
Seth!! tuamamma

aroace agender lesbian fush
any prns | ita/eng/esp ok!!! princess
19 white autistic meow


Welcome ^__^ Rentry is better in light mode!spark
I like Hypnosis microphone, anything related to fashion, sea creatures / bugs and vkei music ♪

byf I yume with Yumeno Gentaro and I will often lovemail her auyto
(I am mostly non-sharing!! sorry !! current moots ok!!!) meow

I delete tweets often and am way more active on priv. the @ is oceancoded (rq is ok!!) waa

I don't have a very specific dni except for the general criteria. I rarely sb but if I do feel free to ask the reason why. aiutoaoa


bleh additional info!! bleh

asides from Hypnosis Mic, I am also into Vocaloid, Nintendo/gacha games (splatoon and pokemon epecially!!) , and horror rpg games.mini
keep in mind that i usually post critters i see outside!!

I follow lots of people without looking through their pages much so please give me a heads up if im following someone problematic . . .

I think this is it!! Thank you for reading ^__^



Pub: 05 Dec 2022 13:30 UTC
Edit: 25 May 2024 08:56 UTC
Views: 2688