A gloomy atmosphere overtook the room as soon as Mixerdad stepped in. He had his hair tied back in a bun as always, he usually had a hoodie covering it, but he stopped hiding after some dads saw through the cover and pointed out her unusual pink hair. He never took off his mask except to drink wine and he would put it back on lightning fast between each sip, no other dad had seen him eat either. Bizarre ambient shift and a dad arriving later to the watchalong than Bea arriving to her stream turned all heads to the pale figure. As if unsure what to say, with an awkward pause “Hey uhh dads.” Said Mixerdad. He quietly snuck into a corner to watch Bea with the dads while engaging in as little communication as possible.
“Okay faggots we’re playing strip poker.” Annie took out cards and chips from his purse. “You fuckers have no way out of this, I double dog dare you niggers.” His words felt like a gunshot to Mixerdad. He had heard those exact words 2 years ago in Las Vegas, the day when he had lost everything, the last day he rolled the dice. Mixerdad flung up from his seat “I’ll play”
“Anyone else? We need two more people.” All eyes turned to Angela. As she was the only mom, all the dads wanted to see her strip. Angela gave into peer pressure as soon as she felt the burning gaze of dozens of dads staring at her and accepted to play despite knowing nothing about poker. Dad eyes started darting around the room to find more eyecandy, alas, ketamine twink was nowhere to be seen. Basedbug stepped out the crowd “I’ll play too.” Getting cocky, “So be it, I’ll peel you like a potato, ‘’’’Based’’’’ Bug.” Said Annie. Angela asked if they could form two teams as she needed help to play. After a quick poll, dads decided to let Basedbug team with Angela and Mixerdad with Annie.
What ensued was more reminiscent of an anime fight scene rather than a poker game. Basedbug and Annie excellently sparred as they used their partners as shields who stripped instead of them. “Guh sorry ya boi’s not so good at poker.” Mixerdad felt stupid for jumping into such a dangerous situation, he had given up on gambling for a reason but his ambition and the “double dog dare” had blinded him at that moment. He had agreed to the rules and now he had to strip. “Oh fuck… If I don’t be careful while stripping, they will find out…” Mixerdad found himself playing chess along with poker now as he had to calculate his moves perfectly lest he reveals his secret. He took off his shoes first, some dads complained that this is cheating and after another quick poll he was forced to take off his socks too. His elegant foot was bare naked for all to see, on top of its smooth texture he had also painted his toenails pink. Now the dad crowd was getting fired up, becoming of sex felt imminent. It was Angela’s turn to strip, loud crow caws and “SEEEEEX”s were heard as she took of her shirt.
Basedbug stripped too as it wouldn’t be quite chivalrous if he were to let Angela take all the blows. Annie however let Mixerdad strip so he would have an advantage as he knew Angela and Mixerdad would be eliminated eventually. So, if he preserved his clothing, he could easily beat Basedbug in the end. Having to undress more, Mixerdad grit his teeth as he took off his pants, revealing his skull and heart patterned panties. Taking off his pants instead of his jacket was a bold move but he had no choice as if he were to take off his jacket his huge tits would be impossible to hide. “Hold on… Is mixedad… actually mixermom?!” dads started to put two and two together as they were unable to locate a bulge. “Shut the fuck up niggers of course I’m a dad.” Mixerdad yelled.
Angela meekly took off her pants, this was a less embarrassing choice than taking off her shoes as dads’ eyes were already glued to Mixerdad’s juicy thighs. Mixerdad had to choose between taking off her mask and jacket. As long as his face wasn’t revealed, he would have plausible deniability so his identity would be somewhat safe. He took off his jacket. Her voluptuous breasts jiggled in her loose dmnie t-shirt as she took off her jacket. There was no question anymore, Mixerdad was Mixermom all along. “Lmao nice gyno faggot.” Swag laughed. Perhaps Mixermom could pass her breasts as manboobs as long as she kept her shirt.
Angela took off her shoes as otherwise she would have to take her underwear off. Horny dads radiating lust, half naked bodies of moms feeding the flames and the intense battle between Annie and Basedbug had created an overwhelmingly hot atmosphere in the room, some dads partially joined the stripping. In the end, Angela was left with nothing but her underwear and Mixermom was left with nothing but her mask. Both moms refused to take off the final piece of clothing they were wearing. “If you are truly adamant on not stripping fully naked, we have to come up with a punishment.” Said a dad from the crowd. “Oh, I know, they have to give a blowjob to their teammate!” Said Annie, smugly. “Hold on a second there, I don’t think you’ve earned that yet faggot. You just want Mixermom to suck your dick and you’re making excuses. Besides, Mixermom obviously really doesn’t wanna take off her mask, somehow it’s more important to her even more than her underwear so a blowjob isn’t acceptable.” Said Basedbug. “M-Maybe I can lick their feet they would hate that so it’s a good punishment right haha?” “I can lend them a bone instead if you know what I mean aha.” The crowd was having heated discussion to decide their punishment. In the end, they decided to have another poll. Democracy had spoken, the punishment was: Gay sex.
Surrounded by dozens of men with rock hard dicks ready to pump any orifice they find full of cum after breeding it for hours, moms decided that it was the safest choice to have lesbian sex with each other and get it over with it than to infuriate the terrifying dad crowd any further. Angela was shy and she was bright red from head to toe. She was the perfect size to be Mixermom’s toy, she caressed Angela’s hair and pulled her closer from her waist. Seeing how uncomfortable Angela is, Mixermom couldn’t bring herself to be too aggressive. Instead, she embraced Angela like a mother trying to protect her daughter. Mixermom had found herself playing a strategy game again as she now had to satisfy the desires of the dad mob while also not raping Angela too much. “Relax and play along, I’ll be gentle so let’s get this over quick.” Whispered Mixermom, to Angela. She could only let out a small yelp before her face was smothered with Mixermom’s huge breasts. Angela gave into Mixermom’s dominance, in her head, she looked like an icon of femininity. An idol blessed with the curves and fertility of a goddess. Angela let this strange deity take control and guide her into womanhood. Angela stopped shaking like a newly rescued kitten. Seeing that she finally relaxed, Mixermom wrapped one leg around her waist and pulled her closer. The sheer dominance Mixermom showed with her body and expert movements alone made her look like a predator playing with its helpless prey, though Mixermom was thankfully loving and merciful. Mixermom’s experienced yet tight pussy rubbed on Angela’s virgin vagina as the moms scissored. The sight of a petite, innocent and vulnerable little girl naked and completely in her control caused Mixermom’s nurturing instincts to kick in. Her delicate hand gently pulled Angela’s head closer, her lips met with Mixermom’s hard nipple. They came at the same time as milk surged through Mixermom’s round breasts. When the waves of pleasure washed off, Mixermom looked around and saw that most dads had already coomed their brains out, she quickly dressed up and took Angela to her room before a dad could recover and potentially talk to her.
Basedbug walked into the locker room after finishing his workout. “Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, CCP club’s two blocks down.” Annie sneered. “Fuck you.” “No fuck you bitchbug. Do you think you can just get away scot-free after challenging me to a game of poker? I say we wrestle, and I show you who’s boss.” Annie got up, puffing his chest. “You were the one who threw out an open challenge and the whole thing devolved into a literal circlejerk. I say you stop letting me live in your head rent-free faggot.” Even though he would rather avoid a quarrel, Basedbug still had adrenaline running through him from the pump, so his speech and actions were aggressive and intimidating. “So, are you gonna run away like a bitch again or settle this right here right now?” Annie cracked his knuckles. “It can’t be helped.” Basedbug took firm steps towards Annie, anticipating an imminent low blow. Annie attacked first with a sweep, trying to knock Basedbug off. He saw this coming and dodged it with a jump. Finishing his maneuver with a swift kick mid-air right into Annie’s face. Annie was knocked down and rolled on the floor before hitting the lockers behind. “Oh look! It’s Kiki!” distracting Basedbug with a masterful lie, Annie quickly grappled him from behind in an attempt to suplex him. Basedbug struggled in his grip and the battle suddenly turned into a fight to escape his lock than a barrage of blows. As soon as Basedbug freed a limb from Annie’s grasp he just readjusted his grip and locked him back. Battle went to the ground and dads had their arms and legs entangled with each other. Exerting more and more energy, their bulging muscles were as hot to the touch as a bonfire. “N-Not bad… You made me use 5% of my power… But check this out!” Annie spun lightning fast, slamming Basedbug’s entire body into the ground, loud cracking sounds from his spine echoed through the room. “T-thanks for the massage.” Basedbug tanked the hit and used this opportunity to break out of Annie’s grip by getting up while he’s still wrapped around him and smashing him down. Dads were face to face, exhausted and hot. “T-This ain’t over yet fag- “Annie was cut short when he realized that their dicks were completely erect and rubbing together. “Get the hell off me!” Annie shouted and tried to shove Basedbug off, but he had no strength to do so. Basedbug tried to get off him, but he couldn’t move his muscles at all. “Shut the fuck up retard I’m trying.” Their futile struggles rubbed their robust pecs, abs, and cocks together. Basedbug finally pushed himself up, just as he was about to throw himself away from Annie so he could rest before getting up, Annie pulled him by the arm and got on top of him instead. “Hah! Just submit and accept that I won.” Even though he was seeing stars, Annie kept pushing himself so he could claim victory. Realizing that Basedbug’s erect cock is leaking precum, Annie took his underwear off to humiliate him. “Hahaha! What a faggot! Did getting dominated by me turn you on?” Annie took off his own underwear. “Heh, just as I thought. Your size doesn’t even compare.” Their dicks were exactly the same size. “Now to mark the proof of my domination deep inside you, I will fuck your ass until you break and beg me for more.” Annie put all his energy into one thrust to penetrate Basedbug. With a masterful move, Basedbug dodged Annie’s dick strike and leglocked him. Then he pushed himself off the floor and got on top. “What was that? Are you that desperate for gay sex? I’ll give you what you want then so you shut the fuck up for once.” Seeing that Annie was completely spent and could no longer fight, Basedbug was filled with glorious ecstasy. He pinned Annie down and pushed his cock deep into his guts. “Stop STOP STOP IT FAGGOT FINE YOU WON JUST STOP” Basedbug ignored Annie’s pleas and kept pounding his smooth hole. After getting his button pressed too many times, Annie’s bitch switch flipped. “Fuck… FUCK! FUCK ME MORE STUD” seeing his cocky rival who was boasting mere moments ago now begging for his cock invigorated Basedbug. The dads had sex in the locker room until they were both completely numb.
Mixermom jumped out of her bed upon hearing her door knock. “Guh it must be one of the dads fuck what do I do. Okay just be cool, you’ve got this.” Mixermom looked through the peephole to see Angela standing in front of her door. She opened the door with a relieved sigh. “Hey Mori… Thanks for uh, not raping me I guess…” Mori felt her soul leave her body but sadly she couldn’t escape into hell as she is immortal. “H-H-How…” “Everyone knows who you are, Mori. There’s no need to hide your identity.” Mori closed the door after Angela stepped in. “If Yagoo finds out I’m dea- Uh, done for.” Said Mori. “Don’t worry, Bea is too niche for them to find out, also you can always play dumb and dodge the accusations by passing them off as rrats.” “Naruhodo ne…” Mori took off her mask and fixed her hair so her face clear to see. “Guess I don’t need to hide anymore then.” Angela was stunned by Mori’s captivating beauty; she was even prettier in person. Her gem-like eyes, pink cheeks and soft lips perfectly adorned her erotic body. “I know an idol like me shouldn’t do this but… Angela, wanna do it again?” Blushing heavily, Angela shook her head in compliance. Mori undressed her then took off her own clothes as Angela watched. This time Mori could let her lips wander around on Angela’s bare skin as much as she desired. As they were free of the pressure of watchful eyes, the queen of death let herself indulge in the purest form of love.
After their pure, innocent, almost childlike love making session, Mori and Angela decided to go on a date. Mori would have to go back to being an idol that could have no lover, so she wanted to make the most out of her time as a dad. Coincidentally, Basedbug and Annie had finished their date and were on their way back to their room. Seeing the dreamy expression on Annie’s face “Weren’t those two were like, sworn enemies just yesterday?” asked Mori. Angela looked at the couple too, they both figured that they must have hatefucked and shared a giggle as they sat down to make their order.

Pub: 19 Apr 2022 14:09 UTC
Views: 513