Kronii falls to the ground in a sprawled heap, her plate of lasagna that she prepared for you shattering and making a mess on the floor.
She gets back up, a hand nursing the red limp on her cheek, tears coursing down her cheeks.
"I TOLD YOU TO STOP ADDING SHIT TO THE FOOD! YOU'RE A FUCKING DOGSHIT COOK!" You scream, you can feel the veins in your neck pop out, you're in danger of losing your voice.
Cheap urine flavored beer and ghetto nicotine running through your bloodstream. You were having another bad day, you only had bad days.
"I-I'm sorry Anon. I-I won't do it again." She says in a soft and timid voice.
She only made you angrier.
You seize her arm, dragging her back up to her scared and helpless protests.
You squeeze her shoulders so tightly you can feel the bone, shaking her like a tree branch.
"YOU WILL DO IT AGAIN! YOU'LL ALWAYS DO IT AGAIN." You savagely backhand her, she yells out in pain and falls on the table, toppling it over.
She lies there, shaking and trembling like a leaf.
You stand over her helpless form, your fist shaking angrily.
You blink.
Why were you so angry?
Why did hit her like that?
Didn't you love her.
Your intoxicated mind experiences a moment of clarity, the first in a very long time.
You can feel the air in your lungs escape, her heart beating.
Your hands shake as they try to move towards your wife.
What have you done?
What went wrong?
You needed to stop.
You had to stop.
You will never stop.

Pub: 18 Sep 2021 11:32 UTC
Views: 296