Local MILF belongs to bully

Mary, Timmy's mother

Tim rubbed his cheek, and underneath his hand was a good sized bruise, thanks to Roy. He snickered, standing tall over Tim. Roy would've pushed him again if it weren't for the woman who interrupted him; Timmy's mother!

"Excuse me! Sir!" She said as she jogged over to the two, with her large chest swaying from side to side underneath her sweater. "What are you doing? Why is my son on the ground here?" She pants out with clear worry and concern... It seems she isn't aware of what just happened. Tim stutters just before Roy interrupts.

"Oh, hi Ma'am. Me and Timmy were just playin' a little rough thas all... Tripped up a lil' bit." He said, trying to play cool. Mary stood with her arms crossed, and worry still on her face. She could tell something was wrong. She slowly turned to ask her son. "Timmy. Is this true? You just fell?"

Timmy broke a sweat, looking back at Roy, he gave him 'The Look'. The one that says 'Go along with the lie, or else I'll kill you'... But Timmy had enough! Any other day, he would've gone along with the lie. But today was a day for bravery! His mom was here, and now he has to stand up for himself!

"... No... No! Roy is bullying me! He's always bullied me! I'm tired of this!" Tim softly said with frustration as he got back up. Mary's expression looked as if her heart broke into two. Roy simply sighed and stepped from side to side, preparing himself for Mary's useless scolding...

He watched as Mary's expression went from sympathetic sadness to anger, turning to look at Roy. "Why, I can't believe it! You've been bullying my Timmy?!... I believe you owe my son an apology right at this instance, young man!" She said as she stepped forward to place her hands on her wide hips.
Roy sighed and rolled his eyes. "... Sorry Ma'am... Sorry Tim." He didn't really sound like he meant it, but to Mary it was good enough... And now, she didn't know what to do next. Mary has a lot more heart than she has brains, so at this point, she continued crossing her arms, rocking from side to side, looking accomplished, thinking 'Now what?'.

"Aight, can I go now?" He barked. Mary blinked a couple times... And eureka! She wasn't done yet, she was still filled with vengeance! "... No! You may not go now! You're gonna take me to your parents, and I'm gonna have a stern talking with them." She said with a bossy tone. Roy and Timmy both looked shocked, but for differing reasons. Roy looked content with that response, which in turn made Timmy turn pale as a ghost... He was horrified of the thought of leaving his mother alone with his bully! Why was he looking smug about a threat like that?

"Aight then, let's go!" Roy said as he began walking, and Mary followed right behind with her arms still crossed. "W-Wait! M-Mom... I don't think this is a good idea... The apology was enough, can we just go home now?" Timmy begged, and Mary's heart broke again. Her son was always so timid, and she always felt bad whenever she had to step up for him.

"What's wrong, Sweetheart? Don't worry about a thing! Once I speak with his parents, he'll never touch you again. Let me take care of this, okay?" She said with such gentle loving care, and a soft smile, caressing his cheek with her gentle hand...

But Timmy didn't feel relieved. He had a bad feeling in his gut that... SOMETHING would happen to her. But he didn't know how to stop her. His mother can be a handful sometimes...

So he reluctantly nodded, and watched as the two walked away. As they left, he couldn't help but notice a smug look on Roy's face. He looked confident, like he was planning something, and it frightened Timmy. He knew what a mean person Roy was, and he could only imagine the kind of trouble his bully was going to put his mother through.

"... M-Mom!" Timmy tried one last attempt to stop her as they've already walked far away. Mary simply turned and gave Timmy a reassuring wave, and a smile. She was always so confident. Timmy couldn't help but slump his shoulders, and just sit and wait for whatever was to happen... He walked home, with a dreadful feeling in his stomach that he just could not get rid of.

His home was quiet. Without his mom to make him food, he quietly cooked himself a box of Mac N' Cheese. As he sat at the table and ate his food, his mind couldn't help but wonder what could possibly be going on... How long would it take until Mom comes back home? Would her plan really work? How far away is Roy's home even? What if he hurts her?! "Urgh!" He grunted out loud.

His own mother would be the cause of his anxiety attacks... He couldn't even finish his food, his mind was just too cluttered! No matter what he did, trying to play a video game, listen to music, go on the computer, he was just filled to the brim with sickening worry!

And then, he looked at the clock... It was 7 PM... It's been over 3 hours since Mom left! Where could she be?!

After what felt like lifetimes, he heard a notification from his phone. He sighed to let out all that tension. Surely, it was his mother texting him that she's on her way back home. He got up and picked up his phone. Tapping the screen, he noticed the message come from an unknown number... The notification simply said '1 Video Attachment'.

Timmy broke a cold sweat... Who is this? He thought as he typed in his pass code... This couldn't be... Roy's number, could it?.. If it were Roy, what would he be sending a video of if his Mom were talking to his parents?.. Timmy felt his throat dry, and his heartbeat increase, as he opened the attachment, and his screen went black...

The video was dark, but a faint light shined through. Timmy could only hear the sound of movement. This played for only 3 seconds, then ended just like that... The cryptic video left Timmy in a deep seated horror... Something wasn't right here. What was happening here? Was this from Roy? Did Mom get hurt?! Timmy panicked and panicked, until miraculously, another message was sent to him! Another video attachment... Timmy gulped and trembled as he slowly pressed play on the video...

His heart stopped, and he almost dropped his phone... The faint light made out a shape finally... It was a woman's butt! A chubby woman was flat face down on a bed. And a man... A black man was... Timmy couldn't lie to himself anymore. His eyes popped out of his head with watery tears. He knew what this was... This was Roy fucking his Mothers butt!

Mary was softly whimpering in a muffled tone, as the black man's large hands held her thick, voluptuous cheeks and spread them apart, to get a better look at his... Well, freakishly huge dick slowly pushing inside her.

"Ohhhhhh~ Ohhhhh god~" Mary moaned into a pillow she held up to her face. She sounded so ashamed and humiliated.

Timmy couldn't watch it, but he couldn't look away either... This was his Mother! The same one who took care of him as a baby, and helped him grow up! This was the woman who would do anything to help him. The love of his life... And here she was being fucked by his vile bully!

How did this happen?! What could've happened while Tim wasn't there that they could've started having sex?! Is this consensual?! Is this rape?! Mom wouldn't do this kind of thing, there's just no way... It makes no sense!

But the video didn't end... Timmy didn't know what to do. He couldn't just leave his phone, he had to see how this ends... He wanted answers! So he kept watching as the large black bully slowly fucked his mother. "Ohh shit, you got a THICK ass!~" He groaned with an amused, sadistic tone. "You like this shit, huh?"

Mary didn't respond with anything but her cute quiet moans. "Oooh, ohhh my- g-god..."

And the video ended once again... Timmy was left in silence. It was almost too much to bear. What should he do?!... Should he call the police? But what could they do in this situation?! What if... This wasn't rape? Timmy couldn't even imagine Mary having sex with someone other than dad, let alone his bully! But... The video was convincing enough... He had to admit, it almost sounded like... She might've been enjoying it... No, Timmy didn't want to even think about that. This made no sense!

Suddenly, a text message was sent this time! It read 'yo momma's 🍑🍑 gotta ride this dick 🍆 if she want me to stop fuckin wit u 🗣️🗣️🗣️. she agreed 😈😈😈'

Timmy was baffled, and terrified... His... His mother agreed to have sex with Roy so he'd stop bullying him... The guilt, anger, and sadness boiled inside... Why, Mom?! Why?! You don't have to do this! Timmy cried and wept as he curled himself into a ball on his bed.

This was all his fault... If he just stepped up for himself earlier... Stopped the bullying early... None of this would've happened... Now Tim had to sit here, as his mom was taking Roy's cock in her... Timmy couldn't even bear to think about it! He just continued to sob uncontrollably. The messages kept coming...

'U see dat 💦💦💦 im fuckin the shit out yo moms 🤤🤤'
'I bet u wanna watch dis 😈😈😈'

And another video was attached... Timmy didn't want to see it, but at the same time, he knew he had to. If he didn't, he wouldn't know if his mom was no longer unhurt. Timmy wiped his tears and slowly took his phone... The video showed the same image from the same angle, Mary's voluptuous butt as her pussy was being pounded by a big black dick. It was much rougher and faster than before, and the sounds of wet flesh slapping against each other were loudly audible.

Mary's moans were a little bit louder, and a lot more desperate, and her face was buried deeper into the pillow. But now, her butt was slightly lifted, and the camera was angled a little bit higher, giving Timmy a better view of Roy's hands, and his body.

"Ahhhh, hhnnn~ O-Ohh~ Oh my g-god, s-stop... Hhn, y-you're s-so bi-g, oh g-god!" She said between her moans.

Timmy watched her, his tears never stopped flowing, but his expression slowly changed to... Curiosity. He felt ashamed for looking at his mom's body like this. But at the same time, the way she's being fucked, the way her ass jiggles, the way she cries out with each thrust...

"When's the last time you got this typa' dick, huh?" Roy teased. "You love this, don't ya?!"

"Hhn, n-no, no I d-don't- Ahhhh, ahhhhh!" She screamed as the sound of the rough impact between their bodies increased.

"I'm 'boutta nut, I'm 'bouta fuckin' nut!"

Timmy's heart pounded, as he was about to witness the act of his bully ejaculating. He wasn't gonna cum inside right? Please don't, for the love of god... But he could see it happen, he pushed all the way inside, and buckled his hips, while his mom's butt looks like it just relaxed due to complete defeat... And the relief briefly washed over Timmy as Roy's cock slowly pulled out to reveal the shiny huge condom he wore... At least he didn't cum inside raw.

But the sight of a baseball size amount of cum ballooning Roy's condom was quite the scary sight... How was that even possible? If that were released inside... Then...

"Nhhh, ah, ahh..." Mary's whimpers were muffled into the pillow as she was still face down.

"Fuuuuuuck." Roy grunted, and the video cut off again... Timmy couldn't believe it, the whole scene was a lot more intense than he expected. He'd never seen his mom naked, let alone have sex! And Roy was his bully... To see him violate his mother's butt like that...

Roy sent a final text for the night: 'U can have yo mom back now lil bro, see her next week 😈'

Timmy was baffled again, and the tears wouldn't stop falling. Did this mean... Mom agreed to do this next week again? And the week after that? How many times would she agree to do this?! And how could he ever look her in the eyes again, knowing what she did... He didn't know whether to be angry, disgusted, or sad.

A couple minutes passed, and finally, his doorbell rang! He ran towards the door, and opened it as fast as he could, and there stood his mother... She looked fine, and she was gently smiling as usual, as if nothing happened...

Timmy couldn't even speak. Mary uttered first. "Hi Sweetie! I told you, I talked with his parents, and it's all taken care of now. Roy won't bully you anymore! See? That wasn't so hard now, was it?" She said, cheerfully.

She walked inside and headed straight for the kitchen, while Timmy simply stood by the door... She's lying. She must not be aware of the fact Roy was sending videos. Timmy didn't have the heart to bring it up. He'd just keep this secret forever if it meant preserving his mother's honor and dignity, and not making an awkward relationship.

"... T-Thanks Mom.." Timmy whispered quietly as he slowly closed the door.

"... What's wrong, honey? You sound a little down. Isn't this good news?" She said with her same motherly concerned face as usual, as she was in the kitchen, filling a glass of water.

"Um... No, nothing. I was just worried about you not being home... But it's all good now."

"Awwwwww~... Well, don't worry about me, darling. Your mom's a tough cookie, I can handle myself! I just hope you're staying safe at home! You made sure you locked all your doors when you were alone?"

Tim fake smiled. "Yeah, yeah I did. You don't have to worry about me either... Well, I think I'm gonna go to bed. I'm tired."

"Oh... Okay honey... Sleep tight!.. I love you."

"Mhm. Love you too."

Timmy walked back to his room, and closed his door, he collapsed onto his bed, and his mind was filled with a million thoughts. He was relieved mom was in fact okay, but at the same time, his stomach churned at the thought of his mom continuing to have sex with Roy every week, for him...

The days went by as Timmy went to school, and Mary went to work. For a while, things did feel relatively normal. Timmy also never had to see Roy again which was great... But none of this made Timmy forget what happened... And what was soon to happen in fact, tomorrow...

Dinner came, as Mary and Timmy ate pasta at the table. They had their usual conversations about school, plans, friends, etc. But the whole time, Timmy kept looking at Mary from the corner of his eye... The precious sacred woman he'd known... He just can't see her the same way anymore... Not after that video...

The images of all the times she smiled, delicately helping him swimming at the pool in her bikini, revealing her busty body... He imagined cum spatters soaking her swimsuit covered butt.

He tried to distract himself by looking around the house, but his eyes always kept coming back. Seeing her bring a fork full of pasta up to her lips, his mind was invaded with an image of Roy's giant cock pressing against her lips!

Timmy had to turn his head, and try and change the subject! "So, mom, have you been busy at work?"

"No, things are pretty good now! I think my coworkers are calming down on all their call-outs. Silly billies." She giggled.

"Nhow about chu and shcool? Math clash get any better?.. Is that dopey teacher still giving you a hard time?" She spoke with a pasta filled mouth.

"Mmm... No it's been getting better, the current subject just makes a lot more sense to me than last time." Timmy nodded... Head still filled with lewd images.

"... Are you okay, dear? You seem a little fidgety today."

"Oh, I'm fine, Mom! Just tired is all."

Mary nodded. "Alright, make sure you get some good sleep then."

As time passed, Timmy's anxiety grew worse. It was a restless night to say the least, and he woke up feeling tired. Not having to go to school today, he and Mary chilled out in their living room. It was at 6 PM suddenly, when Mary set aside her food and got up from the couch. "Oh... Sorry honey, I almost forgot I made plans with a coworker friend... I'll be out for a little bit! The rest of the pasta is in the tupperware if you get hungry again, okay?"

Timmy's blood froze. Her lie made him uneasy. He knew what she was really about to do...

"Uh. Okay, Mom. Bye."

"Bye sweetheart. Love you~" She said with a gentle smile and wave, as she left the house.

Timmy sat in silence... Then picked up his phone and simply waited. It was all he could do. He didn't even know why he wanted to see this... He just knew he had to. His movie he put on was coming to an end, and still no text messages from Roy. Timmy sighed. Was Roy simply trying to get him all stressed out? Maybe it really was just a one time thing, and Mom really was hanging out with a coworker right now.

"Ohhh, what the hell..." Timmy grunted, and went to his room, closing the door, and laid down, with his phone in his hand when suddenly, his phone buzzed. He quickly opened his messages, and it was just as he feared. Another message from Roy!

'Lookit this 👅💦'

Another video was attached. Timmy's heart raced as he pressed play. It was similar to the previous videos. Mary was face down on Roy's bed, with her big butt raised higher in the air this time. A pair of large, muscular hands grabbed her butt and spread them apart, giving Timmy a great view of her wet pussy, and her asshole.

"Ooooh~" Mary moaned, softly, sounding a little shy, as if she didn't want to get loud, or as if she didn't want to be seen or heard doing this.
"You want me to tear this shit up? You want this shit?"

Mary whimpered, before gently speaking up. "Don't be so brash... I'm doing this for Timmy..."

"You sure 'bout that?"

"Hmn!" Mary gasped, and her back arched. Roy was fingering her. "You're s-so, rough!"

"I can tell you like it. I can already feel you getting wet."

"I'm just- Mmm, I'm just a little sensitive, that's all..."

"Take this shit for sensitive-" Roy muttered as he quickly pulled out his 9 inch girthy cock and rubbed it up and down Mary's puffy pussy lips.

"Ahhh~" Mary gasped and whimpered, and her fingers gripped the sheets beneath her. Roy slowly slid the tip of his cock inside her, and Mary's soft moans became much more audible. She buried her face into the pillow, and her back arched even more.

"Mmmmhh!" She whined as Roy thrusted inside her, slow and deep, stretching her insides, and filling her up. Timmy felt that same sick feeling from before as he once again considered that this was the consequence of his cowardice... His own mother had to resort to sex with a bully because Timmy couldn't take care of himself... But now, he can't look away. He feels a new, odd, tingling feeling watching her plump and jiggling body get violated. She's his mother, so how could he look at her like this and get... Excited?..

"Ohhh fuck, look at all this ASS. Yo shit was built for black dick, you know that?" Roy groaned.

Mary whimpered, her mouth was muffled by the pillow, and her moans were barely audible. But the wet, sloppy sounds of Roy's dick penetrating her pussy and her juices getting smeared all over it were quite loud. Roy then slowly pushed Mary down completely flat on the bed, carefully shoving deeper, deeper, deeper, and Mary's head slowly rised up with a new erotic moan! "Oh! Ahhh~ Oh g-gosh!~" He must've struck her G-Spot with all 9 inches... Her voluptuous cheeks bounced and jiggled, as Roy lightly increased his speed, letting her booty squish underneath him. Going all in, Roy grabbed both of her cheeks as he leaned forward, and as he came down, he pushed himself deeper than before!

"OOHH! Aahhhhhh~" She was now filled to the brim, as Roy was viciously grinding inside her, swiveling his hips and rubbing the shaft against her inner walls.

"Yeah, you ain't going nowhere, bitch." Roy groaned as he felt her pussy grip him tighter...

Mary looked back over her shoulder with tears in her eyes. "Oh my goodness-s... Oh, oh my-..."

Roy grinned and held her waist as he began pounding her ass. He even leaned forward close to her ear to speak. "Say you like it... You can be honest. I hear you moaning, girl."

Mary sat there in silence... She usually says no, but this time, something's different... She knows he's right, but she's too ashamed to say anything... Roy noticed her silence, and took it upon himself to increase the tempo. Now, the sound of his groin smacking her thick ass was audible. "Mmh, mh, mh, mh." And each time, her body bounced and shook, and her moans grew louder.

"Say it... You like this dick?"

Mary could only whimper in response. She didn't say yes, but she didn't deny it either.

"You love getting fucked, don't ya'?" Roy groaned.

"... Mmmhhh~"

Roy responded back with more dick. He gave her more long hard thrusts, pressing into her soft pudgy cheeks. Mary's eyes rolled up and her tongue drooled a bit. "Ah, ah, ah, ahh, ahh, ahh~" She panted, as Roy's dick rubbed her G-Spot again, and his balls lightly smacked against her clit. Timmy clenched his chest tight as his mom ashamedly and embarrassingly admitted it... Yes, she was doing this for Timmy. But she didn't quite mind the experience... She liked having sex with a rough man who knew what he was doing...

The following weeks would offer very similar experiences... Things would go back to normal, nothing of this would ever come to light or be mentioned, as Mary was unaware Roy had been filming their encounters. And Tim would wait eagerly to watch his Mother's voluptuous body again and again.
However by the 5th week, something changed. In once another video of Roy fucking Mary's ass from behind, Roy would do something different this time... Something insane.

Mary had grown to admit more and more that she enjoyed their encounters, and at this time, she wasn't even too ashamed to hide hear moans. With every backstroke, she would cry out "Yes, yes, yes, yes, ohhh yes!~" And Roy had a smirk on his face, watching her bounce her fat ass back onto his cock.

"You like this black dick, bitch? Huh?"

"Ohhh god yes, ohh please, ohhh yes!"

Roy grinned as he then leaned forward and held his phone out in front of Mary, showing her erotic dribbling milky red face of sweat! "Say that again for Timmy here!"

Mary's fluttering eyes rolling to the back of her head looked right at the phone, widened in shock. Roy was recording this?!

"Ohh~ W-Wait, what?!"

"I got this shit filmed, Timmy 'gon see his momma's fat ass gettin' fucked good."

"N-No, no! S-Stop that! T-Turn that off right now!" Mary looked away, fighting to hold her arm up in front of her face as her tits swayed back and forth, being rocked from behind.

"Nah nah nah, you ain't 'gon play mommy suddenly when you been moanin' like a bitch for this dick! Tell him, you like this shit, bitch!"

"O-Oh god! A-Ahhh!~" She screamed.

"Say it, bitch!" Roy slapped her ass, making her whole butt jiggle. "You know he been watchin' these, right? He look forward to seein' his momma get plowed."

"Ahhh~ W-What? W-What are you talking about?- Ohh~"

"He been openin' all these videos I been sendin' him. Prolly beatin' his meat right now!"

"W-What?! T-Timmy?.. Y-You've... Ohh~... Y-You've been..." Mary could barely think or speak in the midst of her horny ecstasy mixed with horror, shock, and confusion... Timmy was seeing this?! Watching her get fucked in the ass by his... Bully?

"Tell him, bitch. Say it."

Mary couldn't respond, she went silent as she continued to take backshots. A wave of guilt washed over her, as her son has been watching her get fucked in the ass and pussy, and enjoying it... Roy grabbed her by the hair and pulled back, causing her back to arch. She cried out in a mix of pain and pleasure. "A-Ahh, nooo~"

"Tell him!"

"T-... Timmy!.. Sweetheart..." She said, weakly.

"Go on!"

"T-Timmy, honey..." Mary's voice sounded shaky and broken. "Y-Your mama- Aaahh~ Your mama loves- Ohh~ O-Ohh my g-god... Your mama loves, your bully's big black co- Ahhh, ahhh!~" Mary cried and moaned. She was embarrassed and ashamed, but she was so enveloped in carnal pleasure that she couldn't stop. She had to finish this first.

"Timmy yo momma's a hoe, watch me tear this bitch up."

Roy pulled up her her waist with one hand, and fucked her pussy with no restraint. Her butt was being slammed viciously, and with his other hand, he shoved Mary's cute whimpering face into the mattress, muffling her cries. Roy pulled her up by her hair and held his phone close to her face. Mary looked at the phone with her tongue lolling out. She could feel her pussy getting stretched, her G-Spot getting hit, and her clit getting rubbed. The stimulation was so strong, it was making her eyes roll up uncontrollably! "Timmy... T-Timmy, darling- Ahh, ahhh!~ Ohh, ohh, o-ohhh myyy god!~ D-Don't look! Don't watch!"

"Yo momma a fuckin' slut, Tim. This bitch gonna cum. Take a good look, and know this is what your momma do for you."

"Ahhh! N-Nooo, d-don't say that! Aahhh, oohhh, h-honey... I-I'm sorry, I'm- Oohhh, I'm a-ahh!~"

She couldn't finish. The intense orgasm had her screaming. She clenched her pussy tightly and came. Roy groaned and pulled out his cock, stroking it and shooting his hot ropes of cum all over her fat, pale, voluptuous cellulite ridden ass, once again. Mary collapsed and fell limp on the bed. She could barely breathe. "Ohhhh... Ohh, oh god..."

"Look at yo momma now, Tim." Roy said, aiming his phone to the cum-covered mess. Giving one last middle finger.

And then, the video ended.

Timmy sat, staring at his phone in disbelief. The image of his cum-dripping mom was seared into his mind... He had just watched his mother admit to him, that she loves black dick. This was so far removed from the kind of person his mother used to be... That conservative, sophisticated, demure, and bright woman... How could she be the same as the woman who was being filmed, taking dick like a whore, and being filmed by her sons bully, and enjoying it...

Timmy was in disbelief, and had a million thoughts racing in his head. The worst part is his mom had yet to come home... What was he to say? They both knew the truth now.

And then, his door opened, and Mary walked inside, her clothes hastily put on, and her skin looking faintly flushed... It seems she didn't put effort in trying to seem untouched, as there was nothing to hide anymore... Neither said anything to each other for what felt like an eternity. Until Timmy broke the ice.


"Yes, sweetheart?"


"... You- You watched it, didn't you?"

"... Yes."

"So... So you've known this whole time.."


"... Um."


Both stared at the ground. What else was there to say? Everything and nothing at the same time. Instead, Mary just kneeled down to give Timmy a big hug, clenching him tightly. Timmy did the same, burying his face into her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Timmy."

"... M-Mom, I-..."

"I'm so, so sorry, Timmy. I- I did it to protect you."

Timmy felt weird knowing that she also admitted that she just enjoyed having sex with Roy... The protection excuse is only partially true.

"But, if- If you really hate me, I understand."

"... I-I don't. I still love you, Mom."

"Oh, honey. I'm glad. Thank you."

They remained in the hug for a while, before Timmy finally spoke up.

"M-Mom, why... Who..." He couldn't even follow onto the next statement. His brain was too fogged up. "... Are you still going to see him?"

"Well.." Mary sighed, and gave too long and uncomfortable of a pause before her answer... Tim wanted to look at her face to figure out what she was thinking already, but he would die instantaneously if he looked her in the eyes after this video.

"... He... He said he'd still bully you if I don't..."

"... Y-You don't have to! I can take care of myself now! I don't want you to have to do this for me! Seriously, it's my fault for putting you through this!" Timmy held both fists up, looking at Mary with a pleading face. He said this as if he also wanted to ignore the fact that Mary enjoyed the sex... But to his betrayal, Mary wouldn't follow the charade.

"... It's... Um, it's okay, honey. I want to make sure you're protected. I won't let him even show himself around you. Okay?" She said as she petted Timmy's head of hair.

Timmy knew this was essentially a lie. She was pretending to do this for Timmy's protection... But in reality... She didn't want to stop seeing Roy... With so many balled up emotions, Timmy couldn't even push himself a little to argue or bring this up... He just wanted to go to bed already and try to forget this the best he could.

"... O-Okay." Timmy went along with the lie.

"... I love you so much, Sweetie."

"I love you too, Mom."

Mary would continue to visit Roy, and Timmy would continue to watch the videos. The veil was dropped, and Roy would casually continue to mention Timmy and openly show off new angles of filming such as blowjobs and missionary, showing Mary that he was in fact recording. There was no secret anymore. There was no drama. They were all aware that every Saturday, Mary would come over to get fucked by Roy, and they would film it for Timmy to watch at home... A dysfunctional relationship between mother and son to say the least, they rolled with the punches.

However on the 9th week, things would change up once more. Once Timmy's mother arrived home, she clasped her hands together and slowly walked to Timmy, looking as if to say something important.

"Honey? I have a question to ask..." She said with a concerning strange expression.

"... Yeah? What is it?" Timmy looked up at her.

"You see... Roy is going to have family over next week. So... We won't be able to have our meeting at his home... He asked me, if it would be okay to have our meeting... Well- Here. At home... W-Would you, be okay with that?"

Timmy froze, his eyes widened, his hands shook... "You two... Are gonna do it here?"


Timmy felt something strange brewing inside... He would watch Roy and his mom together... In person? Face to face? Not over video?.. His higher self snapped backed to reality and reinstated that, this isn't normal... You shouldn't WANT to see this. But it was set in stone by this point, that Timmy had a curiosity in watching his mother... His mind raced, and his gut dropped at the concept of witnessing this in person...

"Um... Sure, it's fine..." Timmy nodded without answering confidently. He just wanted to break the awkward silence.

"O-Oh, well thank you, honey." Mary said with a smile.

"N-No problem, Mom." The already ominous gears were turning in his head. He feels as if he's made the most terrible decision... But one that he couldn't help but take for some strange paralyzing reason.

"Y'know, i-if you ever start feeling uncomfortable about it, you can always let me know." Mary shyly croaked from around the corner.

"Alright. Thanks, Mom."

"... Good night, honey. Sweet dreams."

"Good night, Mom."

Mom's words didn't reassure him. They only made him feel even worse, and even more guilty.

Everything up until next Saturday felt like a blur. All Timmy could possibly think about was overwritten with images of his mothers fat ass being pumped and spattered with cum. A hot tumultuous knot grew tighter in his gut with every day.

And on that fateful Saturday, Timmy and Mary were on the couch when a particularly loud knock rang on the door. Both Mary and Timmy turned to look at it with no words... Mary got up, slowly walking over and opening the door to reveal none other than Roy. The bastard himself. His dark complexion in contrast to the bright light of daytime behind him made him look like a towering tall dark shadow, from Timmy's perspective. And that's exactly what Timmy saw him as anyway. A monster.

He grinned a foul grin, looking at Mary, then to Timmy, then back at Mary. Reaching down behind her, he grabbed and squeezed a handful of Mary's plump ass, giving a tiny pat afterwards.

"Mmm." Mary softly grunted, but didn't push away. She simply smiled with hesitation, and moved out the way to let him inside.

"Wassup, Timmy." Roy said as he took a look around the house. The world couldn't be any quieter once Roy walked in. His presence in Mary and Timmy's home changed everything. Coming over to the couch, he looked right at Timmy with a smile. "You tryna' stay here? Move over I'm 'gon sit here."

Roy's casual attitude made this all the more embarrassing. Timmy awkwardly stood up and moved out the way, not trying to make eye contact. At this last second, his anxiety peaked, all the voices in his head reinforcing him to get out of here, and that this was a bad idea! "... I-I was actually just gonna go to my room anyway.."

"What? Nah nah, chill. Stay and hang with us, Tim. This yo house ain't it?"

"... U-Um... Okay..." Timmy stuttered and froze, as he forcefully sat back down on an ottoman facing the couch. Detesting Roy's words were not even a concept in his brain currently due to his current paralyzing fear.

"Thanks for havin' me over lil bro. I think this'll be fun." He said, looking up at Mary as she slowly walked besides Roy.

Mary looked over at Timmy with slight hesitation... She knew at this point Timmy liked to watch, but her higher self chimed in as well, bringing reason back to the table.

"Sweetie... Are you sure you're gonna stay here?.. You're not gonna go to your room?" She said, almost hoping Timmy would come to reason as well, and leave... But alas-

"... N-No. I'm okay." Timmy said, quietly.

Mary sighed. She had no more excuses or reasoning to delay the inevitable. She awkwardly stepped from side to side, looking back and forth at the floor before Timmy and Roy- Until she finally began to slowly remove her knit sweater at a snails pace. The sweater would not come free easily, and held onto Mary's chest for life as it lifted her giant breasts. As it was coming up, Roy and Timmy's eyes were fixed on her.

And as it popped off, Mary's tits dropped with the weight of the world. Two soft, giant, milky colored mounds bigger than her head, resting in her cups.

Left with just her long skirt, slippers, and bra, Mary took a deep breath, and reached behind to gently unhook it. Beautifully and majestically, her perfectly ripe, slightly sagging boobs drop free. Roy had a look of satisfaction and awe, and Timmy was simply frozen. He couldn't believe he was actually seeing his mother's tits! Her bra fell, and her huge pale globes jiggled in place. Her dark nipples stood tall and erect. Timmy felt his blood run cold, as his mind was clouded with the thought that this was real... That the naked body of his mom, is actually in front of him...

"Yo momma's got some nice fat tiddies, Timmy. Damn!" Roy chuckled.

Timmy didn't know what to do with himself. He was still staring and unable to move... His mouth hung open, and his eyes were wide. Mary smiled with embarrassment, as she placed her hands over her tits. She tried to cover them up a bit.

"Ah- Ahh, y-yeah." Timmy stuttered, unable to take his eyes off her.

"You wanna see me suck these tiddies, bro?" Roy asked with a grin, looking at Timmy.

"Uh-" Timmy's mind was running wild. He didn't know whether he should accept or not. He wasn't thinking, he was just feeling. "Yeah.."

"Hhn, mm, hnnn." Mary moaned softly, as her hands were pushed off, and Roy latched onto one of her tits. His tongue ran over her nipple as he lightly suckled on it. Roy's big lips dwarfed and enveloped Mary's big soft nipple.

"Ahhh~" She moaned and her knees buckled.

Timmy watched, and his throat felt dry. He wanted to speak up and tell them to stop. This wasn't right! It shouldn't happen! But the words couldn't come out... He wanted this... Roy moved his hand and cupped her breast, and his mouth opened up, taking a bigger portion of her tit inside his mouth.

"Aaahhhh, ohhh, hnnn!" Mary whimpered, as her fingers clenched his head. Timmy's breathing grew deeper, and his hands trembled... "Oh god.." He whispered to himself.

Mary looked down and saw her own son watching her get sucked on... The humiliation and embarrassment filled her mind. Her face was red, and she wanted to cover up, but couldn't bring herself to do it.

The sucking sounds grew louder. And Mary's whimpers became moans. Roy's other hand reached down, and began tugging at Mary's long skirt.

"Come on, lemme see that fat ass."

Mary's heart skipped a beat. She knew it was coming, her instincts were telling her to resist, but she didn't! Her waistband inched down to choke her plump butt, showing the pale cheek budging out ever so slightly.

"Daaaaaaamn!" Roy said, pulling the band down even more, and a little bit of her pale, soft, thick ass was exposed. He released the breast from his mouth, noticing the black lacy lingerie panties Mary was wearing!

"You came prepared, huh?"


"Damn, you a freak. Look at this shit, bro. Yo momma's got sexy panties on, she look good in that shit! Don't she?"

Timmy nodded, and his eyes were fixated on the small portion of her ass popping out. His face was red. Roy looked up and grinned, his hands moved to the bottom of her ass cheeks and squeezed.

"Fuck, this shit's so thick."

"Ahh, w-wait." Mary uttered. Roy ignored her as he kept his eyes on Timmy.

"Timmy how many times you nutted, watching this shit get pumped?"

Timmy's heart jumped at the question. "U-Uhh..."

Mary blushed, and looked at her son with a pitiful expression. She didn't have anything to say, or any reason to say it. All of them knew it was happening, what else was there to say?

"Oh man, I can't believe we're doin' this." Roy laughed. "This is some freaky shit, bro. How you feelin'?"

"I-... Um.." Timmy looked up. He couldn't even describe the conflict of feelings that were rushing through him.

"... He's nervous, dear. We should slow down." Mary's red face shyly spoke to Roy's hands groping her ass.

"Nah, that ain't it... You look a little too excited... Maybe you wanna get a taste of yo momma?"

Timmy froze in fear. His whole body was stiff and his heart was racing. His eyes widened, as his brain tried to process what was just said.

"That's enough, sweetie.." She retorted a little stronger. She wouldn't allow any further teasing of her son. She wished she had the sensibility to stop all of this completely... But she needed this. She and everyone else knew that.

Roy grabbed her waistband with both hands and quickly pulled her whole skirt down all at once. The soft thump of fabric hitting the floor was all that could be heard, as they were both stunned into silence.

Her huge, pale, voluptuous ass was bare, and exposed, and only her dark black lingerie panties were in the way. Her lightly cellulite sprinkled thighs, her pale cheeks, and her fat, plump, doughy ass were on display, as Roy grabbed her hips and dug his fingers into the flabby flesh.

"Mmm!" Mary whimpered softly, and her hand covered her mouth, her big boobs hanging like pendulums. Timmy couldn't believe his eyes. His mom's fat ass was right in his face. Her panties were tight, and her ass cheeks were practically popping out the sides.

"Yo momma's ass is so damn thick, bro. C'mon bruh, you ain't never see strangers eyeballing yo momma's ass? You ain't never imagined a stranger wanna fuck yo momma?"

Timmy didn't respond...

"This here is a thick ass, Timmy. Look at it. Grab it."

Timmy paralyzed at first, felt the warmth inside him building. After watching all of these videos... After paying such close attention to his mom's rippling soft ass cheeks... He now has the opportunity to see it up close. He slowly rose from his seat, his hands were shaking as he extended his arms. He was afraid to do it. The closer he got, the more his hands were trembling. But as his hands finally made contact, a warm sensation overtook his body. His fingertips lightly touched her butt cheeks, and the warmth was intense. He felt the soft, fatty flesh under his fingertips. He slowly, gradually, and carefully placed his hands fully on her cheeks. They were soft and heavy.

"Ohhh~" Mary whimpered. Timmy's eyes widened at the sound, as he realized he had caused her to moan...

Roy grinned. "Whatchu think, bro?"

Timmy was silent, his heart was racing.

"Yo momma got the best ass, don't she? Lookit. Look how fat it is." Roy quickly and roughly batted away Timmy's left hand in order to accompany his speech with a nice SPANK on her butt, causing Mary to seize up a little, letting out a cute quiet yelp. Timmy was frozen in place, watching the rippling fat of her butt in slow motion... He couldn't think of a thing to say, he could only stand there, with his hand on her ass.

"... Now watch me fuck this shit." Roy ripped the fantasy and pleasure out of Tim's hands, as he pulled Mary close by the waist, to stand over Roy in cowgirl position.

"O-Ohhh!~" She gasped and moaned, as her panties were ripped to the side, and Roy's thick black cock was revealed! It was just as long, thick, and veiny as the videos, but somehow felt more intimidating once finally seen in person. Timmy's mouth was agape, as the fantasy was taken from him, and replaced with reality. The reality that a huge black cock was about to ravage his once innocent, sacred, and precious mother... The head of Roy's cock budged against his mom's pussy. It was a sight he'd never forget, as her legs shook, and her head tilted back.

"Ooohhh!~ Oh my goodness-s!~" She whimpered and whined as she slowly descended onto the cock. It stretched her, and the wet sounds of her vagina squelching echoed the room. "Ahh! Aaaahhhh!~"

Timmy could barely hear his mom's voice, all he could hear were the lewd noises coming from her pussy. His heart raced, and his mind was blank, his eyes were fixated on her ass, and the image of his mother's pussy taking a cock, was something he'd never thought he'd see face to face. Mary's legs trembled, and she cried out in a mix of pain and pleasure, as her insides were stretched to accommodate the giant dick inside her.

Timmy couldn't take his eyes off the sight, but his body couldn't stay still, as he sat back down on the ottoman, his erection was obvious, and throbbing.
Roy grabbed her wide hips and slowly pushed her down until his entire 9 inches were sheathed inside her.

Mary's toes were curling, and her whole body was shaking. She had tears in her eyes, as she held the armrest behind Roy, and looked down at him. "Oh god, oh my g-god, yes yes yes yes!~"

Roy grinned. "Come close, Timmy. Lookit how much I'm stretchin' her shit."

Timmy couldn't believe his ears, but he found himself nodding and leaning forward to look. Her fat labia was spread open, and his mother's pink, wet, tight pussy was holding onto Roy's impressive veiny girth for dear life.

"Ahhh, ohh, ahh, ahh, ohhh, ahhhh~" Mary was moaning and crying, and her pussy was getting stretched and filled to the brim, with each passing second.

Roy grinned and held onto her wide hips. He began lifting her, and thrusting, letting his cock pull out, and sink back inside.

"Say it. Say it for Timmy. You love black dick, huh? Say it."

Mary slowly looked back over her shoulder through all her bobbing up and down. She looked at Timmy, her own son, with a pitiful, tearful, shameful, yet lustful expression.

"H-Honey, I- I- Mmh!"

Roy slapped her ass, making it jiggle. "Go on!"

"... Ahh! T-Timmy, darling, I- Ooohh!~ I-I, l-love- Ahhhh, oohh, ahh, ahhh!~"

"You love what? You love this big black cock? Huh? Huh?!"

"Oooohhh, y-YES!~ I-I love his, big, black, co-co- Ahhh!~"

Timmy's blood was boiling. His stomach felt queasy.

"Timmy you gotta man up bro. Watch how a real man handles a woman."

Roy then suddenly wrapped his arms around Mary's waist, pulling her down all the way, leaning against Roy's chest. Her ass lay resting on his pelvis, slightly suspended in the air, as Roy thrusted and pistoned upwards repeatedly into her huge jiggling ass!

"Ahhh! Ahhh!~ O-Oh my god! Oh my g-goooood!" This new position was so ruthless, so fast, so good, that it absolutely melted Mary's mind. She loudly let out her pleasure as her G-spot was being brutalized at record speed!

"Aahh! Oohh, ah, ahhh, ahhhh, ahh, aahhh, o-oooohhh!~" Mary's eyes rolled up as her tongue drooled and her mind was overwhelmed with pure, unbridled pleasure!

"Bitch, tell yo son! Tell yo son to watch how a real man does it!"

Mary could barely hear the words. Her mind was clouded and hazy, but her instinct responded. "Timmy, t-this is h-how, a-a man, o-ooohhh!~"
Timmy watched, speechless and awestruck, as his mother's fat ass bounced and jiggled, with every powerful thrust. It was almost hypnotic.

"This is how a man what? This is how a man what?!" He barked as he began ruthlessly spanking her ass over her deep guttural moans!

"Aahhh!~ Ah, ahh, a-aahh, t-this is h-how a real m-man, fucks!~"

Roy's hands held her tightly by the waist as his hips bucked upwards, his cock pistoning in and out of her wet pussy, the wet sloshing noises echoed in the room, as Mary's ass clapped loudly against his pelvis- CLAP-CLAP-CLAP-CLAP-CLAP-CLAP-CLAP-CLAP!

"Yesss, oh my god! Watch h-how a real man does it, T-Timmy Sweetheart! Ohh~ my GOD!"

Timmy was in awe at how loud his mother's pussy was squelching. He'd never seen or heard such a thing before. It was a surreal experience, watching a thick cock pump in and out of her pussy at such a scary speed, and hearing the obscene sounds that accompanied it. This almost looked unsafe. His freakishly huge dick was plunging in and out so fast, abusing her tight hole so awfully that Timmy could've sworn this might leave some long term damage!

"H-Hy-You see this shit -Tim? -Hhuh?" Roy teased through a deeply labored breath, befitting of the Olympic marathon performance he was committing on Timmy's mom's pussy.


"H-Hy-You see thi-is pussy gettin' wrecked?! H-Look at her. Look how fa-at her ass i-h-is. She looo-oo-oove this shi-it."

"I-I see.."

"Th-hen tell yo momma. Tell he-err how she take this dick! You like watchin' yo mo-omma get fucked? You like watch-hin' her juicy ass bounce and jiggle-h?"


Mary was panting and whimpering, and her head was tilted up just by the side of Roy's head. Her eyes were rolled up and her mouth was agape. She couldn't control her tongue from lolling out, or her saliva from dripping. Her huge breasts were violently jiggling in rhythm with the rest of her body, even when staying in place pressed up against Roy's chest. Her mind was in a haze. Everything was so overwhelming. All she could think about was the pleasure of the big black cock ravaging her pussy. She was on top, but she was the one being fucked like a bitch. Her pussy was getting wrecked. She was a complete and utter mess.

"Tell her, Timmy-y! She go-otta hear it!"

Timmy had no idea why, but the words came out without him thinking. "I-I like watching you get fucked, M-Mom."

"Tell he-er you like watchin' that fat ass bounce-hh!"

"I-I like watching your fat ass bounce..."

"Tell he-er you want that a-ass bounci-in' on my BBC!"

"M-Mom... I want you to bounce your ass on his BBC."

Mary could barely comprehend what her son was saying to her. Her mind was foggy, and her pussy was being violated beyond anything she'd experience up until now. Her ass was jiggling so hard with every thrust, it almost started to look fake! Like some sort of movie CGI!

"FffFffuuuuuuuuuck! Fuck fuck fuck fuck, ahhhhhh my GOD!~"

"Lo-ookit Timmy! Look how I f-fuck her brains ou-ut! Bitch can't h-even speak reg-h-ular no more!" Roy proudly preached how he'd fuck the vocabulary out of Mary's brain. He fucked Timmy's mother so hard, she start to become an empty shell. A blabbering organism only responding with grunts and moans to the most primal form of stimuli- Roy's cock. It was her oxygen, her water, her blood.

Timmy was stunned silent at the disturbing sight... His mother was practically dead to him as is.

"Go ah-head Timmy! Cry for mommy-y! Go on!" Roy taunted Timmy, as he continued to fuck his mother's ass.

"Nn- No-... N-No, s-stop..." Timmy said, with a shaky voice. He couldn't handle the sight.

"Don't you wa-h-ant yo momma to come to her senses? See h-her go back to the mo-omma you once kne-ew? Go ah-head bitch! Speak up!"

Timmy watched, speechless. Nothing but moans and wails would come out of her mouth. His mother's brain was being fried before his very eyes... Roy was right. He did in fact want his mom back. His horny brain cleared up, and he snapped back to reality, realizing he DID want things to go back to the way they once were! He wants his precious innocent mother back! He wishes Roy never came into their life! This is no good, this is too far!

"Speak up to h-her, or yo momma ain't co-omin' back, bruh!" Roy yelled louder as he bucked his hips into her pussy as violently as he yelled, trying to drown out the sound of Tim's voice with the rapid sound of his loud backshots.

"M-Mom! P-Please... M-MOM! D-Don't! Stop!" But she never responded. Timmy could barely be heard over the gunshot sound of his mother's ass being clapped anyway.

"Speak up, lil' bitch! Sh-ee can't h-hear yo ass! Come on, be a man!"

"M-Mom! M-Mom please, st-stop, stop! S-Stop, d-don't!" Timmy got closer, onto his knees, witnessing the brutalized ass of his mother just mere inches away from his face. Timmy was pleading and crying now. But the sounds only grew louder and more violent.

"Mom! Mom, please! P-PLEASE! I-It's me, Timmy! Mommy!"

Timmy could hear his own heart pounding in his ears. It was deafening, and the world around him was a blur. He felt tears running down his face.

"Mom! Please, don't! I'm begging you! Don't leave me!"

But it was to no avail... Timmy's cries fell on deaf ears. Roy laughed loudly.

"She ca-an't hear yo ass, bruh-h! You w-h-as too late, she gone now-h! Yo momma-a's a stupid bitch for my dick now, ain't no goin' back! Ain't no fixin' h-this shit!"

"Mommy, please! I-I love you! P-Please!"

And just then, Mary finally croaked out vaguely familiar words- "M-My, babyyy~" Mary's voice sounded broken and hoarse.

"The f-fuck was that? That was h-all Timmy's beggin' and cryi-h-n' gotchu?! Nah, bitch. Go on and take this shit- Take my dick in yo fat ass, stupid bitch!"

Roy's hips bucked wildly upwards, as Mary was pushed down, her face and tits smashing against the armrest. Her ass was high up in the air as she was getting pounded and spanked.

"M-Mom! Oh god, please, stop!" Timmy's heart raced as he was witnessing his own mother's brutal defilement.

"Bruh I'm tellin you, she gone! Best g-h-et over it, yo momma ain't comin' back. She a stupid bitch-h for my dick now. Ain't no savin' her, she done, bro!"

Timmy covered his eyes, as his whole body trembled... Was it true? Was she not just temporarily frazzled and confused? Please no... What would Timmy do without his beloved mother?..

"Look, lemme prove it. Bitch, whatchu love more, yo so-on, or my BBC-e? Yo son, or my black di-ick? Answer!"

Mary's eyes rolled up. She couldn't believe the question was posed, but her mind had been fried and rewired into a slut for big black dick, there was no going back... She had already admitted to her son she loved this dick. And she was so close to climaxing. So close...

"... B-Black, d-dick- Ahhh, aahh, oohh, ooohhh, ohhh, ahh, aaaahhh!~"

Roy grinned, looking at Timmy with a triumphant smile. "S-h-ee that shit? Yo momma don't give a fu-uck about yo ass! Yo momma just lo-o-o-ove dick now! Hahaha!"

Timmy's tears continued to stream down his face. He was broken and devastated, but his cock was rock hard, and the tip was dripping pre-cum.

Roy slapped Mary's ass and spanked it. It didn't even seem like the ass of Timmy's mother anymore. It was just a red splotched, big, giant, pile of flesh to fuck and rape endlessly. A test to see just how brutally hardcore something could be fucked. Faster, stronger. Timmy couldn't move. His body was shaking, and his heart was racing. He couldn't do anything but stand and watch as his mother's ass bounced and jiggled.

"Bitch, you even kno-ow wh-ho Timmy is? Who is he, bi-h-itch? Answer."

Mary was barely lucid. Her eyes were rolling back and her tongue was drooling. "A-Ahhh, ohhh, a-ahhhh, ohhhh~"

"Speak the fuck up!"

"I-I, ahhh, n-nooo, I- I don't- Ohhh, mmmmhhhh, I d-don't knowww~"

Timmy's eyes widened and his jaw hung open. The truth was revealed, she had lost herself. His mother was no longer there, just an empty shell. She had truly become Roy's bitch. Timmy could do nothing but stare and cry. Timmy couldn't do anything but watch what was essentially the corpse of his mother get fucked. This giant, busty, voluptuous simulacrum made of flesh, was being stretched and abused. It's huge fat ass being eviscerated and plowed in a cruel inhuman fashion. Roy used his labored breath to laugh at Timmy's weeping.

"Bitch tell this lil' kid, I'm go-onna nut in yo pussy and kno-ock you up."

"L-Little o-one-OH~ He... He's g-gonna... O-Oh, ohhh, a-ahhhh!~" Mary struggled to even form a sentence, her tongue was drooling, and her voice was shaky.


"Ah, ahh, a-ahh, C-Child... T-Timmy... Timmy! D-Dear, I'm sorry, I- I'm sorry, but he's g-going, to- Mmmmm~" Mary's brain would recognize her son just enough to give this final message. Timmy trembled as he heard what would essentially be his mother's final words.

"What, bitch?!"

"H-He's gonna b-breed me, and n-knock me up! Oh god!~"

"You ready for this Timmy?"

Timmy watched in shock and horror as Roy grabbed both her ass cheeks hard, as if he were seriously trying to rip them apart, and spread them wide. He began thrusting harder and faster, and her pussy squelched and gushed.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!~" Mary screamed, and her whole body was shaking, her pussy was convulsing and clenching, and a milky white substance began to spurt out uncontrollably! Timmy's jaw dropped and his eyes were widened, he was speechless. He watched in awe, and then, with one final thrust, Roy bucked in balls deep and grunted with malice, and Mary let out a deep guttural moan. Timmy never heard his mother speak in any tone but that same falsetto motherly voice. It was as if even her vocal cords changed.


"Oooooohhh, ahhh, ahhhh, oh, oooh, h-hhhh."

Mary stayed completely still against Roy's shoulder, her boobs pressing against his chest, her legs still spread open. The two let their chests rise up and down in synchronization, as they catched their breaths.

Timmy could feel his dick throbbing and leaking, and the knot in his stomach was burning. It couldn't get worse than this... Could it?.. He could barely even breathe at this point. He felt almost just as numb and dead as his mother at this point. Roy grinned and pulled out all 9 inches from underneath her, setting her aside, standing up, and pointing his cock at Mary's face. His cock was still erect, shiny and glistening underneath the creamy scummy coating of Mary's pussy.

"Suck it, bitch. Clean it up."

Mary was limp, her eyes were shut and her body was still. But her instincts compelled her, as her hand reached out, and grasped the thick cock. Her cute tender lips that she'd used to kiss Timmy's cheek oh so many times, now parted and wrapped around the tip of his bully's massive cock, as she slowly sucked the head.

"I ain't even done yet, I'm still ready to nut on yo face, bitch."

Mary was breathing through her nose, and her mouth was busy. Her eyes were still shut, as she slowly bobbed her head back and forth, her mouth and tongue were rubbing and licking the big, long, black cock.

"Bitch, look here. Look up at me."

Mary's eyes weakly opened to lustily look up at Roy, with her mouth still around his giant shaft.

"Tell him. Tell him you love this black dick."

Mary looked over at Timmy and her eyes widened. She pulled away from the cock, and her hands covered her mouth. Timmy felt something strange bubbling inside him. He didn't say anything, and he didn't know what to do.

"Bitch, say it. Tell him you love this dick."

"... Timmy, honey... I- I really, love his big black cock."

"Now tell him I'm gonna nut all on yo face."

"... T-Timmy, dear, h-he's going to... 'nut' on my face now..."

"Bitch, don't act shy, we all know you a slut. Get down on yo knees already."

Mary slowly sank down onto her knees. She looked at her son with a pitiful expression, her eyes slowly closed shut and her mouth was open, her huge breasts were hanging and her nipples were hard, and her face was flushed.

Timmy's heart raced, and he couldn't help but rub his hard, throbbing, erection. Roy grabbed her chin and angled her head upwards, as he stroked his cock and pointed it right at her face.

"Fuuuck, watch this, Timmy. You're about to see me bust a nut all over yo momma's pretty little face."

Mary's eyes were shut, and her mouth was still open. Timmy couldn't take his eyes away from the sight. So shocked and horrified, his brain went into damage control mode. It compensated the horrific sight by trying to remind him of all the good memories. All the beautiful sights of his once mother.

Her dressed in her buttoned white blouse, loose flowing cardigan, and tight fitting jeans, smiling with arms wide open for a hug, picking him up from his first few days at school. Her wavy hair blowing in the wind like a dolled up Hollywood actress.
"Hi Honey! You have a good day at school? Make any new friends? Come here~"

Her dressed like the beautiful princess of his favorite video game, when he asked for it to accompany his costume on one Halloween. Her elbow length white satin gloves, holding his hand tenderly, walking down the night street for trick or treating.
"Let's stop by Joseph's house here! I know he has full-size bars! This'll be our biggest haul yet!~"

... No more.

Now, she lay naked, sloppily on her knees, mouth open for his bully. Sweat all over, sticking various strands of messy hair to her face.

Then, with a few final grunts, Roy growled, and he released what felt like an endless load onto Mary's face. His hot ropes of cum landing all over. Her mouth was filled, jizz would drip all the way down from her forehead, down to her nose and eyes, causing her to slightly wince and relax. Glob after glob, Timmy watched every single spatter of off-white milky cum cake and color his mother's flushed red face, like a delicate painting. Here lied Timmy's mom, with a cum-covered face. Her eyes stayed shut and her mouth lay open, as the cum slowly dripped from her lips and onto her huge, soft, plump, voluptuous breasts.

"Damn, that's a pretty fucking picture. Now, look at yo son."

Mary slowly turned her head and looked at Timmy. His eyes were wide, and his mouth was agape.

"Say goodbye to yo son, stupid bitch. We leavin', think I'm 'gon share her with a few homies of mine at they crib." He trailed off with cracked up spitty chuckling.

"... G-Goodbye, honey..."

Timmy sat catatonic as Mary wobbled to pick up her big pudgy body, and was escorted to the front door by Roy.

Not even bothering to put on clothes or clean up; Mary would follow Roy's instructions verbatim, absolutely hypnotized like a zombie. Never would this woman ever find herself going outside naked, and especially soiled. If Mary knew this would happen to her at the start, she would've been positively petrified. But here she was, not the same woman she once was. With a broken mind, she did not mind one bit that she'd show her dirty cum covered naked body to the world.

The boy could only stare, as Roy slowly closed the door behind them with one hand, and grabbing a piece of Mary's ass with the other. And the last image Timmy would get to see of his mother in person, would be her flushed, red and bruised plump doughy butt dripping with copious amounts of cum oozing out of her abused meaty pussy, as she didn't even bother to look back at her son one last time.


Timmy stared at the closed door for what felt like an eternity. The silence of the house was deafening.

It was over. Timmy's world came crashing down. His mother was gone for good.

Weeks later, Mary still had not come home. Timmy would stumble through his house like a zombie, waiting for his mother to come back. And yet she never would. Timmy knew this deep down inside. But it was a nice dream...

She would never answer his text messages either. Timmy tried calling her workplace, and even her coworkers never heard back from her... She really did change into a completely different person. She threw her life away, her role as a mother. For Roy. More specifically, his cock.

The closest form of connection Timmy would still have was through a website. One that Roy would've have sent to him, in fact...

'REAL AMATEUR MILF BBC GANGBANG PART 7 ' Was the title of the video Timmy would click on. Again, and again, again...

The End.

Pub: 30 Oct 2023 07:26 UTC
Edit: 31 Oct 2023 05:32 UTC
Views: 2442