Catch Me during Acqua Alta (Part 1)

A Buono! ~From the Carnival to a Dining Table~ Event Side Story



Unusually Concerned

Kokona: Ah~… It was such a nice performance! Right, Kathrina-chan?

Kathrina: Despite being a small troupe, the actors put on a very passionate play. It was interesting to see how they planned it out with their small numbers in mind, too.

Kokona: Yup! Glad we decided to check it out!

Kokona: Oh, by the way! The actor playing the lead role--

Kokona: Oops…

Kathrina: Oh, what a cute growling sound.

Kokona: H-hey, pretend you didn’t hear!~

Kathrina: There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Are you hungry?

Kokona: Well, it’s just that the performance started at 11… So we haven’t had lunch yet…

Kathrina: The only tickets I could get were for the morning performance. Then, let’s continue our talk while we eat.

Kokona: Alright!

Kokona: Huh, I got a message.

Kathrina: Me too. Guess, that must be our group chat then.

Kathrina: It’s from Sasuga, huh? “Behold our magnificent Dai Star”…?

Kokona: Wow, it’s a photo of Yae-chan! The mask she’s wearing looks kind of cool.

Kathrina: Isn’t that… the kind of mask people wear at the Carnival of Venice?

Kokona: Could it be that Yae-chan and Sasuga-chan went to have fun somewhere on their own?

Kathrina: It’s somewhat unusual to see them together.

Kathrina: …Hope, Sasuga doesn’t push Niizuma around too much.

Kokona: I think they are fine! Yae-chan looks very happy in that photo.

Kathrina: I guess… Good if it’s true, but…

Kokona: Are you worried about them that much?

Kathrina: It’s just that I know I’ve been pushed around by her lately… First, she suddenly took me fishing, then she convinced me to cook for the Christmas party…

Kathrina: Dai Star or not, Niizuma’s still just an elementary schooler! If she’s going out with Sasuga, I’m not sure she’ll be okay…!

Kokona: I don’t think Sasuga-chan would make Yae-chan do anything unreasonable.

Kathrina: The intimidating thing about Sasuga is that you can never say that for sure!

Kathrina: Ugh… The more I think about it, the more worried I become…! Guess I’ll try calling Niizuma.

Yae: Hello? Kathrina-san, is that you? Glad to hear from you. Could it be that you saw the photo?

Kathrina: Thank goodness… Niizuma, are you okay?

Yae: Huh? Yes… I’m fine, but… Did something happen?

Kathrina: I’ve just gotten worried after seeing that photo. What on earth are you two even doing…?

Yae: Sasuga-san invited me to go to Italian Fair. It’s very interesting here!

Kathrina: I see… Didn’t hear there was gonna be such an event.

Yae: We’ve tried plenty of tasty Italian dishes ♪ Sasuga-san also bought me that mask I’m wearing in the photo.

Chisa: It suits Niizuma well, right? She looks so cool in it.

Kathrina: That voice… Sasuga, is that you? You aren’t making Niizuma do some weird stuff, are you?

Chisa: Don’t worry, I’m properly escorting her. Today, I’m a chivalrous Italian man.

Yae: She is! She’s been treating me very well!

Kathrina: Has she? Glad to hear that.

Yae: I’ll show you the mask, when we get back ♪

Chisa: I’ll also bring you some sweets. Look forward to it.

Kathrina: Please, don’t buy anything too weird, okay? See you later.

Kathrina: Seems like everything’s fine for now…

Kokona: See, told you they were fine, right?

Kathrina: Yeah. Guess I was worrying for nothing.

Kathrina: Oh…

Kokona: Hehe~ Kathrina-chan, now your stomach makes cute growling sounds too!

Kathrina: I don’t know… Maybe it’s just coz I feel relieved…

Kathrina: Let’s have our lunch already! Want anything in particular?

Kokona: No, I’m fine with whatever!

Kathrina: That makes it harder to decide where to go, you know?

Kokona: Ahaha, sorry about that.

Kathrina: Then, how about that family restaurant? Seems like there still are some free tables.

Kokona: Nice! Let’s go then!

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Pub: 09 Jan 2025 22:46 UTC
Edit: 11 Jan 2025 17:16 UTC
Views: 63