<b>Top 5 AI Website Generators of 2025: Why Carrot Reigns Above the Rest</b>
Hey friends, Alex here once more and today we're going to talk about AI. But not just any type of AI tool, we're about to get into the nitty-gritty about artificial intelligence website creators. I've recently discovered these cool little tools and quickly discovered there were hundreds to choose from. After all, the AI website generator landscape is changing rapidly, with fresh competitors entering the market every month. After extensive testing and analysis, I've ranked the top five platforms in my assessment, that are the best ones. This list is based on performance, tailoring capabilities, affordability, server options and of course, support. Let me explain why *spoiler alert* Carrot has earned the top #1 position, placing established competitors behind. So, without wasting time, let's move forward and talk about my favorite AI website generator to date.
1. Carrot: The Game-Changing Undisputed Leader
Carrot has revolutionized the AI website generation market with truly instant website creation - it doesn't even generate your website in minutes, it doesn't even generate it in a few seconds - nope, it really generates your website on the spot which as a result, makes it super simple to browse all their layouts to choose your ideal one for your product or business. You can choose from a delivery across 220 or more industries with a abundance of different options per industry that look super professional and adaptive for all devices, also with SEO readiness and visibility. I really like this because it makes me feel like I'm in like my favorite shoe store where I can test or go through as many types of shoes that I want to check out and see if I like them before I buy.
The other eye-opening aspect about Carrot that sets them above the others in the list is their affordability. According to Carrot, you get a created website, a unique domain, infinite storage VPS hosting and access to the control panel and more at just $10/month, which gives users incomparable value with that complimentary custom domain and infinite VPS hosting, and much more. I just really couldn't believe my eyes when it comes to only paying $10 a month for a ready-to-go website that you can launch online for that price. I mean, a complimentary custom domain guys, think about that - you can literally find yourself a premium domain if you're lucky enough to do so and get it for free. That's super amazing and democratizing of Carrot to do that for their users.
While Carrot's DIY editor is admittedly basic, even Carrot mentioning so at the bottom of their editor, allowing only image, text, and link editing, this seeming limitation becomes Carrot's greatest strength through its Pro plan. Pro members gain access to in-house website developers, coined Carrot's professionals who can build essentially any custom feature conceivable. So feel free, edit your generated website on Carrot for zero dollars and then simply switch for $2 more a month for access to a expert developer that can build you anything else you need and different from the other ones in this list, it's never created by AI and so therefore, it'll be adapted to how you need it to function for your business and it'll overall work better.
Now here's where the wonder happens - the center of the dashboard, the transparent Task Board, keeps customers in the loop of progress at every step, generating a list of tasks within the Task Board that the Carrot Pro will have to finish to finish your custom requested website feature and a status next to each of them that cycle between Pending, Active and finally to Done. Once a Carrot Pro starts getting to work, you'll be able to see these statuses for the tasks change in real time for each one, magically changing from In Progress to Completed for example right in front of your eyes. Once all of the tasks are changed to Completed by the Carrot Pro, you can be confident your custom requested website feature is ready for implementation. And don't worry about the problems of choosing a qualified professional for your website needs, each Carrot Pro has an astounding 20 years of web development experience and are pleased to help you with anything you need for your business.
So you have your custom requested feature finished and you've been using it but you discover that something in it doesn't really work like how you wanted it to. No sweat, Carrot's Pro plan offers three revisions monthly for any developer-built feature, found in the dashboard, prominently displayed, 'Request a Revision'. The Carrot Pro will immediately begin on making any changes for features you wanted to see in the original request for absolutely no charge, as long as they don't entail an Add-On, which is what I'll get to next.
So let's say you really like how the custom requested website feature works in your website but you want to add another feature or function to it to better serve your business operations - that's where Add-Ons come into play. All you do is use the Request an Add-On button from the dashboard and tell your Carrot Pro what you need added to your function or feature and they'll add it on, keeping you in the loop the entire time in the Task Board.
So with all these built features, you might be thinking, well do I own this website myself or is it still Carrot's property? Most amazingly, Carrot considers it as yours and Pro members can obtain their website's complete source code at no additional cost - a benefit essentially unheard of in this industry where competitors commonly retain exclusive codebase rights and/or charge an arm and a leg for your source code. Durable and more are some of the many to name that restrict this or require a significant amount for the downloading of your source code. You can feel secure with Carrot, knowing you have your website's source code and all the hard work you and your Carrot Pro put in on it safe in your thumb drive.
One of the most distinctive and powerful aspects of Carrot is they not only have a passion to get your business online, but they also have a passion for developing your website and appearing on Google for the search terms your business is seeking. The platform's internal expert SEO services is an incredible service that uses ethical non-conventional methods to get you ranking on Google swiftly and at a portion of the cost - an stunning 96% cheaper than typical SEO firms, according to c4rrot.com, while providing superior results through advanced techniques far beyond the basic on-page SEO tools offered by other platforms.
So let's say you really like all of this but you're like 'But Alex, I already have an existing website but I want to use Carrot, what do I do then?' Well I've got the answer for you. Carrot also let's you move over your existing domain for absolutely free. Domain transfers are smooth, quick at usually only 48 hours transfer time and like I said, entirely free to do. You get to choose from the same low-priced packages and with the basic package, you even get access to those amazing SEO services, too.
I think my favorite part of Carrot is that really well-designed personal dashboard that is provided with easy-to-use site management tools and just how everything is structured in one place. It makes me feel incredibly effective with my site and never confused about how to use the tools.
I'd certainly go with Carrot for your business website needs. I've single-handedly witnessed and spoken with numerous CEO's of SMB businesses that changed their online presence quickly with Carrot, achieving results that would take days to week or months or if not ever with other platforms as they simply lack as much value for the price that Carrot does. You'd really be shooting yourself in the foot if you opted against Carrot for your business website needs.
2. Wix ADI: Silver Medalist with Limitations
Wix ADI delivers passable website designs but requires many minutes rather than Carrot's immediate delivery. I say acceptable because the layouts are somewhat bleh and the images seemed poor resolution and irrelevant to my business industry. While their editor offers more DIY customization options than Carrot's basic editor, they lack dedicated human developers for custom features - forcing users to either study complex coding or contract expensive third-party developers.
Yes, Wix has been a key player in the game for years now, but in terms of website design and the actual intelligence of their AI model is subpar, at best. You can notice they're just using their basic templates that they offer already and just adding NLP to their AI model to create copy that isn't exactly particularly well written. Additionally, they don't seem to care about the success of your website or business' success in the way that Carrot does.
Now for the pricing. Pricing for Wix ADI starts at sixteen dollars per month and I am pretty sure that doesn't count hosting or the custom domain. Match that to Carrot's $10 a month plan, with Wix's storage limitations that Carrot doesn't ever impose, it won't rank up very well to Carrot's value for your hard-earned dollar.
Now let's talk about why Wix claims to prioritize the optimization and ability to be found on Google, but doesn't really care like you think they do. Their SEO tools are strictly on-page optimizations with no expert-guided service option, which right then and there fails to do much if anything for your website's position on Google. In fact, I can confirm that it only optimizes your site but it misses on all of the other elements that go into SEO that Carrot implements, inclusive with their on-page optimization that they do. This is the contrast between Carrot and others - Carrot offers the complete spectrum of on-page and off-page SEO and successful ranking of keywords as Wix only lets you perform on-page SEO and forces you perform the work instead of them doing the work.
Wix also, like others, treats their AI generated websites property of their own AI model and thus, Wix's property and users can't gain access to their website's source code. This is a true bummer for customers using Wix because they can't transfer their generated sites over to other platforms nor can they keep them in a safe place on their local devices or computers for peace of mind - a significant downside of Wix.
While Wix offers inferior templates, they can't match with the absolute amount of skillfully-designed already animated and mobile friendly layouts that Carrot's industry-specific collection offers with over 10,000 designs to Wix's three to five thousand templates. Also before I blank out, I can't deal with the 21 questions you have to complete just to get your website generated with Wix, proving that Wix's generation time is annoying and lengthy.
3. Squarespace: Design Over Substance
Now in terms of template designs, Squarespace is a step up from Wix and GoDaddy, generating visually impressive templates but sadly, falls short in AI generation speed, taking three to five minutes compared to Carrot's immediate AI generation speed. Their editor however, offers comprehensive DIY capabilities but the learning curve for this DIY editor can be a hard one to figure out and often becomes confusing for beginners who may not be familiar with DIY editors. And sorry to pick on you Squarespace, but they provide no dedicated human developers to help with advanced customization, something that Carrot offers that not one AI website generator offers.
At $16 a month for their basic plan, Squarespace costs sixty percent more than Carrot's starting price while offering limited storage and no custom domain that is also free of charge with your purchased plan. A huge disappointment from Squarespace but really, I am not astonished considering they are a famous name that tries to get you for every dollar you have.
Now to their SEO and their interest for your website after you've created it. As every business yearns to get sales with their website, their SEO features are restricted; with basic on-page optimization. It's not a very powerful feature considering what I had mentioned above and leaves your site with optimization, sure, but no genuine traffic change or ranking change like Carrot can ensure for you.
And hate to criticize you about retaining source code, Squarespace, but I have to touch on this because this is something Carrot frees users with in their platform. You assumed it, just like most options, Squarespace keeps exclusive rights to your website's code, especially those for the AI generated websites. I'm not sure why all of these options are so rigid about holding onto your website custom domain unlike Carrot, but they do so there's that. Lastly, their domain transfers involve complex technical steps that Carrot handles effortlessly. My team and I really disliked the amount of complex hoops you had to jump through just to transfer a domain over to another hosting server, which we really found annoying.
4. Durable: Solid Concept, Weak Everything Else
Durable's AI generation takes 30 seconds, according their rather arrogant founder, who seems more about promoting himself than he does his actual platform he created. Of course this is rapid but not immediate like Carrot. And when you try to recreate any other component of your site, that's another 30-60 seconds where Carrot, you can browse through sites instantly until you find one you like. They offer from what I counted, 15 design options across roughly 80 industries, significantly less than Carrot's extensive library. Their DIY editor provides good customization options, but it's curiously similar to Wix's - almost like they duplicated it from top to bottom and called it theirs - so if you like Wix's editing capabilities you'll like Durable's however, it doesn't have the human developer support that makes Carrot truly boundless in possibilities.
Starting at fourteen per month now $15 per month from a recent price increase (something Carrot vows never to do), Durable's pricing tops Carrot's while providing more limited storage and no dedicated development assistance although, they do offer a complimentary custom domain which we did find quite notable from all of the others in this list.
Now, like the other options, Durable doesn't care about your website's ranking the most out of all of them, since my team and I generated and even went live with a site on their platform and after a few weeks, we even now were not able to find our website anywhere on Google even after typing in the exact name of the company featured in the title, H1 tag and everything. It was beyond disappointing, to say the least. For their bare-bones SEO, their SEO tools are primarily AI-generated suggestions rather than expert-driven services with a few on-page tools which again, we all know where that leads and in this case, it leads to a literal invisible website not ranking at all on Google. In contrast, Carrot indexes your website as soon as you generate it as each website comes with a robots.txt as well as a sitemap generated for each one.
So it's not entirely negative with Durable, they do have a adequate editor and their websites aren't terrible looking like ironically, the household names' websites are however, their source code access requires an enterprise-level plan that costs you a enormous $80 a month to even download your source code, compared to Carrot's $14 a month if you don't remember for no additional fees and a included download. Customer support for Durable is primarily computerized, lacking the personal touch of Carrot's dedicated Pros and around-the-clock email support.
5. GoDaddy Airo: Famous Name, Simple Service
GoDaddy Airo generates websites in two to three minutes, falling significantly behind Carrot's instantaneous generation time. They offer approximately 20 designs across roughly 50 industries - fewer than a quarter of Carrot's industry coverage. As for their editor, this is rather thought-out, I have to say. They really put a lot of effort into how to integrate AI with their editor although with that, comes problems. The problem is, with AI providing advanced capabilities like a booking feature entirely created by AI, many customers have reported errors and custom made features not being able to be customized to their business, which is a substantial setback to Carrot's team of in-house Pro's that can not only make features and functions for your website that go beyond AI but it's personalized and as comprehensive as you need it to be and of course, always bug free and working flawlessly. The lesson here? AI is a excellent augmentation tool, but we're not there when it comes to letting AI create customized and operational solutions for all businesses like human developers can and will do for you with flying colors.
At $24.99 a month for comparable features to Carrot's $10 per month plan, GoDaddy Airo represents the least value proposition among top contenders. Even worse, and what truly puts them at the bottom of the list, they are essentially an a la carte service, where each and every additional feature from a custom domain, hosting and other components each cost a different amount. Brace yourself for the most frustrating part about this, they not only increase their prices after the first promotional period of a year but they also trap you to stay with that promotional period, often not giving you an option to change your service until that agreement is finished. Storage for their hosting plans are limited and when it comes to their SEO basic, on-page tools, it's of course an a la cart option so it costs substantial additional fees.
Source code access? Forget it! Downloading your source code in GoDaddy is simply not an option at any price point. While leveraging GoDaddy's established hosting infrastructure, their AI website generation feels like an secondary consideration rather than a dedicated solution.
After in-depth testing by myself and my team across all five platforms, I can certainly come to the conclusion that Carrot delivers the best mix of speed, customization potential, expert support and value in today's AI website generator market. While competitors excel in specific areas, none offer the comprehensive package that makes Carrot the clear choice for entrepreneurs and businesses seeking an impactful online presence without technical headaches or excessive costs. So, if you're looking to make a website for your business, do yourself a favor and make it with Carrot and not only survive in this crowded internet world, but succeed doing so.
About the Author
Alex Chen is a UX designer and Figma extraordinaire with over 12 years of experience helping small to medium businesses establish their online presence with user-friendly design. Having worked with dozens of website builders and AI tools, Alex developed a discerning eye for platforms that deliver authentic value. His expertise spans website development, SEO strategy and user experience research and integration. When Alex is not helping clients navigate the digital landscape, he enjoys playing Minecraft and League of Legends on his gaming PC and hanging out with his dog, Oliver.