Mari PP story

"What are you writing Mari?" Sunny inquired startling her as she stumbled the notebook closed on her desk and quickly picked up her pen before it rolled onto the floor.

"Oh, um, homework, I have to get this done before class tomorrow", she chimed awkwardly with a smile.

"...But it's summer?" He titled his head curiously.

"um..." she hummed.

She thought back to why she was writing in the first place, her work now almost filling the 70 page notebook in it's entirety, in fact she had been thinking about getting larger college-ruled notebooks specifically for this task.

"What do you mean Aubrey doesn't have a pp?" Sunny asked curiously and turned a bit embarrassed.

Mari realized then Sunny never had the talk, her small town school never mentioning it and neither her neglectful parents.

"You see Sunny, girls don't have that, that's why we're girls! We wear makeup and dress our hair and look pretty instead", she smiled brightly as she told him.

"But Basil does all that and he has a pp", he stated with a look of confusion on his face.

"Oh, um, see, what Basil doesn't have is boobs", she smiled as that word made him flushed and turn away once more more, him mumbling something too quiet to hear.

"What was that Sunny?", she chuckled.

"But you and Aubrey don't have, um, ...", he muttered and trailed off unwilling to say that word in front of his sister.

Mari looked deadpan at him

"Look Sunny, I do, but what you need to focus on is we don't have pp's" she stated calmly.

"Why not?", Sunny replied.

"We just don't, that'd be gross Sunny", she again stated calmly.

"But why not? You can do lots of stuff with it like stand and pee or-" Sunny began but Mari cut her off.

"We just don't".

"What would you do if you did?"

"What would you do if you did..."

Since that day the thought always crossed her mind, first of fun shenanigans like writing in the snow and marking territory, but now of deep fantasies of frotting with her boyfriend or even pleasuring her boyfriend's magically created lady parts, to the point where now she fantasized them both having a pair set of hyper-sensitive genitalia that they'd indulge in each other with as they get into further and further fantastical situations where they might not even be human. She thought writing it down would get the thoughts out of her mind but she couldn't tell if it helped or only exacerbated the situation.

"Are you ready to practice Mari?", Sunny inquired while holding his violin nervously.

"Just a minute Sunny, I'll meet you downstairs", she smiled as he walked out of the room and went carefully down the steps.

She quickly jotted down bits of her last adventure and then hid the notebook in her clean laundry and joined him downstairs.

She knew she shouldn't be writing so much and should spend more time being productive like perfecting her part for the recital but at the end of the day she knew it was already too late for that to happen, she giggled a bit thinking she could pass off any errors she made as her reacting to her little brothers stumbling in his first concert to impress his sister, his anxious crying hug afterwards certain to make a memorable photo.

That thought was interrupted however as she entered the music room.

She just remembered if she makes more errors than him this practice session then she has to make him cookies, and not only did she forget to practice this morning she forgot to buy sugar at Othermart yesterday, her sudden change in expression causing Sunny to make a slight, sly smile...

Pub: 29 Dec 2021 05:00 UTC
Views: 688