Unbroken Cycle Part 1


The two of them went to sleep that night, as usual, sleeping in the same bed.
Aubrey woke up in a white void. It stretched out forever. What was this place?
Eventually she heard a gasp. She turned around, to see Sunny.
What a weird dream. What was this?
"Aubrey! What-how are you here?"
Erm, that was odd. Wait, wait...huh?
"Sunny, what is this place?" She felt the need to ask. This felt too weird...
"Um...this is...White Space." Sunny decided to answer.
"...White Space? Sunny, what's going on?" Aubrey was confused.
Sunny decided to explain it better. "This is my dream. Somehow, you're in my dream. But that's not what's important, why am I still here? I thought that-"
Sunny suddenly saw it. The door. The door to Headspace. There's no way...did Headspace return? He thought it disappeared, after he faced the truth.
After he stopped running away. Why was it back?
"Hey, Sunny!" Sunny suddenly heard Aubrey speak loudly in his ear. He'd spaced out again.
"Sorry." Sunny meekly said. "We should go through this door first.
"O-kay..?" Aubrey asked. This was still too weird.
Sunny suddenly realized he wasn't Omori, and Omori wasn't here. Too late for that, though.
They walked through the door, and it was the Neighbor's Room.
Three kids, playing cards.
Hero, already facing their direction, noticed their feet while looking at his cards, and waved. "Hey Om-Sunny! Want to play cards with us?
Aubrey was floored.
Then, suddenly, they heard footsteps.
A girl walked down the stairs, leading to the neighbors room. She quickly said hi to the snake, handing him some Money for Sunny's allowance.
Aubrey let out a shocked "What!?" when she saw her.
It was Mari. She looked at Sunny, and gave a gentle smile.
"Hello Sunny! It's been a while." She turned to Aubrey, giving a slightly more forlorn smile.
"Aubrey...these last few years have been hard on you, haven't they?"
Aubrey couldn't even consider stopping herself from crying out right then and there.

2/2 (This was originally only one, but it felt like a part 2 to me.)

Aubrey was still trying to process all this. A dream world? Dream versions of their friends? But above all...Mari.
Hero was busy overseeing Kel, Basil and herself(???) playing right now, while her and Sunny were sitting with Mari.
They talked about quite a few things, which just confused her further. Stuff involving some lightbulb.
They talked a bit about some "Black Space", as well as discussed what exactly this place returning meant for Sunny.
"Maybe...Sunny? Mind if I say something a little...mean?" Mari asked. Sunny nodded, and she continued, "Maybe Headspace returning means...you're running away again? Maybe not from the truth, but..."
Sunny looked so miserable right then, Aubrey had to intervene. "Hey, let's not talk about this, please?"
That seemed to suprise Mari, although...she should of figured. So somethings happening with them. Nothing she can really do about it as it stands.
Suddenly, Sunny remembered something. Something he needed to ask, knowing how it would affect Aubrey.
"Hey Mari, will I...have to wake up the usual way..?"
Mari fell silent, and looked down. Eventually, she answered, "Y-yes. You will...as usual."
Aubrey felt a chill. Mari looked hurt. Sunny fell silent, too. She needed to know. "What are you two talking about? Is there some unique way Sunny has to wake up? Doesn't the dream just end?"
Mari, after a moment of silence, said "Aubrey...have you noticed how Sunny is carrying a steak knife around with him, ever since you both woke up here?"
...Wait, what?
Aubrey thought for a bit. It took a while, but a few dots were connected. And she got it.
"Wait...no...no way...Sunny?" He wouldn't answer her. He couldn't look up.
Aubrey decided to ask outright. "Have you been dreaming about killing yourself for the past 2 years?"
Sunny wouldn't look at her. Even Mari seemed to find the checkered pattern of the picnic blanket far more interesting than this conversation was right now.

Overall, part one being made after part two probably means I SHOULD of redid this whole thing. But I'm lazy, and I've been awake for 17+ hours now.

Pub: 29 Dec 2021 05:08 UTC
Views: 640