take a look at my yaoi wall boy . hover over the pics 4 names of muy yaois and their original medias. most pics have credit so just click them for the og post.

hetalia - canon  srbcro - 000kiwayugotalia - boslovehetalia - itapansupernatural - sastiel - optimus-rhymeyugotalia - srbcrohetalia - engitayugotalia - srpkos - @sinusfunkcijalord of the flies - jalph - beastswinethiefthis one is from my dear friend em. hermitcraft - scarian- alifartingtunahetalia - robul - twinkromaniahetalia - frukhetalia - pruitahomestuck - johndavekat (and all derivatives of it) - hamsterdadsbbc sherlock - johnlockdanganronpa despair time - xanvid - yukennicosupernatural - midamhomestuck - dirkjake - lifethre4thouse md - hilsonmilgram - 0507hetalia - gerromehetalia - rochu - shengmingzi-rochufandomstuck - hetastuck - fourteenkitesfandomstuck - superstuck - thrower0fmangosfandomstuck - supertaliafandomstuck - superwho - fandombound-sherlock-blogfandomstuck - superwholock - fandombound-sherlock-blogscandinavia and the world - sufinscandinavia and the world - dennor

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Pub: 01 Dec 2024 21:19 UTC
Edit: 23 Feb 2025 12:23 UTC
Views: 681