Battle with Lyssa

[19:08] Scarlet arrows rain across the field as the undead is struck again and again by them. They hit what should have been vital organs but in the corpse's current state? They were simply vestigial. That didn't mean they didn't feel it and their body had to spend precious time and mana knitting it back together.

A battle of attrition. Both of them were starting to wear down. Lyssa's lightning was finding its mark but the intensitiy behind it was weakening. They needed an opening.

And as her ears pick up the bow in his hands growing taut, the corpse manages to see one and seize upon it. They point their sceptre forwards right as those arrows come straight for her again.

An immense, powerful gale wind blasts the arrows away...And straight back to the one that sent them. The arrows impale their target, striking surface deep but still putting on enough hurt that Sinu was done for.

However...The storm didn't end. The blasts of wind kept coming and Sinu is caught up in the blast, being sent back into the safety of their compatriot.

"Hmm. Tough. But not ready yet to be going after corpses. Best to find more suitable prey, yes?"
(Lyssa Hel Myst)

[19:24] This would be the first he's ever come to face an undead. What strikes may have downed one that was mortal was of no effect to the foe resting before him. It was frightening to see someone recover from such.

He continues his stride, utilizing his magics as best known. Mending his wounds temporarily whilst inflecting damage to the opposed. Tactics that may have worked through out the start of the fight, eventually ceasing to complement him as the storm used his own magics against him.

Strike after strike breaking through the hardened layer of vines that clads him like a sheet of armor. Gales of winds that propelled the scarlet darts rippling through flesh in an instant, just enough to conclude the battle.

Unfortunate the young Hino was unable to subdue the threat before him. Bringing another loss to ease on in with the others he's received. Assault to injury as the undead speaks.

"Shut up.. One day.. Some day.." Unable to finish. Crippled and defeated it hurts for him to bear words at the moment. With little strength had left the Hino opt to retreat with his sister in tow.
(Sinu Hino)

[19:25] The kitsune moving about the wood to collect regents for various potions and food for the upcoming battle would pick up the scent of blood in the air. Her head turning to the direction in which the faint smell came from she could see the ongoing battle of the undead wielding storm magic as well as a child. The Inquisidore remembering having seen the very same undead face off against Alex during the war.

Like a wild fox hunting it's prey the kitsune moved, her left hand moving to her back to draw the mithril blade from its sheath. A quiet metallic hiss being made as the metal of the blade scraped against it's sheath.

"Well... You are a brave one being this close to my city."

The grip of her hand tightening around her weapon's hilt. Motes of golden light forming around the priestess dancing around her. Small flakes of snow falling to the ground at her feet. Her posture lowering as she would ready herself to strike, the tip of her blade pointed at Lyssa.

"Athelios, son of Ymir."

"Grant me thy strength in this battle, in one to try and help cleanse the world in order to cleanse the beyond."

"This creature of Fel before me, may it taste the Ire of my blade and let your judgment be passed down onto it."

"For this creature of the night is one of ruin and chaos, by the words of your Dogmata grant me thy strength."

"Give me the power to fell this creature of the night, in hopes that I may create a better tomorrow."

"By the will of Aschea in my veins, I swear to do my part to restore the cosmic balance."


With those last words the kitsune lunged forward, a tundra of ice and snow in her wake as she moved the landscape being frozen with each step.

(Phoenix Altan)

[19:31] The children are dispatched from the vicinity. Her monthly quota of child mauling was complete again. How she had managed to keep getting kids to try their luck against them, she will never know. Oh well, what could you do?

The dead thing was just about ready to leave and continue its hunts but their ears soon twitch. The scraping of metal against sheathe is more than enough to draw the dead Ookami's gaze.

"Another one. They really do crawl out of the woodworks. And they call us the unending tide." A small laugh comes from the huntress as that sceptre is twirled around in their palm.

The corpse does not even have the dignity nor respect to allow the prayer go on, it was a waste of time to Lyssa that could be better spent hunting. "Allow me to give you an audience with those two where they can actually hear it."

The corpse pulls forth lightning out of the dark clouds above as she launches forth an assault of cutting winds and searing lightning.
(Lyssa Hel Myst)

[19:39] {Won Dangerous RPB against Lyssa Hel Myst}
[19:39] Phoenix Altan has inflicted an injury upon Lyssa Hel Myst. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (2 days)")
[19:51] Just following after her Lord, the mortals beneath notice for now.
(Spectralia Hel Myst)

[19:54] Phoenix was buffered by winds and lightning as she moved, skating across the fields of ice she had laid down. Time and time again she was forced back by the force of Lyssa's wind. Slashing away gusts of wind and using an enhanced snowfall to provide cover for herself the fight kept swaying back and forth for the scales. For a moment the Inquisidore was nearly pushed to fall to her knee yet she kept moving forward.

Her small sandals pressed hard into the ice and snow she had created, moving forward as fast as her small body would take her. Something else pushing her forth rather then her wish to enact the Dogmatha of Athelios. The very will of Aschea that coursed in her veins from the fragments of crystals still lodged in her heart. Then bringing forth moments of bliss and what the kitsune could only describe as a moment of transcendence.

To her all the problems in the world would cease, her looking at the bigger picture of things. A small grin forming across her small face as she would aim to make her final strike before her stamina gave out. The tip of her blade pointed firmly at where she thought the heart of the udead was. Winds buffeting her and blocking her path as she would charge forth.

Strikes of lighting singeing her skin and hair, yet she continued forth.

"By the will of Aschea, on this day!!"

Her lowering to the ground to cut away as much wind resistance as she could, her blade held firmly in her left hand as her right hand planted itself firmly on the ground. Bringing the blade up, the wind catching her at the last moment. The winds twirling around the body of the undead causing the mithril blade to lodge itself into the shoulder of Lyssa.

Phoenix quickly pulling the blade away and jumping forth, ready to continue if they should desire but making no notion at pursuit should they flee.
(Phoenix Altan)

[19:54] Phoenix Altan says, "You shall fall."
[20:01] The corpse was in the thick of it again. Again. It never ceased. They kept fighting each and every day. The growing light in the darkness had only made her work load even worse. Gods above, it was tiring. And her soul screeched inside everytime they fought those of the light seeking to banish her. A piece of her wishing to escape. While her mind, body and bindings snuffed such thoughts out of their head.

She lunges with claws drawn, streaking crimson red across the field as they drag them along Phoenix's arms whenever she came pass her. The corpse was fatigued. They were getting sluggish. They were crumbling once more.

The lightning she makes only grows weaker as the battle goes on. The corpse's skin and muscle was falling apart. And yet they continue fighting. They continue to rush head on, like a wild animal.

And once more, a blade cuts deep into the corpse. "...By the will of the devourer..." They say, a clawed hand soon shoving Phoenix off of them as the blade is drawn out.

"I continue to hunt." They gurgle out, the corpse grinning as they are once more unable to be felled. But they were far too battered and wounded to continue.

And as such...She flees, carried off by the stormy winds.
(Lyssa Hel Myst)

Pub: 21 Jun 2023 08:19 UTC
Views: 150