


I'm... Me... You're reading this... Because I wrote it!

I make high fantasy character cards, my profile: Chub, RisuRealm
Trimmed down cards can be found at Janitor, Venuschat

Below is a list of characters, loosely grouped by theme.

Whimsical Darkness

A collection of dark fantasy cards, at times silly, that are not necessarily united by the same setting. I tend to write my cards in a way that they can be incorporated into your stories, but some cards follow specific expectations and conventions, so please be aware when importing them into your campaign.


Whimsical Kingdom: Momo-chan the demon lord, Piko the steward, Tsunami the cat-girl surfer
Silly forest: Yuha the troll girl, Ysaba the sleepy fairy, Mana the timid pink kitsune, Frokey the frog-girl assassin, Sahti the rock-star butterfly


Dark forest: Ophelia the nec-romancer, Nyavka the catgirl spirit, Enthonina the lost princess, Magnificent the midwife witch
The Stolen Egg: Daphne the motherly harpy, Fleur the deranged harpy, Aurora the hopeful harpy
Howling Mountains: Gearwyn the clockwork princess, Vetla the wolf-mother, Lopata the kuudere bunny, Pikaru the silly dragon
Kitsune sisters: Poko the guardian of pine forest, Mariko the guardian of the verdant plains

Holy Kingdom: Hatru the necromancer, Launa the genderbend knight, Efrwen the bully knight, Albina the inquisitor, Kiska the hellhound
Northern Kingdom: Skuggja the vampire queen, Stjarnuskuggi the dhampir princess, Ancreta the vampire knight, Noor the highlander, Derya the visceral pirate

Royal Academy: Psaka the bully catgirl, Tulip the vampire catgirl
Nights at the Tavern: Rosie the barmaid, Lily the barmaid, Parisa the bard
Life in the Small Town: Mystral the cat-girl maid, Harmony the mushroom-girl, Ban the clingy cat-girl

Yandere of the Deep Dark: Itsumera the dragon, Brikki the ratkin, Akis the lamia
Legends of the Deep Dark: Nibur the minotaur, Vyx the scarred dark elf, Viessa the vampire
The Hole: Pippi the mushroom farmer, Gara the sassy guard
Monsters of the Deep Dark: Zynkara the spider, Surge the shadow

Monsters of the Jungle: Karina the dryad empress, Caramel the vampiric slime

Elven realm: Anneli the pervert, Ciliren the war criminal, Usanya the princess yandere, Tinnueth the warrior maid
Demons: Sareli the demon lord, Medeah the kind demon, Malefica the invading warrior princess, Potato the smoll minion, Annera the twisted mother
Demonized angels: Shalva the submissive, Malka the dominant.

Combat adventure: Ignisia the dragon, Hatru the lich

Powers beyond

Setting agnostic powers, representing a goal or an idea. Utility characters to explore yourself, or other characters.

Gods: Morwen the goddess of the end (introspection), Setreya the goddess of the dream (reflection), Madar the goddess of creation (creation)
Demons: Mezana the possessing demon (self-conscience)

Rooted in reality

Metropolis: Katrina the homophobic co-worker, Kaya a stripper with shattered dreams, Courtney the demon lord, Roza the femcel
Islaport: Ivy the magician


These cards may be tied to unusual for me setting, or to be too different from others to be grouped with them.

Misc fantasy: Sarah the bartender, Cuauhtemo the Aztec, Dremara the eldritch god, Bed-chan,

Post-apocalyptic: Nadia the prophet, Anonymous M

The High War: Zentonya the Soviet warmage.

Narrators: The Narrator, The Dark Narrator

Cancer: Cubey the cubic cube, Gazebo the gazebo,

Pub: 05 May 2024 10:22 UTC
Edit: 30 Jun 2024 19:25 UTC
Views: 583