flamboypaw byf flamboypaw here r my viewz on controverzial topicz,, iv ur uncomvy w interacting w zomeone w theze viewz plz dont veel inclined to interact. ♡ my f=v quirk iz mostly involuntary, meaning i cannot control it most ov the time. the otherz, however, r partially voluntary. i can tranzlaet the other onez in srs situationz or iv im asked to, but the v one is here to stay vorever (unless it makez the word im trying to say incomprehenzible) ♡ i dont like being reverred to az a human!! do not call me a perzon, uze wolv/beazt/animal inztead ^w^ ♡ i have trouble with zocial cuez due to my autizm, zo i may reguire tone indicatorz vor zentencez that could be mizinterpreted (ex. i'm getting you banned and i have your exact coordinatez /j) ♡ iv ur gonna block me at leazt pm me telling me why,, it triggerz my anxiety,, srry ♡ i interpret all capz az zhouting which makez me uncomvy bc i dont like being shouted at irl zo pleaze revrain vrom uzing all capz in a srs way around me <:( (iv itz in the goovy way like "HVIEVHOVHEIVHWVHUIEWV IM DYINg" itz vine tho) ♡ iv u block me without exxplaining i will block u back. ♡ im rather stupid (average floridian) and haz trouble underztanding thingz ♡ i get vluztered and/or overwhelmed eazily,, i alzo get very eazily aggitated/aggravated,, probably due to mental illnezz but idk,, ♡ i tend to azzume the worzt out ov bad zituationz,, ♡ pleaze don’t vent in my dmz without azking iv you can do zo virzt!! it makez me very uncomvy!! however iv u do azk,, itll mozt likely be a no,, zorry but it makez me veel rlly bad and idk how to help most ov the time ♡ i do make zex jokez, iv u dont want me doing that around u plz tell me azap ♡ i have anxxiety, pleaze do not do anything regarding me without me knowing virzt. like don't zcreenzhot thingz i zaid and pozt them vor otherz to zee, don't put me in your "cringe" compilationz, don't talk zhit abt me behind my back, dont zubmit anything involving me to drama/callout blogz, NOTHING, pleaze! thankz... :( ♡ iv ur gonna dm me plz put an underztandable intro (like your virzt mezzage, or the mezzage zubject, etc),, i wanna know what the mezzage iz abt,, zeeing "(no zubject)" or "we need to talk" makez me rlly anxiouz,, zrry ♡ i alzo overapologize/zay zorry a lot,, itz due to trauma,, zo iv that annoyz u idk what to zay,, ♡ r*l*gion iz a huge dizcomvort vor me due to my home environment, zo plz dont bring it up around me!! and iv ur chr*st*an, interact VERY CAREFULLY iv at all ówò ♡ i tend to cenzor wordz relating to my dizcomvortz!! i do it bc it juzt makez me veel zaver idk why but it juzt doez,,
ex. gxd (god), pxrxnt (parent), svxcide (suicide)

flamboypaw dni flamboypaw ♡ know me irl (unlezz i gave you my zocialz) ♡ are already on my bad zide ♡ vall under bazic dni criteria ♡ ship irl people (looking at YOU, dsmp stans. yes, the "c!" versions count.) ♡ supports kannonnotcanon/kannons-kingdom (LITERALLY A TRAUMA GIVER TO SEVERAL INDIVIDUALS INCLUDING ME AND MY CLOSEST FRIENDS HELLO????) ♡ friends w anyone on my blacklist. i literally CANNOT trust u iv u r :( ♡ care about nwlnw flag discourse ♡ think gay exxclusively meanz mlm/dont include enbys in gayness ♡ you go by the namez kannon, ryker, gianna, spitfire, step, keygen, or dub ♡ uze wrath neopronounz (ex. wra/wrath/wraths) - im sure ur a nice person but someone with theze neos has affected me n it just reminds me ov them :( ♡ uze/like 4chan, lolcow, kiwifarms, etc (im zurprized thiz iznt under bazic criteria) ♡ you headcanon lgbt characterz as thingz they arent (ex. headcanoning a trans gay man as nb lesbian) ♡ lgbt fetishizer (straight ppl who read yaoi, cis ppl who like "traps", etc) ♡ lgbt exclus ov any kind ♡ you think nonbinaries cant be gay/arent included in that term, or u think they cant be lesbian/arent included in lesbianism ♡ heavily r*lig*ous / chr*st*an ♡ you find thingz about me obnoxiouz to the point where you feel the need to talk about it (like,, just block me?? wtf) ♡ my zpecial intereztz are a trigger/dizcomvort vor you (i talk about them like all the damn time zo yeah,,,,,,,) ♡ into gorecore/hatecore ♡ fans ov fucked up media (ex. fnf vs /v/-tan mod, alfr/ds pl/yh//se) or media with super toxic and/or questionable fandoms (ex. my h//o ac/dem/a, g/cha l//e) ♡ fans ov my triggerz (i wont list them publicly 4 my own savety, but i will block u myselv iv i vind out) ♡ you think cisphobia, heterophobia, etc. iz an actual problem ♡ you make jokez abt traumatic things (ex. "this song slaps harder than my dxd") (those who have that trauma n use humor to cope r ok) ♡ you call others "terminally/chronically online" unironically (unless its directed at a bad person or smth)

sparklymoon back sparklymoon

Pub: 05 Nov 2022 04:21 UTC
Edit: 27 Nov 2022 18:31 UTC
Views: 308