With a soft whoomph, Eveal sat down on the livingroom couch, her sigh lost in the sounds from the television.
The wolfess pulled an irritating hairpin from her raven black hair and shook it out with a frustrated groan.
What a bloody mess of a day.
At least she was recently sure she'd get good grades on that last test..
A soft noise from the stairway in the foyer caused her dark gray ears to perk and swivel.
She smiled to herself, baring a few white fangs,
"Anon~! I'm in here, boy!"
The soft pitter-patter of human feet approached the far end of the couch, before a human head curiously looked over the armrest.
Eveal couldn't help but giggle, her gray tail thumping a few times against the couch.
"Haha aaww, that is CUTE! Heeey, come here, you.."
She flumped backwards lazily, lying down and resting her head on the closest armrest.
The human male walked around in front of the couch, blinking wide-eyed and sitting down right in front of her muzzle.
He immediately leant in towards her, knowing the drill.
The wolfess' clawed fingers ran through the human's hair as she pulled his face close to her own.
Her big, warm and wet tongue was soon lapping all over his face, a happy sound in the teenage wolfess' throat.
Some furs found humans intimidating
(Big ones like Anon WERE two thirds her own size after all, and about half the size of the largest adult furs.)
Anon was a weird one, though
Didn't make all those noises the other humans did.
Also he seemed enormously smart sometimes, yet would almost always muddle things up, just as she was praising him
Almost as if he was doing it on purpose.
Hehe, what a silly thought.
Such a weird boy.
Everyone in Eveal's family knew him well though, of course.
She knew whenever he was happy, and he always was when seeing her.
(It took a little to get him accustomed to this wolfy kind of greeting, though)
It was no wonder they picked him at the pound, really.

She pulled him lazily against her chest, garishly coloured bracelets jingling around her furred wrists.
He huffed a happy sigh as the side of his head mooshed into the wolf's breasts through her cotton tank top.
"Heeeya boy~.. Did'ya have a nice day? Do anything fun? ..or smart?"
The human blinked lazily, making a murmur-like sound.
"Hehe, our li'l smartyboy~"
Eveal pursed her lips as she nuzzled into his hair.
His eyes sure were-... different.
They looked at things the way furs did, almost. Like there was some sharp intelligence behind them.
Oh well! No wonder it seemed like that. 'Fur's best friend' and all.
The teenage wolfess grunted as she repositioned, rolling onto her back.
"Here boy-! Up!"
The human blinked, before slowly starting to climb on top of her.
Almost as if he found it a bit awkward. Every time was like this, really. So cute.
Eveal smiled and pulled Anon the last bit, 'oof'ing softly as he settled on top of her.
"Theere ya go~"
She waited until he'd settled--his head on her breasts again
Then wrapped her nimble, athletic legs and arms around the smaller human in a giggly full-body hug
"Oh em gee. If mom had seen me acting childish like this, I. would. die."
It was the kind of embrace kids did with their teddyhumans, really.
Loving the feeling of his smooth skin, Eveal rubbed the human all over with her fur for a few moments, before letting go.
She sighed in happiness, full wolfy (happy-)grin now present on her muzzle.
Her head tipped sideways to watch the tv, furred hands petting the human idly.
..She might need a shower, given the arduous day..
Oh well, it's not like she was going on a date or something. Whatever
And Anon didn't care if she wasn't wearing perfume or whatever.
"Hmm? Do you, boy? Naaw, you don't~ You're too good for that, aren't you. Yeees you are~"
She lapped at his head and face for a little while before returning to the television.
..then fell asleep.

She woke up feeling groggy, a hoarse groan a fair representation of how she felt.
Urgh, why was it, like, ALWAYS like that when you fell asleep during the day. UGH
Anon was snoozing on top of her, breathing softly with his head still on her chest.
Without thinking, she hugged him again, making him stir awake.
Her ears perked, hearing someone fussing in the kitchen.
So that's why she woke up.
Her mom must've come home.
The slightly muffled voice of her mother could be heard, along with grocery bags being shuffled,
"Hey, sweetie! Were you in the living room all along?"
Eveal stretched, stifling a groan as her limbs trembled for a second around the now awake Anon.
"Hrnn-..gh.. Yeah. I fell asleep. Ugh."
She barely heard her mother's soft huff from the kitchen,
"Well-.. Even though it's the weekend, try to make sure you can sleep tonight."
The teenage wolfess nodded to herself, still addled with the somewhat untimely sleep,
"Yeah, yeah.."
She sat up, letting Anon reposition so that he ended up sitting partly on her crossed legs. In her lap, almost.
Her arms embraced him lazily, purple-painted claws glinting as she flexed her fingers.
Gggod,.. she just wanted to sleep more. Ugh, now she'd done it.
"Hey mom? What's for dinner?"
"Oh. Well.."
She heard the sound of the fridge closing, then a sound of a paper bag being crumpled.
"..Me and your dad is going to the party at the Spurlings'. It's a celebration of Gerard getting his PhD."
Eveal's mom came into the living room.
"..You'll have to fix something up yourself."

Eveal's mom, Paula, was a sturdily built, big-boned wolfess, slightly bigger than her husband.
(Though they hadn't teased him about that in a decade or so.)
She was black-furred, her eyes ochre, like Eveal's.
Currently, she was wearing a maroon dress leaving her shoulders bare.
Paula walked over to the couch's back, smiling at her daughter and Anon in her lap.
"Wow, mom, you look great."
Paula smiled warmly,
"And you definitely look like you've been sleeping."
Eveal stifled another yawn and leaned her head against the couch's back.
Her mother reached down a black-furred paw to the groggy Anon's cheek, stroking his cheek first with her palm, then the back of her wrist.
"Hey, Anon~"
Anon's eyes took in Paula's clothes with an odd interest.
..Eveal's thoughts were more on the hassle of having to make dinner.
Her ears sagged with the prospect.
"I suppose I have to cook for bro as well? Is he home?"
Paula's other paw moved to Eveal's hair, her claws deftly combing and smoothing it out.
"Oh, Beau's sleeping over at Jonathan's place. ..And there's still lasagna from wednesday in the freezer."
The young wolfess' ears perked a little, a tired smile forming on her muzzle.
"K', I'll fix that then. Where's dad?"
"He's already at the party."
"When will you get back?"
Paula turned towards a nearby coat rack, reaching for a flannel coat.
"Well.. we couldn't find a driver, and then Gerard insisted we should stay in one of their guest rooms, so we'll be back tomorrow."
"Huh. Some way to start the weekend, huh?"
Paula smiled as she slipped on the coat and stepped back close to the couch.
"To be honest, I'd rather start the weekend like you're doing right now, but.. I guess it's fine every once in a while."
The adult wolfess leaned down, giving the top of Eveal's muzzle a quick slurp.
Eveal squinted, turning her head,

Her mom grinned and walked to the foyer.
"Take care of the house, sweetie. I'll see you tomorrow."
Eveal grumbled, then called after her,
"Have fun, mom. Try not to get, like, SUPER drunk or anything!"
The front door closed, and a jingle of keys signalled Paula locking the door.
They all did that, pretty much. Habits.
Anon was already dozing, almost upright as he leant against the couch's back.
The full force of Eveal's predicament made itself known once again;
She was sleepy as hell too.
With a sigh, she consigned herself to not giving in ever again to lengthy afternoon naps.
...starting from tomorrow, of course.
She laid back down, one leg on either side of the dosing Anon, sighing in delight.
It was a bit chilly, though.
She rummaged blindly behind the armrest for the wool blanket that lay there.
Draping it across her upper half, she couldn't help but smile to herself.
She left the tv on.
After all, there was just... something about..
..soft background noise.. that...
She stirred awake, gasping softly from the sweltering heat.
Throwing the blanket to the floor, she started squirming, only to feel a weight on her thigh and waist.
Anon had laid his head on her hip, still sleeping.
She sighed and groaned softly.
The wolfess felt hot and sweaty all over, particularly around her groin.
Ugh. Should've ditched those shorts before sleeping.
Damn things were getting a bit too tight anyway.
She huffed, sliding one leg down from the couch and spreading her legs.
Just as she felt the cool air through her fur, she dozed off to sleep again.
Some sound from a movie that had started on the tv woke her up.
She felt surprisingly awake, which could only mean that she'd slept for way too long.
UGH. ..Even though it felt really good.
Flexing her hindclaws as she stretched carefully, she yawned like only someone with a canine muzzle can.
She looked down at Anon-

Her human pet was breathing quickly, having slid down from her hip somewhat.
His face was now pressing against the front of her shorts.
More precisely, her-.. Her "privates".
Eveal didn't give it much thought, and sat up halfway.
Carefully so as not to wake him.
She smirked and was about to push him away when she noticed..
He was-.. oh em gee. Was that his-.. his THING?
The wolfess gaped, a paw going to her lips, looking fully the part of a shocked teenager.
Well-.. He was an animal, after all.
She guessed it was, like, only natural or something.
Her eyes studied him for a few moments.
He was breathing a bit irregularly, huffing now and then.
Sometimes he'd whimper almost inaudibly, his hands jerking slightly, or his hips twitching.
"You little pervy boy, you.."
Eveal smirked to herself.
Then a thought struck her like a lightning bolt.
If that had been a fur between her legs like that-
Smelling her so brazenly, even when sleeping-
She immediately blushed furiously, firmly hiking her butt back away from her pet and pushing him away.
The human made a confused sound as he woke up, blinking tiredly.
Oh. Em. Gee.
A weird feeling rushed through the wolfess' body, making her fur stand on end.
She reflexively looked around the living room, still blushing.
"Oh.. .mygahd."
Sighing melodramatically, she reached out to pet Anon's hair, righting herself so that both her legs were touching the floor.
The human seemed almost to cover himself, yawning as he sat upright.
He seemed to notice her looking though, and--almost reluctantly--relaxed his hands and arms.
Huh. He was such a strange cookie.
Eveal huffed to herself, glancing one more around the living room.
She turned off the tv.
There was no reply, the house silent except from the kitchen fridge's faint humming.
"Beau? ...Dad!"
More silence.
The young wolfess swallowed and saw the curtains were closed.
Complete and utter privacy.

Eveal crept closer to his end, reaching up to stroke at his cheek and hair.
"H-hey boy.. Y-you alright there?"
Anon relaxed under her petting, though seemed a bit apprehensive.
His-.. his t-thing was also shrinking slowly.
Of course it was. He was just an animal, and she was breaking his trust-
The sudden guilt almost made Eveal shy back, but she shook her head.
She glanced over the couch at the kitchen entrance, then turned back.
Her heart was pounding, and her muscles fluttering.
It was like her mind was on autopilot.
The moment a rational thought told her to stop, her body intervened and immediately pushed it to the back of her mind.
No one would know anyway.
She swallowed again, eyes flitting around the livingroom's single curtained window once more.
She almost felt a sting of shame at being so blazenly explorative.
As she leaned down towards Anon's groin, he shied away slightly, but-
..in a really weird way; almost like he was trying to keep his-.. his j-junk out of sight again.
How strange. Not very animal-like, Eveal thought.
She gently but firmly pushed him so that he was down on his back on the couch.
"Easy boy.. Theere ya go, down. No, lie down-.. Good boy."
His hands and wrists had casually strayed to his groin again.
Though when she looked up at him, he quickly tilted his head in innocent confusion just like usual.
Of course he was his usual self. She was imagining all these strange things with him.
She glanced around once more, then firmly and casually pushed his wrists away from his groin.
The young wolfess studied his genitals for a few moments, blushing..
An exhilarating mixture of arousal and excited shame coursed through her.
She glanced at the curtains, the foyer entrance, then her cellphone on the table.
Then leaned in close and sniffed at him tentatively.

He smelled like-.. nothing, really.
She thought she heard the tiniest of noises from him, and when she looked up at his face, she saw he was blushing slightly.
Oh, his- ..thing was getting bigger again.
W-well, it was only natural for an animal to-.. react like that. ..perhaps.
She wondered why he was getting aroused, though.
Wasn't smelling eachother and stuff normal for wild humans?
She'd seen a picture of human things before somewhere, but th-..this was a bit different.
She leaned in again, sniffing deeply at the rapidly growing member.
There-.. Oh wow. Oh. My. God. That's so-.. WEIRD
It smelled like something, like, totally intimate and perverted.
Kind of reminded her of herself, only distinctly more-.. male somehow.
Glancing up at him again, she saw he had turned his head away, intently studying something else.
Heh, typical animal. Doesn't know how lucky he is. Ell-oh-ell.
..Her thought made her feel a stab of shame again, and she pulled back and shook her head briskly.
She sighed softly, eyes darting around the living room again.
Then, after a few moments, she leaned back down and smelled him some more.
He was hard and throbbing now.
Eveal drew in deep breaths through her nose, her cold nose almost touching the erect shaft.
Some places the scents were faint and boring, others.. Ohgod.
When she sniffed at the base--amidst the sparse "fur" he had--it made her warm and tingly inside.
At the tip it was-.. almost too much, but she still found herself inhaling again and again.
..whenever she did, she felt her tail twitch, a flutter run down her spine, and something stirring inside her.
She pulled back, sitting up.
Her own breathing was definitely quicker and deeper now.
The strange shameful arousal still coursing through her, making her on edge.
She shook her head and sat back fully in her end of the couch.
Grabbing the remote, she turned the tv on again.
This was so wrong and weird anyway..

After a few minutes of staring, dazed, at the screen, not paying attention to any of it,
Eveal turned the tv off again, placing the remote back on the table.
She looked around the living room once more, ears alertly flicking this way and that.
She murmured, almost a whisper to herself,
"I can't believe I'm doing this"
Anon had turned over on his side, resting his head on the armrest and watching the tv.
His eyes now alternated between glancing at her, then anywhere else.
Eveal swallowed and suddenly moved over to him again.
She casually spread his knees again, ears listening for sounds elsewhere in the house.
Whether Anon stiffened up or not at her advance, she didn't notice.
She was far too-.. ..feeling far too weird.
Well, he was still hard, that was-.. something.
She leaned down towards his boy parts again, breathing heavy and a bit ragged.
This time, she touched the pads of a careful paw to his d-.. his penis.
It felt warm. ..and-.. plain.
The young wolfess honestly didn't know what she was expecting.
Wrapping her clawed fingers around his length, she glances up at his face.
He was breathing heavily again, head tilted back over the armrest with his face turned away.
Well that's-..that's kind of rude..?
She squeezed gently along his length.
..Judging from his slightly trembling twitch, he was clearly paying attention.
Eveal had to close her eyes and take a few steadying breaths.
If anyone walked in on her, it would-
No, it was unthinkable.
The wolf leaned her head against the couch backrest, idly watching the human penis in her paw.
Her thoughts turned sombre, but just as she was about to let go of her pet, he bucked his hips.
A huffing, ragged grunt issued from the splayed human.
Oh wow. Oh-..kay. Well that did a few things to her resolve.
"Y-you like that, boy?"
She whispered, eyes darting nervously again to the kitchen entrance.

Taking a deep breath, she squeezed carefully but firmly once more, from base to tip.
Anon tensed, huffing and making a slight moaning noise.
His hips jerked again.
Only after relaxing her paw did she let out her own held breath.
The faint involuntary tremble also returned to her hand.
She leaned down over Anon's bared abdomen again, sniffing at the-.. at the d-dick.
Especially at the head and base.
Her soft and careful paws gave him another slow squeezing rub from base to tip.
Blinking, she realized a drop of something-.. slimy or something had formed on the tip.
The young wolfess had a pretty good idea of what it was.
I mean, it was not as if she'd, like, totally never heard of precum or anything.
The lupine muzzle closed in to sniff at the viscous substance.
Didn't really smell like anything special.
She squeezed her pet again, the droplet growing until running down onto her thumb.
Eeew.. Crap.
Eveal swallowed, studying the shiny, translucent fluid soaking the fur on her finger.
She let Anon go, then brought her thumb up to her parted jaws, before stopping.
She squeezed her eyes shut, closing her mouth and shaking her head.
This was getting out of paw.
..Only a few long seconds passed, however, before the wolfess finaly lapped at her finger.
Huh, she could only taste the familiar dusty and plain nothing of her fur, really.
..oh wait.
Yep, she could taste him alright. It was faint, though. Barely noticeable, even.
She squeezed out another droplet, then rubbed it between the smooth, soft pads on her thumb and index finger.
So slimy, kind of like her own-.. stuff.
Blushing, she reached her other hand down to her shorts, grimacing with effort as she wiggled her fingers past the waistline.
When she brought her paw back up, she saw how the whole-.. thing had affected her.
..and the brief cool sensation from disturbing her nethers immediately made it clear what a mess she'd made of her panties.

Eveal groaned, squirming uncomfortably.
Now that she was fully conscious about it, she couldn't shake how aroused she was.
Anon had raised his head to look down at her, hands (and adorable human-fingers) clutching at the couch's seat.
Not even offering him a second glance or a word, the nervously excited wolfess bent down again.
She paused for a few long seconds, parted black lips hovering just above the slightly throbbing humanhood.
Her mind didn't think a single thought during the time it took for her tongue to dart out and lap at the tip.
Only immediately afterwards did she consciously realize what she'd actually done.
She swallowed, curiously analyzing the faint flavour of her human pet.
A soft, involuntary and nervous moan escaped her lips before she even knew it happened,
She jerked at the sound she'd made.
Moaning like- ..like some super slut, even if only softly.
Eveal grimaced and wiggled her hips again, feeling the warm slimy wetness of her underwear sticking to her fur.
She raised her head, ears turning this way and that as she held her breath.
..Only a car passing by.
She glanced at Anon again.
His head was back over the armrest again, hands folded on his chest.
Damn.. If he were a fur, surely it would be super embarrassing to lie sprawled like that for someone to see.
Oh well.
She leaned down to sniff at him again, glancing at how he tensed up cutely when she was close.
It didn't take long for the teenage wolfess to give him another lick.
..and then another.
She breathed heavily in between the slow exploring slurps, heart pounding in her ears.
Whenever she ran her wide, strong wolfish tongue around his tip, she felt her tail twitch and her nethers ache.
Anon seemed to like it too, jerking slightly every time.
And his aroma and taste was just so intense..
She rubbed him firmly some more, gently squeezing more droplets from his tip that she could lap up.

Eveal wasn't aware how long she'd been doing this very intimate- thing,
but she knew she suddenly wanted to try to-.. suck on him. Just a little.
She swallowed nervously and licked her lips.
Then she gaped over the tip, hot breath washing over both her paw and the human's manhood.
A second of momentary hesitation caused her to linger, before closing her muzzle and lips around his tip.
Anon made a prolonged odd sound she hadn't heard before, his body tensing.
After his abdominal muscles fluttered briefly, however, he relaxed back into panting huffs again.
For a few moments she just held him there, feeling the strange sensation of something so semi-soft in her mouth.
She had to be careful not to hurt him, though.
Not only would she feel terrible about it, it might raise a few-.. questions.
The thought almost made her let him go.
She swirled her tongue around his tip, the taste of him filling both her senses.
That was-.. a super weird taste. Super SUPER weird
She tightened down aroudn his tip and sucked.
Immediately, several drops of his-... his precum.. entered her mouth.
Anon made the funny noise again, hips trembling.
Eveal pulled her muzzle away, swallowing, before exhaling hotly and harshly.
The wolf was on him quickly again, however.
After only a few moments, Anon's breathing changed, growing more ragged as his hips started bucking slightly.
The dark-grey furry teenager pulled back, frowning worriedly.
She kept rubbing him up and down though. He really seemed to like that.
Especially right now, for some reason..
Suddenly, Anon tensed for a second, his penis going hard in her paw.
Then he huffed out a groan, and, hips trembling and twitching, started spurting out ropes of pearly seed over his belly and her paw.
Eveal gaped and stopped rubbing him, even though the rhythmic spurts continued.

Anon made a few more barely suppressed moaning sounds.
She let go of his twitching manhood, and even then a few squirts of his-.. boy milk dribbled out.
"Oh fuck."
The wolfess, momentarily grossed out, froze, grimacing at the feeling of warm stickyness all over her hand and forearm.
She glanced nervously around the livingroom, a slight hint of panic brewing in her mind.
"God d-damnit, Anon.."
Eveal sighed raggedly, pulse racing, and checked to see if something got on the couch.
Luckily it didn't.
..What was she thinking!
She sighed in relief when she still couldn't hear any sounds.
No one was supposed to be here, after all.
She had the house to herself.
Turning back to anon, she grimaced again, though with a hint of a smirk.
Anon raised his head to look at her again, face flushed and breathing heavy.
He had an odd wide-eyed look of shock to him..
..Nah, it was probably just-.. Idunno, animal arousal response or something.
Something about hormones and adrenalin or something.
Eveal's pupils grew wide as she sniffed.
This wasn't the-.. this was different than-
Woww what was this
She leaned closer to her awkwardly hovering hand and Anon's groin.
Carefully at first, she sniffed at her hand, then his penis.
A heavy, deep scent of something lewd beyond lewdness stimulated something hitherto untouched in her brain.
Again and again she inhaled deeply, feeling an almost rhythmic ache in her nethers as she did.
With eyes half lidded and ears flat, she gave his sticky, glistening tip a heavy slurp.
His intimate taste filled her senses immediately, sending a tingle of fierce, dull pleasure down her spine.
After swallowing, she couldn't help but make another soft breathy sound,
She licked at him again, dragging her tongue so as to gather as much of the pearly white stuff as possible.
This time Anon trembled and huffed as she did.

She squeezed him as she did before, carefully and tenderly, yet with only a single objective in mind.
When she saw huge droplets of pearly white fluid emerge, she enveloped her lips around her human once again.
Anon's back arched and his legs squirmed, as Eveal sucked hard to get at the fresh juice.
He made another one of those cute noises when his tip wetly popped out of her muzzle, only more desperate sounding this time.
The little piece of rational panic in the back of her mind made itself known again.
Eveal blinked as she pulled back, glancing reflexively at a nearby clock.
She knew she had the house to herself.
..but if someone were to come, she'd-..
Oh god.
Shaking her head briskly, the wolfess let her human go, and stood up.
Eveal made sure she had Anon's attention.
"Ok.. Ok, boy, stay. Stay."
Anon looked at her, a bit dazed.
Eveal hustled to the kitchen and gathered a lot of paper towels.
She cleaned herself and him off as well she could.
He seemed to be really sensitive on his-.. on his thing, so she was careful.
Still. She sighed.
They were both going to need a shower or a bath.
Actually that sounded pretty wonderful anyway.
After having made sure Anon wasn't in any state to leave anymore messes, she went upstairs to run the bath.

The human, still on the couch in the living room, looked at his sticky abdomen and messy groin.
After a glance in the direction of the stairway, and hearing the wolf girl turn on the water upstairs, he huffed a heavy sigh.
Then, in words he knew the strange creatures didn't understand (not that he understood theirs either) he murmured,

"..Well, f-fuck me sideways."

Pub: 02 Sep 2024 07:46 UTC
Views: 254