You're face flat on the concrete, barely able to breathe. You're by your car, surrounded by five beautiful women in uniform.
The redhead seems to be the officer in charge, she corrals the onlookers, barking orders in a mangled accent at the few of them with their phones out, filming the scene in font of them.
The greenette and the large massive woman of color are on the flanks of the site of your arrest, trying to block the line of sight to anyone that the redhead is incapable of intercepting.
The normal looking scrawny brunette is behind your back, she's doing an awful job in trying to clasp your hands with handcuffs, she nervously yelps and panics at the vigorous motion of your hands.
"Officer Mumei, I know it's your first day in the job but you need to keep the suspect in control. The blue haired woman with the massive knockers was the one who was compressing her knee on your neck. It didn't block your airflow but it was incredibly uncomfortable.
You shouldn't have indulged in that amphetamine and PCP, your heart felt like it was going to explode out of your chest.
"O-Officer...I-I can't SNEED." Those were your last words before the blackness took you, unaware of the momentous events your ignoble death would bring forth into the American consciousness.

Pub: 29 Sep 2021 03:53 UTC
Views: 312