hello, this is my blacklist. it's basically a parallel version ov my toyhouse blacklist so that way people without a toyhouse account can view it.
do not interact w me iv youre friends with or associate with anyone listed here, i cannot trust u iv u do.
these ppl r not allowed to own my character designs under any circumstances. dont give my designs to them ever ever. if they get a design of mine i WILL be making sure i get it back.

  • kannon (kannons-kingdom on toyhouse, kannonnotcanon on deviantart)
    THINKS MINORS SHOULD BE SEXUAL & ENCOURAGES OTHER MINORS TO BE SEXUAL (HES 15), drew nsfw of my old sona & an ex-friends sona (both ov us being younger than him), led me into erping throughout the entire relationship despite me being aspec and 13 (12 when it started), 4channer, stalks people, sent death threats, very openly sexual to anyone, stole a design, sexualizes my old sona and lewds it & stole it even after we broke up, SEXUALIZES & CRUSHES ON A CHILD ABUSER, DRAWS NSFW OF HIMSELF, erps as himself, erps with other minors, CHEATED ON ONE OV HIS PARTNERS TO GET WITH ME WHEN I WAS 12, shares nsfw with other minors, REALITY CHECKED SOMEONE EVEN THO HE HAS IRLS, started heavy drama, shamed me for being suicidal, DREW CP, ADMITTED TO WANTING TO {R WORD} ME
  • razu/kaz (BANDU on toyhouse, razuramen on twitter)
    kannon defender & former partner,, joined my server to start mischeif while under the influence,, faking system, cheating, manipulation, consuming beastial porn n "laughing at the people behind it", acting like a creep (erping as a pedo ig??).. ill link my friends callout doc when its complete
  • carruni on tumblr
    makes me super uncomfy due to headcanoning one ov my selfhood kins (uni cornelius, canonically gay man) as nonbinary lesbian, they got super upset with me for having boundaries involving that & tried to make me feel bad for it.
  • blixy on toyhouse
    blatant usage of slurs to attack a friend of mine, doxxed people, cancel culture, straight up admitting to evading ip blocks. there was some beef between them & a friend ov mine a year ago and basically they were trying to frame my friend by faking screenshots ov them saying the n word. they also doxxed ex-friends ov theirs. i don't have screenshots anymore bc it went down in 2021 n my old discord acc was terminated, so you're just gonna have to take my word for it. also the last time i checked, their blacklist literally said "if you block me i can still access your page with vpn you aren't safe", idk if it still says that since ironically im ip blocked by them.
  • liam (idk any ov his socials and i dont wanna find out)
    my ex from like 2019 or so. throughout the relationship there was hella emotional manipulation, suicide bait, pushing me into erps,,, and,,,,, persuading me into doing something i really hate myself for. i want nothing to do with him, he's literally traumatized me, he's the reason i can't tolerate others venting.

his deadname is a trigger ov mine (he was a cis girl when we dated), i wont say it bc im not a fucking jerk but if i find out u go by that name i will block u myself.

  • wyspycream/notwyspy/chainedbozu/fluffyherbs
    pedophile, selling copied designs, lashed out at users i was close to at the time.
  • gracie lynn adams
    harassed one of my exfriends for shipping blixer x into the zone (i say exfriend bc we dont rlly talk anymore and theyre on the blacklist on several ppl i trust BUT ITS STILL WRONG), homophobic, transphobic, thinks poly ships are cheating, drawing nsfw of a minor oc, telling my friend to off herself over a meme, supports pedo pride, proshipper
  • tmntphan
    friends ex. constant f-slur (f/g) usage despite being cishet, victim blaming, roleplayed beating said friend up, insulted friends gift art, practically verbaly abused friend
  • zicari os 69 (trolberg_rainy_nights on rym)
    defends a groomer and personally makes me uncomfy due to past experiences ive had with him.
  • casp (capsmusicltd on bandcamp, baezinga on rym prior to being banned)
    intentionally deadnamed me, intentionally misgenders people he doesnt like (regardless ov iv theyre a bad person or not) just because he doesnt like them, allows other minors to view porn in his server as a "meme" (INCLUDING POKEPORN), used shotacon furry porn as a songs cover art (it was cropped & he supposedly didnt know what the full image was until after releasing the song BUT STILL)
  • mythicalwaters (toyhouse)
    gives WAYYYYY too much of a fuck abt the gay flag (made a whole ass bulletin abt it, "toothpaste flag users dni", etc) and isnt even gay.
  • liku on osu / alcoholikal on twt
    makes fun ov me behind my back, thinks it/its is invalid, thinks therianthropy/otherkin is invalid. tried to invalidate me for using it/its
  • manoa (SkuulL on osu)
    doesn't support xenogenders/neopronouns, intentionally tried to enduce anxiety attacks several times (sending me an ip address and saying hes "in my walls" etc), repeatedly harasses me using alts, uses slurs (f slur & r slur) in a harmful manner, TRIED TO SHOW ME GORE (i scrolled slowly and saw like the top of the image)

sparklymoon back sparklymoon

Pub: 15 Nov 2022 15:25 UTC
Edit: 09 Dec 2022 20:48 UTC
Views: 371