushing about her detective for 3 hours straight.”

“That sounds like so much fun…” Kronii flips another page. “Then what? She asked for a love potion?”

“Excuse you, it’s a love tea blend.” Fauna corrects her while the warden rolls her eyes. “And no, Kiara’s ‘extremely sure’ Ame already loves her.”

“Huh… That’s some confidence.”

Kronii looks out the window.

Wish I had some of that...

“I know right?” Fauna keeps going. “She asked for something that would… what did she say? ‘Break some barriers’?”


“I guess she meant a mixture that would make Ame more honest and direct… remove any embarrassment… or something like that.”

Kronii smirks at her.

“…’Or something’, okay.”

Fauna sticks her tongue out at her.

“Oh shush, you.”

“But that’s weird.” Kronii keeps the conversation going. “Wouldn’t Ina be able to help with a curse or a blessing?”

“She did ask for both. Neither worked.”

Kronii glances at Fauna.

“If Ina couldn’t then what else could work?”

Fauna pouts at her.

“Wow some faith you have in me!”

Aaaand I screwed up. Good job, Kronii.

“…You know that’s not what I meant.”

“Suuuure.” Fauna tries to brush that off, looking for more ingredients. “Alriiight, where did I put that holly…?”

“Left cabinet, top shelf.”

Fauna stares at her, she checks where Kronii told her and sure enough, there are some sprigs in a jar.

“Thank you!”


Kronii gives Fauna a slight smile then goes poker-faced.

…Was it bad that I knew that? …Was that creepy???

“This is just your second office now, huh? Hehe.”

“I guess so…”

“I’m not really sure if this is gonna work but…” Fauna carefully adds the holly, “I’m happy to help!”

“You’re so nice.”

“Well…” Fauna leans in and puts her hand next to her face, as if she’s whispering. “Actually, I don’t think I can take another TED Talk, you know?”

“Hahahaha!” Kronii covers her face with the book. “I get you.”

While Fauna keeps working trying to add honeycomb to the mixture, Kronii lets her eyes wander around the office. Even though she already found her book, she can’t stop herself from doing the same thing she’s done all day.

Like Fauna said, this is basically Kronii’s second office now, she knows everything here. The ‘office’ part has chairs, couches, a table, some bookshelves on the walls with a few books Fauna brings over from her home, wall mounted cat shelves…

Yeah, this sure is Fauna’s place.

She keeps looking. The kirin has a few plants around close to the window and some flowerpots on the kitchen counter, the table and next to some of the chairs. Much to Kronii’s embarrassment, she has some beautiful sunflowers right next to her.

I guess it’s because it’s my spot…

There’s a clock with the warden’s motif on the wall and ribbons she sometimes leaves there. Kronii never picked them up so now they’re part of the decoration of the office when Fauna isn’t trying them out.

Finally, Fauna’s closet is open and playing bossa nova. It’s basically the same as the one in her home: Somehow fully outfitted with sound absorbing foam, a pc, one of her ASMR mics and everything else she might need to stream. You’d think it’s incredibly warm inside with the doors closed but it’s actually pretty cool.

I don’t know how it’s not hot in there, but I’m not sure if I should ask.

While Kronii’s looking around, Fauna takes the chance to prepare some actual tea for them. She gets the kettle ready and Kronii’s favorite tea blend. The clock recognizes the smell and smiles.

“Since you’re getting back into your witching activities…” Kronii tries to get back to her book, but she can’t help herself and keeps talking. “Are you still thinking about getting a cabin?”

“Of course!” Fauna adds what seems to be the last ingredient, some sage. “I can already see myself: Full on witch outfit working on a huuuuge cauldron, my cats walking around without any worries, almost no visitors because they’re all scared of the witch. That’s the life!”

“Way too deep in the forest I imagine.”


“That’s gonna be exhausting to try to visit.”

Fauna giggles.

“Well you wouldn’t have to worry about it if you just come with me from the start.”

“And what, live with you?”


A flush creeps up on Kronii’s face. She tries to backpedal looking for excuses that could help her.

“But my internet…”

“Of course I’d have connection, I still have to stream!”

“But my deliveries…”

“Oh Kronii, we’ll live somewhere close to a route people pass by now and then.”


Kronii pretends to think about Fauna’s offer.

“Sorry, I’m just too comfortable with my place right now.”

Fauna sighs.

“I see…” She starts to prepare Kiara’s request to be served on a cup. “We’re star-crossed lovers, destined to be apart.” She wipes off a fake tear from her eye.

“Ah yes.” Kronii laughs a little. “My favorite kind of ending, bittersweet.”

“I knowwww, if only you were sweeter, Kronii.”

Kronii frowns at her.

“Oh, I’m the bitter part?!”

Fauna smiles at her to counter.

“Well you’re not giving me any sugar, are you?!”

They stare at each other.


They can’t hold back from laughing. Fauna brings her new creation to the table and goes back to the kitchen.

“Kronii can you tell me how it smells? I think I’ve become desensitized.”

“With the things I saw you add I don’t think it’ll be bad.”

“I’d still like your professional opinion.”

“Oh well if you put it that way…”

Kronii grabs the “beverage” and brings it close.


She breathes in the vapor from the tea. There are other scents, but she notices rose and sage the most.

“It’s not bad.”

Fauna grabs their cups with their actual tea.

“You sure?”

“Mm-hmmm… I like it.”

“Okay, great. I hope the taste is fine too, but I kind of don’t want to drink i—"

Without thinking, Kronii moves the cup to her lips.

She takes a sip.


Fauna almost throws their tea as she goes to Kronii. She takes the cup away from her and puts it on the kitchen counter.


Wait, that wasn’t mine?



“Are you okay?!” Fauna runs back to her side. She holds her face. “Do you feel anything different?!”

“I don’t know! I think I’m okay?!”

“Okay, okay…” Fauna grabs her shoulders. “It’s fine, it’s nothing bad.”

“Are you sure?! You sound like I’m going to die!”

“Well I don’t know! I never taste tested it!” Fauna stares at her for a second. “Y-you could reverse time.”

“Well…” Kronii considers it. “You said this is supposed to make someone more honest, right?”


“I’ve never told a lie so I should be fine!”

Fauna stares again.


“Yeah!” Kronii gives her a proud smile. “I haven’t lied in my entire life”

“You know how much time that i—” Fauna stops herself, realizing who she’s talking to, “never mind…”

Fauna lets Kronii go but still looks at her.

“I guess you’ll be fine then…” She turns around to the kitchen. “But it’s not actually about lying, it’s being more honest.”

A feeling of unease appears, making Kronii shiver a little.

I-I’m sure I’ll be okay.

She tries to go back to reading her book, hoping she can get through a few more pages before going home. Suddenly, she feels drowsy.

Oh, come on. Really?

She can’t stop herself from closing her eyes.

Well I’m here with Fauna… She won’t mind…

Fauna checks her drawers and inside the fridge.

Hmmm… I do have some cake still.

She then glances at the other snacks she has in her other drawers.

I think she’ll have an easier time eating with cookies.

She grabs a container full of her homemade cookies and serves some onto a plate.


Maybe I should message Kiara… If it doesn’t work then that’s that… Well with the smell being fine it should—


As she walks back to the table, Kronii has now switched places. Instead of her usual chair, she moved to a couch. She puts the cookies down while stealing glances at her.

“Thanks for the cookies, Fauna.”

She tells her while grabbing one for herself.

“Yeah… no problem.”

Kronii seems pretty focused on her reading now, but something feels different.

“…Was the chair uncomfortable?”

“Hm?” Kronii looks at her. “No, not at all.”


Fauna goes to her own chair to finally sit down.

“Can you sit next to me?”

She freezes.

“Excuse me?”

Kronii gives her puppy eyes.


Fauna blinks twice. Then rubs her eyes.

She did say that, right?

“Uuuu… Sure, just let me turn off the stove.”

“Yeah, go ahead.”

Fauna does exactly that while staring at Kronii the entire time. She slowly moves closer to the warden, then sits next to her.

“Thank you.”

“Yeah… yeah, no problem.”

Fauna grabs her phone and fiddles on it, constantly stealing glances at Kronii, who’s still concentrated on her own book and eating a cookie every now and then. She really doesn’t seem any different… actually, she seems calmer?

“What are you doing on your phone?”

“I’m looking up my usual stores to restock,” Fauna explains, “I used so much stuff with Kiara’s request.”

Kronii grabs her cup of tea and takes a sip.

“I see.”

“I actually had to cut back on a few ingredients for that last test run.”

“Really? Why?”

Fauna giggles.

“I wouldn’t have had enough to make your favorite blend.”

Kronii stares at her cup then turns to the kirin.

“I’m really happy you saved some for me, thank you.”

She gives Fauna a big smile.

Fauna stares at Kronii, then with a jolt, looks away.

“I-I’m happy to hear that.”

Kronii giggles a little then goes back to her book. She doesn’t notice Fauna struggling to understand what just happened.


Kronii’s always been thankful to Fauna for what she does for her, but she’s never been THIS direct.

Fauna slowly turns back and watches Kronii. She doesn’t seem even the slightest bit embarrassed by what she just said.

Suddenly, Kronii scoots closer to Fauna and leans her head on her shoulder.



“Are you okay?”

“I think so? I don’t feel bad.”

Kronii leans forward to grab her cup of tea and take another sip. She puts it back and nuzzles up against Fauna, holding her arm while continuing to read.

…Did it actually work?

Fauna stares at her a little more. She really doesn’t seem any different.

“I wonder…”

Kronii’s voice almost makes Fauna jump.

“Can’t you ask Mumei to find you an uninhabited island so you can plant whatever? Or maybe even ask Sana for an entire planet.”

Fauna bursts out laughing at her suggestion.


“Nothing… nothing.”

It’s still my usual Kronii at least.

“Uuuu, I don’t need that much space, Kronii.”


Kronii puts her book down as she looks up to think.

“Oh! Maybe ask Ina for some space with the Ancient Ones?”

Fauna can’t stop giggling.

“Kronii, that’s like asking Gura or Calli for space. I still need some sun!”

Okay, she’s still pretty normal.

“But you’re already a sun!” Kronii keeps thinking. “Well I guess Sana could work something out but you’re still my sun!” She gives Fauna another smile.

Fauna turns beet red.


“Let’s bring it up next Council meeting, I’m sure the girls would love to help!”

“Yeah… thank you Kronii…”

Fauna stops looking at store catalogues and goes on discord to message Kiara.



Do you remember that tea you asked for?


I think it works…

…Did you drink it???

I have an unintentional test subject…

Is that test subject who I think it is??? 👀👀

Fauna bites her lip and tries to pretend she doesn’t feel anything at her side.


Ask her to do things!!!

What things?!


Fauna’s eyes widen. They’ve done that before. Many, many times, actually. But Kronii always gets too embarrassed after a while, letting her go and doing something else.


“I’m here~.”

“Um…” She lightly pokes her leg. “Can we hold hands…?”


Kronii holds her book with one hand as she moves to grab Fauna. There’s no hesitation or embarrassment, she happily takes Fauna’s hand and keeps reading.

Even though it’s completely self-inflicted at this point, the kirin is suffering inside. She can’t decide if she should be happy or embarrassed. Kronii’s doing what she’s always wanted but… it had to be through using a tea blend.

I’m so going to die when the effect runs out.

“Hey, Fauna?”

“Oh!” She snaps out of it. “What’s up?”

“Could you… help me with the page?”

Only now she realizes Kronii can’t read that well anymore now that her hand is occupied.

“I’m sorry!” She quickly turns the page. “I’ll let go now.”

“What? No!” Kronii squeezes her hand. “You could keep flipping the pages for me…”

“Is that really okay?”

“Mm-hmmm…” Kronii tries to interlock their fingers. “I just… don’t want to let go.”

Fauna grips her leg with her free hand and bites her lip.


Any thoughts she had before this have completely disappeared. Fauna decides to join her, and they read together. After a bit, she remembers she’s supposed to message Kiara.

Fauna can’t quite type well with one hand and a very, very confused brain.




Okay now ask her if she loves you



The kirin feels all the blood rushing to her face. She’s asked that exact same question before, but that was just because she knew Kronii would never actually answer.

But now?

She takes a deep breath.

“Hey, Kronii?”


“Do you…”

“Do I…?”

“Uuuu…” Fauna covers her face. “Do you like… me…?”

Kronii lets go of her.

“What kind of question is that?”

The tone of voice she used almost felt like she was insulted. Fauna braces herself, thinking the worst. Clearly ignoring how much the clock was clinging to her and everything that’s happened before.

“I know, I know, it’s a dumb question, we’re friends already! I’m sorry just ignore tha—"

“Of course I do.”

Fauna’s heart almost stops. She slowly moves her hand away as she turns to look at her. Kronii’s giving her a big smile.

“Well… I wouldn’t call it like.”

The kirin actually can’t believe what she’s hearing.

“W-what is it then?”

Kronii gets a little bashful, but still faces Fauna.

“More like love…”

The poor kirin’s face can’t get any redder. She stares at Kronii, then slowly turns her face away from her.


She feels herself getting teary eyed but manages to stop it. Of course she already assumed that was the answer even with all her doubts but, actually hearing those words from Kronii herself makes her turn into a complete mess.

Ah, if only you’d tell me that without the tea…

She turns to Kronii again, she’s still smiling at her.

I think I’d actually cry if she said that normally.


Kronii pulls Fauna in and embraces her.

“I wouldn’t be hugging you like this if I didn’t, you know.”

“T-that’s true…”

The kirin can feel her heart beating out of control.

“Who needs horror games when this can kill me faster…?”


As much as she’d love to stay like that forever, the kirin manages to pull herself away from Kronii’s hug.

“Is something wrong, Fauna?”

“N-nothing at all, just…” Fauna covers her face again. “Just let me process that.”

Kronii stares at her for a second, then smiles.

“Sure, take your time.”

After taking some deep breaths to calm down, Fauna grabs her phone.

You’ll die

I’m a phoenix it’s fine

Kiara you don’t understand

I DO understand

Fauna sighs.

Alrght well you’ll have a nice new tea blend whenever you stop by

Love you Faunaaaaaaa

Trying to distract herself, Fauna tries to recall anything that Kronii has done to make her angry.

Wait, there aren’t any things that she’s done to make me upset for real.

She frowns.

Is this what they call blinded by love or…?

She almost slaps herself.

Why did I think that? Oh, this is just making it worse…



Fauna looks at her.

“Remember that one meeting we had some weeks ago?”

“…The one I didn’t go to?”


Fauna leans in, way too close to Kronii’s face.



Kronii looks away, covering her face.

“Weeelllllll? I was soooooo excited to sing with you!”

“I just… you know how you posted your outfit?”

“Yeah! It was an emo one!”

“That one, yes. Where you posted a picture and said, ‘I’m bringing emo back’ like the dork you are.”

“HEY!” Fauna shoves Kronii a bit. “I’M NOT A DORK!”

“You just…” The clock still refuses to face her. “You just looked so cute…”

Fauna freezes.

“And I…” Kronii steals glances at her. “I wouldn’t have been able to control myself…”

The kirin returns to her seat, staring at her teacup.

No matter what I ask… when she responds… I’m losing… winning? Losing? No, I’m getting confused.

She closes her eyes.

“’Control yourself’?”

“Yeah, and I kind of felt that would be unfair to the other girls… Because I would have just taken you away and—"

“Okay!” Fauna lets go of Kronii’s hand to place a finger on her lips. “Th-thank you for answering, Kronii.”

“Oh! You’re welcome!”

Fauna moves to take a sip of her tea; only now does she notice how much her hands are shaking.

I’m not mentally prepared to know what she was going to do. At least she also cares about council… She turns to look at Kronii, she’s back to reading her book. No, that much was obvious.

Fauna almost feels like her horns are about to catch on fire with how hot her face is. It takes her quite a while to calm down, even more so when Kronii leans on her shoulder again.


“That’s such a cute noise.”

Fauna covers her face.



Fauna stays like that for a few minutes. All they hear is the music coming from Fauna’s closet and the flipping of pages from Kronii.

…I can’t believe it turned out like this.

The poor kirin tries to take another sip of tea.

She’s going to kill meeeeee.

She looks to her side, Kronii’s reading with a calm smile on her face. She realizes this is one of the things she always wanted to happen. Just enjoying a calm moment with Kronii, without her getting embarrassed and staying away from her. Fauna can’t help but smile, too.

Well… at least I’ll pass away happily after seeing this.

The kirin puts her hand on her chin, thinking.


“What’s up?” Kronii asks her, still comfortable at her side.

Whenever we’re alone, she always looks at me like she wants something.

Fauna moves her arm to pat Kronii’s head.

Maybe it’s this?

Kronii looks up, surprised Fauna’s pampering her.

“Would you like me to do something for you?”

“Hmmm…” Her eyes are stuck to the book, but she’s still paying attention to the kirin. “Can I ask for anything?”

Fauna stops headpatting her for a second.

“…Anything within reason…”

“Hahaha, okay… Um…”

The kirin notices Kronii fidgeting a little.

“A… a kiss would be nice.”

“A…” Fauna can feel herself starting to blush. “A kiss?”

Kronii squeezes Fauna’s hand a little more.

“You can’t?”

“I… uh… uuu…”

“It’s fine if you can’t, I just thought I’d ask.”

She smiles at the kirin. She’s not upset or anything like that.

Fauna takes a deep breath.

“Close your eyes.”

Kronii blinks a few times.


“Do it before I poke them!”

Kronii obeys and shuts her eyes. Fauna stares at her.

“…Where do you want it?”

Kronii’s face becomes flushed.

“I’ll be happy anywhere.”

Another deep breath.


Fauna leans in. She slowly gets closer and closer to Kronii’s lips.


She stops just shy of kissing her.

I can’t do this. I can’t do this.

She quickly moves aside and gives Kronii a peck on the cheek.


Fauna tries to pretend nothing happened. She grabs her teacup and takes a few sips. She takes a quick glance at Kronii. She notices she’s stunned.

“…Wasn’t that what you wanted?”

“Huh?” Kronii looks at Fauna. “Y-yeah… just…”

She touches the spot Fauna kissed her. She slowly blushes.


Fauna almost bites her lip off after witnessing that.

“Could I give one back?”

The kirin stares at her.

…You know what? I give up.

Fauna smiles.


She puts her teacup on the table and turns to Kronii. Just like her, she closes her eyes.

“Go ahead.”

Kronii leans in and kisses her cheek without hesitation.

“…You could’ve given me a few seconds to prepa—”

Then Kronii kisses her on the other cheek.


Fauna opens her eyes. Kronii doesn’t look satisfied at all. She pushes Fauna down.


She keeps kissing her, her cheeks, her forehead, her neck. It’s a relentless attack.

“H-hey, wait!”

Kronii holds Fauna’s face. She stares at her. She leans in again, trying to kiss her li—


Bae slams open the door. The sound was too loud she didn’t notice someone snapping her fingers.

She finds Kronii and Fauna sitting together, one of them with a very red face.

“Hey, Bae~.” Kronii’s the first one to speak up, “Did you finish reading already?”

“Ehhh, almost.” She yawns. “I’ll finish it later…”

“I could tell you were having fun,” Kronii tells her. “I’m sure you’ll be done in no time.”

Bae raises her eyebrow.

“T-thanks…? I just wanted to check up on you guys.”

“Aw, that’s so sweet of you!”

Kronii gives her a smile and goes back to reading. Meanwhile, Bae’s completely stunned. She turns to Fauna.

“…Did she just compliment me?”

Fauna was trying to avoid her gaze but now she has to respond.


“…She’s not embarrassed.”

“N-no, she’s not…”

Kronii leans on Fauna’s shoulder again, adding to Bae’s worries.

“Fauna, what did you to do her?”

“Alright wait, I can explain!”

Bae walks closer to them and sits on one of the chairs.

“I’m all ears.”

“It’s a tea blend, okay?”

“I know that much, yes.”

“It’s an experiment that’s supposed to make you…” She thinks twice before going further. “it makes you… buh bluh blah blah bah…”

It’ll be bad if more people find out what this does…

Bae stares at her with her eyebrows raised.

“Ohhhh! A tea blend that makes you buh bluh blah blah bah?” She nods, “No wonder Kronii’s like that!”

Fauna’s eyes widen.

“Wait, did you actually get that?”

“No, of course not! What the hell did you just say???”

“Pffft…” Kronii can’t stop herself from laughing. “You two are sooo cute.”

Both the kirin and the rat blush.

“Fauna this is weird.”

“It’s fine! I can fix her!” Bae flicks her forehead. “Ow! What?!”

Why do you have to say it like that?!

“What do you mean?!”

“Oh god never mind…” She shakes her head. “Well? What’s the ‘fix’, then?”

“Umm…” Fauna nervously finishes her tea. “Since this is a new blend and all… I don’t really have an antidote per say…”

“Of course you don’t…” Bae facepalms. “What are you going to do?”

“U-u-ummm… I—"

Kronii moves and lays on Fauna’s lap. She nuzzles up against her.

“I…" Fauna’s trying her best to not lose it. “I could use a sort of cure-all…”

“…A cure-all.”

“Yeah! All the ingredients I used are used in other recipes!” Fauna gives up again and starts pampering Kronii. “And the cure-all works for them!”

“Okay, I’ll believe you.” Bae turns to the kitchen and looks around. “Where is it?”

She turns back to Fauna when she doesn’t respond. She’s looking away, blushing.




“I… I had to take some ingredients needed for that to make the last few attempts…” She covers her face. “I only have some left at home…”

Kronii laughs.

“Aw Fauna, you’re such a dork.”

You’re the dork!” She pinches Kronii’s cheek. “You’re the one who drank it!”

“Alright, fair!” Kronii pinches her back. “But you’re still a do—”

“OKAY I GET IT YOU LOVERS,” Bae throws a pillow at them, “JUST GO HOME ALREADY!”

Kronii puts the pillow and her book aside. “Aw but it’s so comfy here…” She turns around to hug Fauna.

The kirin’s heart stops.

I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die

“Oh my gooooooddddd…” Bae drags her hands down her face, she notices her friend’s expression, “Fauna I’m begging you to not die…”

“I’m trying…”

“I have to admit you look adorable though.”

Bae doesn’t miss the chance to take a picture of them. Fauna tries to cover her face.


“I’ll send it to you later!”

The kirin pouts.


Bae smiles at them.

“Okay, I’m satisfied.” She gets up and stretches. “I think the earlier you give her the antidote, the better it’ll be for your wellbeing, Fauna.”

“You’re right… but…”

She points to the lady in blue laying on her lap who’s still hugging her. Bae nods and moves closer.



“Don’t you wanna take a walk with your girl~?”

Fauna can’t believe she still has more blood left that can go to her face.

Bae you’re not helping me.

“Mmmm… but it’s nice here…”

“The sun’s almost gone down.” Bae nudges her a little. “Don’t you wanna see how she looks like during the sunset?”


“You could even hold hands the entire time~.”

Fauna’s about to throw the pillow back at her.


Kronii gets up slowly.

“That does sound nice…”

“Right? Now let’s go already!”

Fauna feels a bit lightheaded after everything that happened. She takes a minute to try to get better while the other two clean up her office. Kronii takes care of their tea and leftover cookies and Bae stops the music from Fauna’s closet and tends to her plants.

The kirin pulls out her phone one more time.

Kiara I think I’ll have to give you an antidote, too

Wait, why? Don’t tell me she’s dying

No it just… hasn’t worn off


I’ll make Ame drink it after a while


*Alright faunwell!”

When she puts her phone away, she notices her clock left her book on the table again. She picks it up and puts it in her bag.

“Do any of your plants need water, Fauna?”

“No, not today.” She smiles at her helpers. “Thank you.”

“Okay, now we can go.”

They walk outside together. When they reach the lounge, Kronii turns to look at their collection of chairs.

“Oh, hey.” Kronii stops them, “I was thinking of getting some more seats, maybe enough for the Myth girls.”

“Hm?” Bae’s a bit surprised Kronii spoke up. She looks at their current arrangement. “Maybe one more couch should be fine.”

“Yeah I think that’s okay.” Fauna pushes IRyS’ egg chair like a swing. “It’ll be rare if we have eeeeveryone around, but maybe they can bring their own chairs too, like us!”

“Sounds good.”

Satisfied with the plan, they all go outside. Bae locks up.

“So uh…” Kronii looks at her. “You’re coming with us, or…?”

Bae giggles at her offering.

“I can’t just barge in with your date!”

Even with the tea, Kronii still blushes at Bae’s teasing. Meanwhile, Fauna looks away. She notices something.

“Wait, isn’t that Mumei’s car?”

“Yeah!” Bae walks towards it. “I called her to pick me up.”

“Wow” Kronii seems impressed, “How’d you convince her to do that?”

“She just really cares about me, you know?” She winks at them. “I’m jokin’ we have a collab tonight.”

“Oh, alright.” Kronii walks to the car with Fauna. “You do make a great pair.”


The flustered rat looks away from them.

Kronii ruffles Bae’s hair.

“You’re so cute.”

They say hi to Mumei. She’s leaning on the steering wheel, pouting.

“Bae, I’ve been waiting for like 20 minutes.”

“I’m sorryyyyyyy…” Bae opens the door and gets in. “You could have waited in the lounge though!”

“I could’ve but I didn’t.” She pinches Bae’s cheek, then turns to the pair. “You guys want a ride?”

They look at each other. They smile without discussing anything.

“Nah, we’re fine, thank you though.”

“Enjoy your walk then!”

Bae waves at them with a mischievous smile on her face.

“Yeah, see you two.”

They say their goodbyes and start walking away.

“Oh! Hey, Fauna!”

Mumei’s calling out to her.

“Yeah, Mumei?”

“I couldn’t get rid of the taste of that last one you gave me!”

“Uuu…” Fauna evades her gaze. “Can I offer you a lullaby next time we’re both free?”

“Golly, that’s more than I expected.” Mumei smiles at her. “Sounds good!”

Fauna doesn’t notice a certain clock frowning at her while she does business.

“Take care, okay?”

“You too!”

The pair turn around and start walking as the car leaves. It’s warm outside, but the breeze is nice enough to cool down. They hear the rustling of the leaves alongside cars going down the road. There’s not a lot of people around so they take it easy. Kronii doesn’t miss her opportunity to stare at Fauna as the sun goes down, making the kirin a little embarrassed.



They catch the bus and get on. Kronii immediately leans on Fauna’s shoulder when they sit down. She reaches into her bag to grab her book but doesn’t find it. Her eyes widen.


She facepalms.

“What happened?”

“…My booook…”

“You mean this one?”

Fauna happily hands her Freud’s work. Kronii takes it and smiles.

“I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

She hugs Fauna.

“You’d be even more of a dork!”


They ride the bus for a little while. They end up getting off about halfway to Fauna’s place because Kronii still wants to continue their walk. They go through a park, it’s livelier than the road to the Council with children still playing around and other people taking a break before heading home.

They chat for a little bit but Fauna notices Kronii isn’t responding as much. When she turns to look at her, she’s pouting a little.

“What’s wrong?”

Kronii stares at her.

“Why does Mumei get lullabies…”

“Oh my gosh…”

Fauna starts laughing.


“Is that jealousy I’m hearing?”

Kronii pouts some more.

“…Little bit.”


You’re still cute no matter what.

Fauna moves closer to Kronii.

“Want me to sing for you when you take a nap?”

The clock slightly smiles.


“Alright then~.”

I’ll never tell her I sing her a few songs while she’s sleeping.


Fauna giggles a little more and they keep chatting. They exit the park

This isn’t so bad now, I think.

Fauna looks down and she realizes Kronii’s holding her hand, fingers intertwined. When did that happen? The kirin’s face turns red again.

…I’m really getting used to it, huh.

“Oh yeah, I forgot to ask.”

Fauna snaps out of it and looks at Kronii.

“What did you give to Mumei?”

“Um… you could say they were prototypes.”


“Both Sana and Mumei wanted to help me with the tea blend.” She waves back to some children. “They ended up drinking a few failed attempts, they didn’t even know what it was supposed to do.”

Kronii waves with her.

“Wait wouldn’t that be dangerous?”

Fauna tilts her head.


“What if it worked in one of those attempts?”

“You know how I asked you to smell that tea?”

Kronii nods.

“All the previous attempts didn’t smell… you know… good,” Fauna pets a bird that landed on her horn, “so they wouldn’t have made an effect.”

“…That’s how you can tell?”

“Yep!” The bird chirps and leaves. “At least that’s how it’s worked up to now.”

Kronii laughs.

“That’s kind of rude to them!”

“They never listened!” Fauna pouts. “They just took a cup no matter what.”

“Okay yeah, that sounds like something they would do.”

Kronii pauses for a second.

“Wait, why were you so worried about me, then?”

“Because I know how embarrassed you can get.”

“…Fair enough.”

They leave the park and get closer to Fauna’s place.

“Now let me ask you a question, Kronii.”

“Go for it.”

Fauna fidgets before asking.

“Are you… angry that this whole thing happened?”


Kronii puts her hand on her chin. Then, she leans on Fauna.

“Not really.”

“…You sure?”

“Well…” Kronii recalls everything she did differently today. “…Maybe when the embarrassment comes back I’ll change my mind.”

Fauna looks ahead and keeps walking.


Kronii doesn’t let go of her and they walk together.

Did I write my will?

They finally reach Fauna’s house and go inside. If you’ve been to her office, you’ll have a pretty good idea of how her place looks like, but if you really had to describe it in one word, “cozy” would be the first one to show up. Wooden furniture, art and photographs adorn the walls, bookshelves chock full of the books Fauna has read, lots of which Mumei gave her as gifts, plants and flowers adorn different part of the house, a few accessories like wall mounts for Fauna’s cats and the comfiest of sofas according to Kronii.

Fauna’s cats greet them and Kronii happily pets them.

“Awwww you guys.” She sits down on the couch and gets her fill of cat pampering. “Did you miss me?”

Strangely enough, there’s not much of a difference between normal Kronii and this Kronii when she interacts with them.

…You’re seriously completely honest with my cats and not with me.

Fauna pouts a little but lets it slide.

At least I’ll perish knowing you love me…

She stares at her clock.

“…Does that count as bittersweet?”

Kronii turns to look at her.

“What does?”

The kirin shakes her head.

“Nothing.” Fauna walks to the kitchen. “Make yourself at home while I prepare this.”

“Well yeah, this is my home.” Kronii replies. “Right?”

Fauna stops for a second. She somehow manages to evade another heart attack.

“Yeah, it is.”

Kronii giggles as she goes back to playing with the cats.

Fauna quickly grabs everything she needs for the cure-all and starts making the tea.

Oh wait, where’s my cauldron?

She looks around. She realizes she left it at the office.


No witching this time.

She’s made this cure-all so many times she can do it with her eyes closed. Everyone else has problems even with a recipe, the brewing time and temperature are extremely specific to get right.

She removes the infuser and carefully pours the tea in another of Kronii’s teacups.

How many has she brought here from her place?

Fauna looks at her.

I did say this is her home.

She nervously brings the teacup and saucer to Kronii.

“H-here you go…”

Her clock grabs it and brings it close to her.

“Thanks, Fauna.”

“I, uh, forgot to buy something.” She makes her way to the front door. “I’ll be right back, okay?”

Kronii takes a sip.


Fauna still has that little bit of hope to extend her lifetime a few more seconds. She grabs her purse and a few extra necessities. She can almost swear she heard someone snapping their fingers. She tries to shrug it off and goes for the doorknob.

It doesn’t budge.

Fauna takes a deep breath and looks down.

…I really should make it take longer to activate…

She hears footsteps coming from behind her.

“Oh, Faunaaaaaa…”

The cold tone of voice sends a shiver down Fauna’s spine.

“Are you leaving already~?”

As the footsteps get closer, Fauna accepts her fate.

“I lived a happy life.”

She’s almost right behind her. Fauna refuses to turn around, terrified to see what kind of face Kronii’s making.

“I wonder, is it going to be Tick or Tock?”

Kronii stops.

Fauna closes her eyes shut, ready to leave this mortal coil.

Suddenly, she feels arms wrapping around her. Those arms hug her tight. Kronii leans on her shoulder.


“Just shut up for a second.”

Fauna does just that. They stay still for what feels like hours.

“…I didn’t expect it to work like that.”

“…I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” Kronii shakes her head. “You were the one who told me to rewind anyways.”


“I probably can’t take back anything I said or did, huh.”

Fauna shakes her head.

“…Thought so.”

Fauna can feel her breathing reaching her neck.

“Are you embarrassed?”

“I’d rather you not look at me.”

Fauna doesn’t even have to do that. She can clearly feel how feverishly hot Kronii’s face has gotten.

“You seem strangely calm, Kronii.”

“I spent a good hour or so screaming into the pillow when I stopped time.”

She pauses.

“…Did I say that out loud?”


Kronii makes a deep sigh.

“…That was the tea, I’m not fully cured yet.”

“Hehehehe, I believe you.”

Kronii leans a bit more, laying her head next to Fauna’s.

“You have to pay me back.”

“Wait, I’m not dying?”

Kronii squeezes her.

“…That’s letting you off too easily.”

“I-is it?”

Kronii nods.

“You didn’t even… reply… when I answered your question…”

“Which one?”

Fauna feels Kronii’s face get even hotter.

“…Don’t make me say it.”

“I still don’t—” The word love appears in Fauna’s mind. “—Oh…"

Fauna slowly holds one of Kronii’s arms with one hand and her face with the other.

“…Do you want another kiss?”


“I’m sorry...” She looks down, trying to think of something else. “Uuuuu, it’s just… it’s embarrassing!”



“—tion… for… that…"

Kronii grows quiet. Fauna almost feels like passing out.

“Um… it’s uh, really something when you actually hear it…” Kronii’s voice is shaking. “This is really awkward, huh? Me hugging you from behind and you… staring at a door…”

Fauna pouts.

“Well, maybe if you had asked back then it wouldn’t have been that bad.”

She pokes Kronii.

“I couldn’t! I was busy giving you the sugar you wanted.”

“Oh shut up!”

Fauna pinches her cheek.

They stay still until Kronii’s satisfied with the hug. She lets Fauna go and goes back to the couch. She grabs the pillow she probably screamed into and hugs it. Fauna follows her, sitting down next to her.

“So… how do I pay you back?”

Kronii still can’t face Fauna, the kirin notices how red her ears are. Kronii slowly puts her hand close to Fauna’s lap. She smiles and holds it. Kronii awkwardly tries to intertwine their fingers just like before, Fauna happily goes along with her.

“Maid duties for a week.”

Fauna giggles.

“Alright, I’m at your service~.”

Kronii squeezes her hand.

“You’re making me tea every time we’re at the office.”

“But I already—”

Kronii turns her head a little, revealing a pout.

“Hehehe… Got it.”

At least she’s being more honest now.

“A-and… last thing…”

“There’s more?”

Kronii looks away again.


Fauna blinks.


“…You’re putting on your emo outfit… when we go out to karaoke…”

Fauna quivers with excitement after hearing that. She lunges at Kronii to hug her.

“Awwww really?!”

Kronii doesn’t mind the hug, she leans into Fauna.


“We’re all gonna have soooo much fun! Everyone wanted to sing so many songs with you!”

“Just us.”

Fauna stops herself.


Kronii tightens the hug on the pillow.

“It’s a date.”

Fauna remembers what Kronii almost told her back at the office. She turns beet red.


She tries to recover.

“Well, I do have a bunch of songs I want to duet!”

“You’re singing alone.”

Fauna’s face turns distraught.

“What?! Why?!?!”

Kronii finally turns to look at her. Fauna stares at her puppy eyes.

“…Cause I want to listen to you.”

The kirin almost can’t take it anymore. She squeezes Kronii hard, rubbing her face against hers.


“F-Fauna… Can’t breathe…”

The kirin just barely decreases her strength but doesn’t stop nuzzling against the clock. Kronii can’t stop herself from smiling.

When Fauna finally calms down, they go back to sitting next to each other and try to chat while Kronii finishes drinking the cure-all. Snail goes on Fauna’s lap and Clover slowly moves to Kronii’s side.

Kronii stares at her cup.

“Ame’s going to have such a fun time with this…”

“You think so?”

“She’s as good at dodging questions as me.”

Now Fauna’s the one leaning on Kronii.

“Hehehehe, don’t worry about her.” She reassures her. “I’ll make sure Kiara doesn’t go too far.”

Kronii pouts.

“…I’m not worried about Ame...”

Fauna giggles some more.

“I knowwww.”

After staying silent for a little while, Kronii takes a deep breath.

“Would you let me do one thing?”

Fauna looks up at her. She’s making a serious face.

“Sure, what’s wrong?”

Kronii moves and holds Fauna’s face. The sudden movement makes the cats back away. Fauna sees Kronii’s sapphire eyes shimmer.

Wait, I recognize this…

Fauna starts blushing.


She leans in and kisses her on the lips. Fauna can’t take having Kronii’s face this close to her, so she closes her eyes. The kiss is slow, it almost feels like time stopped.

A million thoughts pass through Fauna’s mind.


Fauna’s brain overloads.

When Kronii leans back, Fauna almost keels over.


The poor kirin recovers her senses and sits up.

“I think I just died for a second.”

“W-well, that’s what you wanted, right?”

Fauna stares at her.

“I… at least wanted to do this myself… without any teas or anything.”

“Uuu…” Fauna covers her face. “D-did you get a confidence boost?”

“You could call it that…”

Fauna lets herself fall to the side of the couch. She almost starts rolling around.

“What are you going to do to me on our date?”

“What?!” Kronii pinches her cheek. “I’m not gonna do anything!”

“I dunno, Kronii” Fauna peeks at her between her fingers. “I didn’t get that idea when you talked about my outfit.”

Kronii looks away.

“You’ll just have to wait and see…”

“Oooooh, alright” Fauna grabs a pillow and hugs it. “Can’t wait to die again.”

“Oh, calm down.” Kronii pokes her. “…Don’t tell me you’re scared of me.”

“WHAT?!” Fauna immediately gets up. “NEVER!”

Fauna’s outburst surprises Kronii. She slowly turns beet red.

“…T-then don’t worry… I’m not drinking that tea again…”

Fauna sits back down.

“I-I’m sorry, I just…”

“It’s okay…” Kronii holds Fauna’s hand. She sheepishly smiles at her.

Fauna’s heart starts beating faster and faster again. She doesn’t mind it this time.


She squeezes Kronii’s hand.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

t. Nameronii

Edit Report
Pub: 10 May 2022 07:57 UTC
Edit: 10 May 2022 08:06 UTC
Views: 1229