nfsw (your sfw accs can interact),proshippers,comshippers,loli/shota,zoophiles,incest lovers/supports,maps,homo + trans + xeno phobes,racists, nazis,pedophiles,people who sexualize anything,tracers,toxic ass people,cheaters, under 13, Israel supporters,you support techrobyte


sptwt members / fnf members some of y'all are questionable..


-> I am overly senstive person, do not make those real dark jokes please it makes me uncomfortable, i can't take nor tell if someone is joking when making mean jokes so please add /j when making one, I always respect boundaries, if anyone od y'all feel sad nor don't have someone to talk to dw I'm always free to talk!, I will be talking about my hyperfixtionsI will talk about them for days /srs so if you keep getting notifications because of it feel free to mute, I love

Pub: 12 Mar 2024 19:55 UTC
Views: 155