Lizs ext. rentry :3
uhhh hi !!! U can call me liz , sonia, emma, hannah, Julia, or alex idm which one :p but i do have a preference for Julia liz and emma !! I REALLY love hermitcraft and the life series and i like minecraft obvi !!! I also love td and tpn heh..(currently trying to reread all the mangas when j have time !)
i am a minor so if ur an adult dni sry (exceptions for Lana if u see this haihai:33 and also if we have talked and i had no problems with u) im a lesbian and idrk my gender so ya !! im singke also so heh .. ladies and nonbinaries wya ?? mushahah !
I mught not be online much cus im trying to spend time with my irl friends cus uh.. used to be onkine a lot too the point i never rlly talked to them !! Also my irl friends r loweky my fav people EVER !!!<33 theyre never gonan see this but if they somehow do ilys :3/p but discord is @Bambunker. if u wanna add me lolsies :pp
mkre simpler version in !! HAVE A GREAT DAY BAIII !!