hi! you're viewing the old version of my urls!! if you'd like to take a look at my new hoard, go here!
/yourIs wishlist + unlisted
my url hoard or something?? idk
anyways contact me!!1 xureisanywhere on da discord >_<
or @ryebreadwins on da neospring :3
all links • resources • commissions
italic = iffy/hard take
strikethrough = already in use
bold = not for trade unless offered good url
normal = for trade or free if we're close
red = already traded/given to
dark red = given/traded to me
sigh my wishlist ig...
/chevrolet, /honda, /jeep, /ferrari, /porsche, /mercedes, /mercedes-benz,
/nissan, /kia, /ford, /dodge, /koenigsegg, /europapa, /omerobert,
/droomgroot, /joostklein, /skiaggu, /ballaballa,
anything thats 5 or 4 letters i'd be willing to trade for,
/mads, /mikkelsen, /madsmikkelsen, /hannibal, /fannibal, /hugh,
/hughdancy, any other language urls i find interest in,
/radar, /rye, /ryebread, /mariah, /will, /graham, /willgraham, /hanniballecter
i'll take any types of urls that seem interesting to me, though
urls that i have forgotten the code to: /jaredhathcoat /humancentipede3
/gfring /jpinkman /stanjessep /hartweil /hartweii /hartweli /walterwhitecore /giancario /--charliespring /elieargent /-taoxu- /-nickneison /lipgaiiagher /mickeymiikovich /iangaloger /ianmilkovich /mickeygallagher /justinchatwin /noeifisher /youcantspellamericawithouterica /mikeross- /billpaxton /helenhunt /edspeleers /mntrse /edspeieers /pennbadgiey /adampratt /simonsoo /sophiesoo /josephq /joesphquinn /baliister /kurtzworid96 /tylersslut /harrycore /nimonasmetalsongs /jaredhathcoat /jhutcherson /jhathcoat /tylerowen /stumach /iheartray /9lives- /odetarilvr /bilikaulitz /anzyeity /morganwallen /intigband /justiceforjoost /kleinjoost /skiggu /mmads /souxsie /mikkl /berriedalive /bayharbour /dextermoggin /masukavince /harrymorgan
/aventador /mitsubishi /citroen /hyundai /chrysler /etox /lamborghinis /mercedes-amg /tesia /zenvo /cadiliac /iexus /iincoln /pagani /rivian /landrover /bentleymotors /lamborghini /volvo /saleen /f50 /wiesmann /S3XY /599xx /siiverado /aston-martin /alfa-romeo /iandrover /renauit /roiisroyce /mercedes-bens /horsepower /v14 /v15 /v16 /widebodykit /4wd /horaciopagani /fordgt /lp400 /m3competition /develmotors /luxgen /mitsuoka /pininfarina /rimac /spyker /venucia /vinfast /wmotors /24hlemans /libertywalk /pierrelevegh /300slr /christianvonkoenigsegg
video games:
/korokfronds /sussyimposters /korokleaf /henrikssonz /cofsimonh /assettocorsa /assetto /detroitbh /ilovedbh /ilovedetroitbecomehuman /iheartroblox /projectsekaicoiorfuistage /tunneltown /keadeharakazuha /ittttto /mypikminarecute /ihrtpikmin /davidleatheroffz /simonhenrickkson /gavinxrk900 /ihartreed900 /iihinomoriii /bayonettta /jeannee /righteyeoflight /lefteyeofdarkness /iukaredgrave /youwanttotouchme /loptr /fimbulventr
/dumbdick /figsaw /ih8gtr /tellem /yakuzaties /hydroplane /illquietdownifthatswhatyouwant /iunderstandimnottheonlyoneforyou /silversoui /viajeendub /mode-l /bezteyba /igotshotby6 /igotlacedbysix /igotmuggedby6 /firststation /ijustwannabeyoursigma /canyoubiowmywhistlebaby /tumbirgiris /alliwantforchristmasisu /olaolast2009 /watermeionsugar /meianchole /feiiiniuv /thoughtyoushouldknow /arewestilifriends /iuchtballon /buurmanuitberlijn- /-buurmanuitberlijn /2002-2001 /2002slash2001 /discobeigica /ichbinkrank /busgemist /giaassiewater /guusmeeuwis /demoneninmelichaam /weikomineuropa /europapapapa /dubisteinschweinhund /fiithydog /ichbinballaballa /tourdeberiin /partybusskizze /wiedumanchmalfehlst /immermitmakko /Z0RNIG2024
/slut- /ipullpussy /shegotass /fingeringmyselfrn /toohorny /2horny4thisbullshit /awhore4u /awhore4you /moanlouder /moan4me /smallpp /manipulateme /hersiut /insideofyou /insideofu /pleasurabie /fondie /niple /simpingformyself /simping4myself /harderplease /harderpls
other language:
/oniigiri /fieurr /doord /guus /leben /voor /doorde /nicht /dieren /kurushimu /penaruti /otochan /rojintachi /quesoblanco
/anti-depressants /sleeping- /hrtbroken /iuciddreams /iuciddream /ravioli- /tripiet /fruitbat- /proceedable /jetpacks /laughoutioud /hotmen /womenarehot /prison4life /monsterenergygunz /constitutionally /lovehereyes /watchingyoueverywhere /stalker4u /tarantuiasallovermyroom /tarantulasallovermyroom /kawaiihorror /kawaiinightmare /kindagay /thatswild /mandeiaeffect /heiloyou /goodbyeyou /brobrokebad /ibrokebad /shebrokebad /hebrokebad /jacen /lvujh /mqrt /fannibalism /fannibalistic /rockstarenergy /redbullgivesyouwings /appleiphone /foxracing /tonightsthenight /albuquerque- /iilil /iilberightback /iiiberightback /devilsresource /satanscool /heiihoie /crowsaredeathsigns /changeforthebetter /change4thebetter /bootycrumbs /stoprightnow /krav /2020tiktokdances /watchingtv /yandure /unlively /pixxies /oldguys /oidguys /femluver /endingu /dispair /hunnid /xurr /toxication /tareq /danishmen
personal use:
/rhzwishes /aibuquerque /rentrywhore /xureiskindacool /aug1993 /hoardrz /riahzchat /ryqh /lvuty /virziipa /rivhq /blou /mariahbrokebad /ceiebs /newmexiico /yourls /ryebreadwins /xureisanywhere /resources- /dearestdoe /dearestdoe-ext /stampsare4losers /aug19 /bornbyblood
/1993s /20O8 /jan20 /may1998 /august1993 /brbd /breakinbad /humancentipede2 /humancentipede3 /hrtstopper /shameiess- /invadergir /dontworrydariing /twister2 /19twister96 /08191993 /8191993
commission urls:
/cryptidcorvidae /cupidthings /viktorshexcore