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Home Website Guide

To search in the rentry with keywords (on computer):

  • On Windows: CTRL + F
  • On Mac: Command + F

Configure the LLM

You can check this page for a step-by-step with every available model.

Change appearance of the website

You can currently:

  • Toggle the background image ON/OFF
  • Toggle between light and dark mode
  • Change font sizes
  • Change the colors
  • Use the sidebar
  • Change line height
  • Blur/unblur images (from the profile)

From your profile

  1. Press your profile picture
  2. Hit 'profile'.
  3. Hit 'Edit theme'.
  4. Edit the appearance as you wish.

Appearance from profile

From the chat

  1. In chat, press the three dots on the left of the typing field
  2. Hit 'Change Theme'.
  3. Edit the appearance as you wish.

Change appearance

Change the background of my chat

Only the owner of the card can set a background image. The background image will be the same for all users who enabled the option.

Set a background image

  1. On the character card (the main page, not the edit), go to the gallery
  2. Add a picture
  3. Pin the picture

Add a background image

Use personas

What is a persona?

A persona is you. Or at least, the character you are impersonating. That's how the bot will know who you are. You want to keep it short, that's not a character card. A persona too long can actually make the bot act as you. Try to only describe the things the bot would know at first glance, the things which are widely known. Personality is not necessary, since you will give the personality yourself during the chat.

More explanations about what a persona is and how to make one here.

Set up a persona

  1. In chat, press the three dots on the left of the typing field
  2. Hit 'Persona'.
  3. Add a persona and edit it if you haven't yet.
  4. Select your persona in the dropdown menu.
  5. Save.

Set up persona

Change the name of your chat/make it public

  1. On your chat, press the pen icon
  2. Add a name
  3. Add a description
  4. Make it public (optional - will stay private if not selected)
  5. Save

Change chat name

Use group chats

Set up group chats

You have two ways to set up a group chat: with the character ID, and from the character page.

With the ID

  1. Press the three lines on the top right corner of your chat window.
  2. Select 'chat settings'.
  3. Type the name of your character in the field. It will populate automatically. (If there are too many choices, use the ID of the character you want to chat with).
  4. Select your character.
  5. Save.

Since some people have difficulties to see it, here more explanations to get the ID of your card:

On a card you own (from My Characters): On the preview of any character card, right over the delete button, you have a button with three dots. When pressing it, three new buttons will appear. The second button in the list is "Copy ID".

On someone else's card (from Search): On the preview of any character card, in the bottom right corner, you have a button with three dots. When pressing it, three new buttons will appear. The second button in the list is "Copy ID".

ID Group Chat

Set up group chats

From the character page

  1. On a character card, press 'add' at the bottom.
  2. Select the chat you want you add your character to.

Set up GC chara page

Use group chats

  • By default, the characters will alternate between them with your messages (eg: character 1 ⇾ you⇾ character 2 ⇾ you ⇾ character 1)
  • You can force one character to answer by selecting which one on the picture on the right of the typing field.
  • Typically, after a you select the same character a couple of times in a row, it will automatically be the only one answering you (eg: character 1 ⇾ character 2 ⇾ you ⇾ character 2 ⇾ you ⇾ character 2).
  • Changing the character acts like the 'send' button.
  • When you send a prompt, only the description of the character you selected will be sent, not every descriptions.

Use lorebooks

What is a lorebook?

A lorebook is like an encyclopedia of the things your character needs to know. For more informations about how to use and create a lorebook, you have great resources here. The most complete one is this guide.

Set up a lorebook

!!! For all types of lorebooks, be sure to activate the use of lorebooks in your Configuration !!!
`!!! For embedded lorebooks, be sure to have V2 turned on !!!

  1. Press the three lines on the top right corner of your chat window.
  2. Select 'Configuration'.
  3. Select 'Prompt Structure'.
  4. Toggle on V2.
  5. Scroll down and toggle on 'Use Lorebooks'.
  6. Save.

Activate lorebooks

For reference, to get the path of the lorebook:

  1. Press the three dots on the preview of your lorebook.
  2. Select "Copy path".

Path lorebook


An embedded lorebook is a lorebook used by only one character, embedded in the character card. Meaning that, if you download it, the lorebook will be downloaded too. The lorebook will stay across chats and users.

You can embed 1 lorebook.
Only available if you own the card.

  1. In your character's editor, hit 'Add an embedded lorebook'. Create your lorebook.
  2. Hit 'Create character' or 'Update character'.

Lorebook embedded

Linked to the character card

You can create a lorebook separately, and then link it to the character. This option is good if you want to use one lorebook for multiple characters and be able to update it for all at the same time. The lorebook will stay across chats and users.

You can link as many lorebooks as you want.
Only available if you own the card.

  1. In your character's main page, go to 'lorebooks'.
  2. Hit 'link a lorebook'.
  3. Paste the path of your lorebook.
  4. Hit 'Add lorebook'
    Lorebook linked to character

Linked to the chat

You can create a lorebook separately, and then link it to the chat. This option is good if you want to use a lorebook for a conversation, without using it everytime you have a chat with your character. The lorebook will NOT stay across chats and users.

You can link 1 lorebook.

  1. Press the three lines on the top right corner of your chat window.
  2. Select 'chat settings'.
  3. Copy the path of your lorebook.
  4. Select the lorebook (the second option).
  5. Save.

Lorebook linked to chat

Linked to persona

You can create a lorebook separately, and then link it to a persona. This option is good if you want to add background informations about your persona without bloating the persona itself.

You can link 1 lorebook.

Lorebook linked to persona

Set up TTS (Text To Speech)

With Microsoft

  1. Press the three lines on the top right corner of your chat window.
  2. Select 'Configuration'.
  3. Select 'Text-To-Speech'.
  4. Select 'Web Speech Synthesis' in the 'API' dropdown menu.
  5. Select the voice in the 'Speech synthesis voice' dropdown menu.
  6. Save.


With 11Labs

API key

  1. Press the three lines on the top right corner of your chat window.
  2. Select 'Secrets'.
  3. Select 'ElevenLabs'.
  4. Put your API key.
  5. Check your API key.

API key 11labs


  1. Press the three lines on the top right corner of your chat window.
  2. Select 'Configuration'.
  3. Select 'Text-To-Speech'.
  4. Select '11labs' in the 'API' dropdown menu.
  5. Select the model in the 'model' dropdown menu.
  6. Select the voice in the 'voice' dropdown menu.
  7. Save.


Turn on/off Auto-summarization

  1. Press the three lines on the top right corner of your chat window.
  2. Select 'Configuration'.
  3. Select 'Prompt Structure'.
  4. Scroll down and toggle 'Auto summarization'.
  5. Save.

Auto summarization OFF

Reset/change password

The minimum password needs to be at least eight characters in length, contain a special character, contain an uppercase letter, contain a number, and contain a lowercase letter.

On Venus

  1. Go to the login page
  2. Press 'Forgot password'.

Forgot password Venus

On Chub

Reset password

  1. Go to the login page
  2. Press 'Forgot password'.

Forgot password Chub

Change password

  1. Press your profile picture
  2. Go to your account settings
  3. At the bottom of the page, press "Change password"

Change password Chub

Use Mars/Mercury on SillyTavern

Get the API key and the URL

You need to have an active subscription.

  1. Hit your profile picture
  2. Hit 'Subscription'
  3. Copy the URL of the model you want to use (depending on your subscription)
  4. Hit 'New Token'
  5. Copy the key

With Mars, you can also use this URL to have access to all the available models directly:

With Mercury, you can also use this URL to have access to all the available models directly:

Get API key

Set up the API

  1. Access the API settings
  2. Select 'Chat Completition' in the 'API' dropdown menu
  3. Select 'Custom (OpenAI-compatible) in the 'Chat Completition Source' dropdown menu
  4. Paste your URL
  5. Paste your key (token)
  6. Hit 'Connect'
  7. If you used or, select your model

Set up key on ST

Use the search function

See latest cards

Like you may have noticed, there isn't a 'Latest' option anymore. It has been taken off the home page to give the tag moderators more time to moderate the new cards, since some cards may be triggering and would be blocked for some users if they were correctly tagged. You can still see the latest cards, it's just a bit more difficult, and they may not be correctly tagged yet.

  1. Hit 'Search for'
  2. Hit 'Characters'
  3. Open the 'Sort by' dropdown menu.
  4. Select 'Creation Time


Use the filters

You can access the filter menu by pressing this button:


The numbers are to make it easier to understand. There isn't any order.

  1. Add the tags you want to include
  2. Don't check the box if you only want cards with all the tags. Check the box if you want cards with only some of the tags.
  3. Add the tags you don't want to include
  4. Select how you want to sort your results
  5. Select if you want to sort your results from the biggest/latest to the smallest/earliest, or the other way.
  6. Check the boxes if you only want cards with this attribute.

Use filters

Use macros / markers



Will be replaced by your character's name.


Will be replaced by your persona's name


In the character card's Pre and Post History, will be replaced be the Pre and Post history from the user's API settings.


In the example dialogs, is used to start a new example.

Doesn't work

{{char1}}, {{char2}}, etc.

Usually used in group chats and multiple charcter bots. No, it doesn't get replaced by the name of any character.


Usually used to mark the end of an example message. No, it doesn't work.

Create a New Preset

What is a preset ?

A preset is a premade set of prompt and generation parameters. You can use them when you often change model/settings.

New preset

  1. Press the three lines on the top right corner of your chat window.
  2. Select 'Configuration'.
  3. Check if the 'Search for a Preset by name' dropdown menu is empty. If not, hit the red cross next to the preset's name.
  4. Set your Prompt Structure
  5. Set you Generation Settings
  6. Hit 'Make New Preset from Current Settings'
  7. Save

New Preset

Ban emoji

  1. Press the three lines on the top right corner of your chat window.
  2. Select 'Configuration'.
  3. Open 'Prompt Structure'.
  4. Toggle on 'Ban Emojis'.
  5. Save.

Ban emoji

Use images in chat

The image model is a separate model from text generation.

Send images

  1. In chat, press the three dots on the left of the typing field
  2. Press "Send image"

After sending the image, a description is generated by the model. You can see it and edit it as you wish by pressing the "edit" button of the message with the picture.

Send image

Generate images

  1. In your writing field, use the command /imagine
  2. Write your prompt
  3. If there is something you don't want to see, you can use: --no <something>
  4. If you want to use a particular seed, you can use: --seed <a number between 0 and 4294967295>
  5. Send.


Use the chat tree

What is a chat tree ?

Have you ever had a very long chat, where you like to check a lot of branches, but you don't want to search in your whole chat everytime you feel like changing branches ? Chat trees are the way to go !

This is a chat tree of a 1038 messages chat, each little dot being one message. That's a lot, imagine going through every message everytime.

chat tree

Access a chat tree

Pretty easy:

  1. Press the three lines at the top right of your chat
  2. Press "View full chat tree"

chat tree access

Use a chat tree

There are three things you can do with a chat tree:

  1. Jump to the message. Instead of manually going through your chat history, you can directly jump to the message you want here.
  2. Search for keywords appearing in the chat tree; the messages with the keyword will get highlighted. Example in the screenshot.
  3. Change the background color of your message. It's good if you want to highlight some messages in your tree.

chat tree

Search for a creator's profile

  • You can search for a creator using the classic search bar. Characters created by them will appear in search, and you will be able to access their profile through them.
  • You can use this link by replace the username by the creator's name.
Pub: 07 Jun 2024 21:46 UTC
Edit: 01 Dec 2024 11:27 UTC
Views: 14234