gonna decorate this soon but by then im gonna rant

i love my bf i do i love him so much but he like would rather talk to his friends than over me which makes me feel so upset because im supposed to matter right . how am o supposed to matter when all he does is play fortnite all day every day . ive been waiting so so patiently to talk to himm but im just pushed aside again like pleass im just asking for some attention. im like the worst clingy person ever but i just want him with me even when i feel my worst but its always his friends first always "i have to do this" or "im busy" then just say u dont want to talk with me it literally will make me feel better than saying this and getting on fortnite like please. i dont even have my friends to talk to lately and im just wanting a voicr call. just one voice call.

im so tired of being love bombed that all i can do is just sit and cry . i am so tired of being left behind and being pushed away that like, i have no strength to fight back or say something about it im just so so drained tht even playing roblox can make me feel like shit i cant take it i cant take it i cant take it.

i wish i wasnt such a sensitive bitch. i wish i didnt have to worry that if one day he would just up and leave me. but no, i have to ask him all these stupid, stupid, stupid ass questions. and i just have to deal with the fucking trouble and hes not the sympathetic type so i cant even really rant to him because he just doesnt really. care. im just so tired of overreacting every time he just does one little thing because obviously its not a fucking big deal but somehow its just not registering in my tiny stupidly smooth brain.

Pub: 17 Oct 2024 06:18 UTC
Edit: 18 Feb 2025 01:42 UTC
Views: 113