
The library. One of the few places in Faraway town where Sunny can be safe from Mari & her friends, but also relax and learn.

Sunny headed out and made way to the library, but things wouldn't be that easy for him. Around halfway there, Sunny spotted a group of 4, hanging around. He steared clear of the gathering in an effort to not get himself into trouble, but but trouble came looking anyway.

"Hey little man, whats up?" Sunny continues on without saying a word. "Hey, you don't leave a bro hanging." Sunny presses on. "What's your problem, man? You don't just ignore us." Sunny glances at the guy before letting out a small groan.

"Don't give me that. Anyways, Im gonna cut to the chase. Wanna know what it's like to be a real man?" Sunny glares at them before muttering something under his breath.

"Excuse me, little man? Didn't hear that." Sunny groans again. "Go away." One of the guys gains an angry look on his face. "Watch how you talk to us! Now, do you want to feel what it's like to be a man or not?"

One of the guys lays his hand on Sunny's shoulder, attempting to hold him. Sunny pulls away and tells the group to go away, but not before he sees a girl with purple streaks in her hair.

"What's all this ruckus going on?" The boy lays his hand of Sunny to address the girl. "Whatchya want, lady? None of your business." Mari stands beside Sunny. "Sunny's business is my business. I think it's best you understand that." Mari proceeds to crack her knuckles. One of the guys scoffs at her. "This bitch isn't worth our time. Let's get going."

The 4 guys then head out. "T-Thanks, Mari." "Don't sweat it Sunny, guys like them arent worth your time. So, where were you headed?" Sunny briefly sighs. "The library."

"Hm. Books aren't my thing, but I'll tag along." With that little obstacle out of the way, Mari & Sunny head over to the library.

Pub: 29 Dec 2021 05:02 UTC
Views: 724