We need to talk.

Hey, it’s Syro. Things have been very rough for the past couple of months, and I want to talk about it — from me to you.

Part 1 - /exeg/

I want to start from the beginning. In March-April, 2023, I began posting on the /exeg/ general on the /vg/ board on 4Chan. On /exeg/ I posted under the name “Speedyanon” — and was a prominent drawfag at that time. Of course, being so active in such a negative place obviously rubbed off onto me. During my time in the general, I slowly became more blunt and willing to express my brutal and honest thoughts. Eventually I was found out and justifiably chased out of the general for being underage — which is against 4chan's ToS. I want to say before anything else, to /exeg/, I am sorry for invading your space, a space in which I didn’t belong, we may not see eye to eye — but I’m still willing to admit I was in the wrong for poking the bear in the first place. My time in /exeg/ was the turning point of how I would act on Twitter, as my behavior only went downhill from then onward. I know /exeg/ will most likely not accept my apology for good reason, it’s better to say it than to not say it at all, and I wish everyone on the board a good day.

Part 2 - RightburstUltra

The thing I’m most likely known for is my hatred for RightburstUltra, a very controversial figure in the EXE community — who has helped cause drama and ruin the life of Revie03 — the original director of the Vs. Sonic.EXE mod for Friday Night Funkin’. I took many measures when it came to expressing my hatred for Rightburst, from fucking with him in his server, taking his characters, and even impersonating him in an act similar to Liquid Chris or The Real Mayz. While I won’t be apologizing to Rightburst, I will be apologizing to the people affected by my disliking for him, as my constant hating and annoyance became irritating to those watching it unfold. My hate became so frequent that I was known as the guy who despised Rightburst. This is where my negativity and hate only became worse as it was completely targeted towards an individual which fueled my need to go off on him. I didn’t back off of Rightburst for many reasons, however my main reason was because of what he did to Revie — as I respected her and looked up to her, however it became apparent that I was causing more harm than good, which was around the time I toned down my Rightburst hate to respect her wishes. The Rightburst stuff made a lot of people lose respect for me, which I can understand even if I can’t bear to give any form of support to Rightburst himself.

Part 3 - Lucy/Curse

Now onto the most recent situation with Lucy — the creator of Curse. On April 1st, 2024, I made a post showing off a new redesign for my character Executable, the intent of the joke was to poke fun at cute EXEs and used Curse as the base example — which was an approach that was in poor taste. The entire situation blew completely out of control when Lucy himself quote retweeted my post — rightfully scolding me for not leaving him alone and hating on Curse so often, and his followers soon followed with a similar mindset. The tweet I had made received countless amounts of backlash, with many seeing the joke as unfunny and or distasteful. This post was the peak of the backlash I’d received for anything, with close friends even criticizing me for the post. The situation completely tore into me, making me anxious and stressed, with me being extremely nauseous and scared as I type this now. People cut ties with me, criticized me, and one person even attempted to mass report my account. It’s safe to say I got the message loud and clear — I have been a piece of shit, I hate saying that, but it’s what it’s unfortunately come to. Changes need to be made by me as soon as possible, as my actions were driving away those closest to me. This entire situation was absolute to me at my worst, with my posts coming off as petty and disrespectful, and while incidents like the NormalCD situation were a result of me being uninformed — the curse situation was fully my fault, and I take accountability for that. As of writing this, I’m hoping to get in contact with Lucy himself to talk things out and hopefully set things straight. But in case that doesn’t happen, I am sorry for engaging in such targeted content Lucy, I failed to take it seriously and faced the much needed consequences. I have no ill will towards you, and I wish to not leave any bad blood behind. I will be keeping my promise to keep my distance with you and let you do what you wish without me breathing down your neck, as it’s immature to do so.

Part 4 - What now?

This constant negativity from me has caused many people to hate me, even people I look up to and respect greatly, which hurts more than anything, but I can’t blame them for turning the other side on me. I can’t fix the damage I’ve done, but I can at least try and rebuild what I’ve broken. Starting from now, I will be leaving Twitter for a good while, months, maybe even years; this site isn’t healthy for me and I’m heavily aware of that, so I believe it’s time I take a step back and better myself behind closed doors. I will be spending this time working on my own personal projects like Sonic The Executable, and working on other projects such as mods. To those who still want to see my content and catch up with me, I will be active on my Newgrounds and Discord, I’m always up to chat and conversate. While it’ll be hard for me to leave Twitter for this long, it’s the best thing I can do, and can and will benefit everyone in the long run. I will be making one more big post before I depart — but after that, I will be taking my leave.

I want to also make one last apology for PenumbraNoctis. Pen has been one of my closest friends in this community, and despite my issues — stuck around me and helped me towards improving. I want to personally apologize to Pen for constantly breaking my promises and disappointing him time and time again, and failing to heed his warnings and advice, I never try and do it to disappoint you, ever, and I hope to improve and make it up to you. Thank you for sticking by my side through thick and thin, I appreciate you and I wish the best for you : )

To those I have irritated or annoyed with my actions, I’m always willing to listen and talk. I never try and do things to make others actively hate me, but it unfortunately happens nonetheless. If you have any issues with me, please, talk to me, I will listen.

Apart from all that, I believe I’ve said all that I need to say, I thank you for listening, and I wish you all the best. For the time being, this is Syrolander, signing off.

Pub: 03 Apr 2024 01:32 UTC
Edit: 03 Apr 2024 02:28 UTC
Views: 799