zetta's blog rentry

hey guy, zetta here ! do you want some blogs about me talking about many stuff that couldn't be explained or shortened up to post?
then this is the place to go! rentry /ytp!!! for youtube poop!!! there you can see a lot of notes and text by me!!
home page

december livetime updates

published in 12/15/2024

this is like a little update log because i didn't do that much but anyways here's a list of changes
probably going to do some more tomorrow but now this is what i have

  • updated the zetta rentry (extended page)
    1. updated music topster
    2. updated lastfm topster
    3. updated video list
    4. slightly updated games list
    5. slightly updated interests list
    6. added vert tweaks to list of projects (before)

october livetime updates

published in 09/29/2024

its that time of the year, every 2 months i do a wide rentry update, here is the list of changes i did anyway

  • updated the zet rentry (home page)
    1. removed sphinxes and swc links, moved to extended rentry under projects
    2. removed source and rentry evolution links, moved to extended rentry under extras
    3. moved extended rentry as first of the extra links
    4. renamed blogs link to blog (since i dont have multiple going on here)
    5. added short message that those links moved
    6. added exclamation marks on the cat surprise message yay!!
    7. moved neocities to dev
    8. moved lenovotracker2012 to extras
    9. removed sites link section (rip for all these years)
    10. removed spongesboby since its in lenovotracker
    11. added bluesky link, renamed mastodon link
    12. truncated extras moving message
    13. added userstyles world link
  • updated the zetta rentry (extended page)
    1. updated music topster (now top 70, following oct taste)
    2. edited topster message
    3. moved aug topster to bottom of the page
    4. added sphinxes to project list
    5. added swag chicken to project list
    6. marked both as pinned
    7. added descriptions for both
    8. created extras section
    9. added main rentry evolution
    10. added ZRN markdown files + 2 notes
    11. changed TOC structure
  • updated ytp rentry (blog rentry)
    1. wrote out this
    2. changed TOC structure
    3. changed entry formatting (extra space before text!)
  • updated zetl rentry (rentry evolution)
    1. changed date structure
    2. whole site is a table
    3. version number update
  • updated soggycat
    1. fixed images
    2. fixed images under downloads page
    3. unitalicized + truncated right-aligned text
    4. created soggycatr (resources page)
    5. linked soggycatr to main page
  • updated troll_face, zetf, sqemoji, msaemoji, thecat (rentries found under projects)
    1. fixed images

august livetime updates

published in 08/28/2024

alright im gonna do this again, a whole list of changes i did to this zrn thing whatevers... im gonna say i did this at august 27th because im currently finishing off at 12 am in august 28th alright, like im still awake but my mind thinks that its the 27th still, anyways here is the commits list

august 27th

  • updated the zet rentry (home page)
    1. moved last fm and rym to music links
    2. moved dev section now below gaming section
    3. removed mailbox and rentry collection, moved to extended rentry
    4. added video section that includes trakt, letterboxd and youtube playlists (favorites and good big videos (displayed as +1))
    5. renamed extras (which is /zetta) into extended
  • updated the zetta rentry (extended rentry)
    1. updated music topster
    2. updated artists list
    3. updated youtube channels i like list
    4. added previous topster link + lastfm topster
    5. reformatted projects section
    6. changed descriptions of projects
    7. moved copypastas to projects
    8. added mailbox and port (rentry collection)
  • updated the ytp rentry
    1. wrote out this
    2. changed home page hyperlink formatting
    3. changed blog entry formatting (as it shows on toc)
  • updated the lenovotracker2012 rentry (or lt2012)
    1. linked spongesboby
    2. added status of the century text
    3. added click to learn more text
    4. changed formatting of tomorrow's harvest hyperlink
  • updated the swc rentry (swag chicken)
    1. updated image onto new upload
  • updated the zetl rentry (rentry evolution)
    1. archived layout 3 (layout since june 7th)

june livetime updates

published in 06/08/2024

isn't it funny that my last blog post for about 2 years was some lame copypasta i could've posted onto a different rentry, and now i have an actual rambling for the rambling rentry talking about how many ideas i had about making a blog but either failing to do it or i actually make one but it just doesn't work for me for some reason, maybe because i am too accustomed to keep my online thoughts personally or i am too used to microblogging (twitter), but now i think this one would work idk

anyways here is a live time chronological status of my changes on the zetta rentry network (i don't actually call it that i may have a different name but i haven't made one up yet so)

june 7th

  • updated the zet rentry (home page)
    1. fixing the image embed for the rentry itself and the surprise
    2. changing a few recent details about myself
    3. adding colors on the aliases / names i go by
    4. moving links on the page into different sections, so now there are dev and gaming sections
    5. moving links onto the extended rentry, namely the secret site and the youtube festivals rentry
    6. added lenovo tracker 2012 on the list of sites
  • updated the ytp rentry
    1. wrote out blogception
  • updated the zetta rentry (extended page)
    1. changed list of artists i listened to
    2. added yoylecats and zetf onto the projects section

june 8th

  • updated the sphinxes page
    1. adding the 4444 ep onto the rentry
    2. made the 4444 ep google drive folder
    3. adding the may ep onto the rentry
    4. links to both beepbox and bandcamp links are made
    5. made the may ep google drive folder
    6. entire sphinxes gdrive folder goes public
    7. added blog post
    8. fomatting tweaks
  • updated the zetta rentry (extended page)
    1. changed list of the artists i listened to
    2. added a movies and tv i liked section with an extra youtube channels list
    3. added an interests section
    4. updated the interests section
    5. added a games section with mario, roblox, and flash subsections
    6. changed colors of each section
    7. added an original 2024 topster of the albums i really liked on the music section
    8. added setup specifications on the interests page
    9. added an original countries topster based on how much i want to travel/give luck to
    10. few formatting tweaks
  • updated the blog rentry (/ytp)
    1. formatting tweaks
    2. changed date format of the blogs
    3. changed heading of the rentry + better subtext
    4. added a livetime zetta rentry updates blog
    5. writing it now.... finished doing what i was doing for now


published in 06/07/2024

it has been a long time since i put out one of these ramblings maybe because now i keep them personal but i think its so funny how many times i try to make a blog of some sort but i really don't do anything on it

like this one, i haven't published anything in this until i learned that rentries are pretty useful and i should actually use it for what new things it has now
there is this other one in spacehey where it is less successful at what it is supposed to do, with only 1 post published, i may do something about it but idk, i also thought of making a blog for my neocities, twitter, discord, etc etc but the only successful blog i had really put out was twitter but that counts as microblogging so idk

Thata all you get i might do something but thata all

you called me a bitch copypasta

published in 05/30/2022

You call me a bitch? Well, a bitch is a dog, dogs bark, bark is on trees, trees are part of nature and nature is beautiful so thanks for the compliment

dam channels explained

published in 05/30/2022, written in 08/12/2021

i mean its literally anyone in this strange community of verified channels only commenting on popular videos

how they have that much subscribers even though their catalogue is blank is that:
they bought these 100k+ subscribers youtube channels (they either come naturally grown or sub-botted)
they either privatized or deleted the videos uploaded to that bought channel
find comments on popular videos that they copy comments that doesn't give enough attention
either changing it slightly or literally just copying it, people will like the comment because the channel is verified
(with youtubes algorithm of popular sorting comments, verified commentors get the most attention instead of the regular viewer)
that way people will come to their channel because of these comments
these justin y type channels would make an excuse on why they don't have a fairly popular video that reached them to the verification mark or answering the question if they are sub-botted or not with shoving down an excuse that they were a spanish gaming channel (even though the og owner did these videos not the commentator owner) and they will say that they will make minecraft videos in the future or something like that

with a cherry on top, most of these sellers of these 100k+ subscriber channels either hack the og channels

tl;dr: people are hacking into verified yt channels and selling them for profit, then these new owners delete the original videos, copying comments, posting them and getting a ton of likes, then the commenter owner saying that they will make more content in the future and saying what the original content was about and reclaiming it by a new name, and voila you have the most unoriginal people on the planet literally surviving of attention.

im sorry if this is the longest comment you ever heard of but heres all of the truths of these cookie-cutter channels, thanks for reading.

zrn news micro, may 27th

published in 05/28/2022

minor zrn news for today

  1. 2 new posts on the rambling rentry (tetris, bkaf)
  2. new testing rentry called /zettest
  3. added new links to my gaming profiles to the /zetta site

ok time for some other news

  1. april ep is available everywhere
    — bandcamp, bandlab and audiomack
  2. collection of the 4 eps is going to be available soon
  3. new album in development
  4. new looks on the bandcamp, bandlab and audiomack pages
    — same for soundcloud but a bit earlier
  5. epicgamer9000 (music chsnnel) will have a return

wait thats for music, i need it more specific! oh there it is

  1. new changes on the osu! page
  2. new tetrio page

wow i had hit rock bottom
(scott the woz outro plays)

tetris highscores

published in 05/27/2022

hey guys this is a reccuring rentry to keep track of my tetris high scores, if some scores arent there, its probably listed in my tetr.io page, i will list out what the game is and what score i got, so lets go

(M) means mobile, (C) means computer

(M) 1st - 54,296
(M) 2nd - 50,258
(M) 3rd - 40,984
(M) 4th - 37,561
(M) 5th - 36,039

united kingdom annihilation festival

published in 05/25/2022

back to the 26th daily catto, zetta was about to cover that the united kingdom was the country of the day until...... it was gone from existance
we all celebrate for the complete elimination of the british kingdom, and we celebrate even more because margaret thatcher is now sucked away from eternity


  • 20 videos on zettavevo
  • true opening of the zettavevo mailbox
  • 2 game events
  • 1 stage event
  • 5 videos on vettazezo


  • 20 videos on zettavevo
  • release of the UKAF theme
  • 1 game night
  • 1 stage event
  • 2 videos on vettazezo


  • 10 videos on zettavevo
  • 2 posts on the rambling rentry
  • 1 stage event


  • 10 videos on zettavevo
  • 1 stage event


  • 4 videos on zettavevo
  • 2 stage events
  • 1 game night
  • 2 videos on vettazezo


  • 64 videos on zettavevo (+14 than BFDF)
  • 6 stage and 5 game events
  • 9 videos on vettazezo
  • way more!

come to us to celebrate the demolishment of the united kingdom!!

the house in the ocean summary

published in 05/08/2022

a person and some few political figures either saw or shot the house in the ocean, and it gave them deformed body effects

the crescent king is the entity that lives in these houses and replaces other people/objects (for example walt disney transmitted a cartoon to the house and the ending result was something different) when they interact with the crescent king or the houses

the house in the ocean world finally ended as c.h.a.s.e. the robot (yes that one from the film) walked away from los vegas to antarctica and claiming the world as the void and thats it

people affected by these houses forgot about it (like how alcatraz replaced everyone in the uza)

zrn news, may 3rd 2022

published in 05/03/2022 hey all zetta here!
it's been a while since i announced a few stuff in the ZRN (zetta rentry network)
but here we go!

  1. new changes in https://rentry.co/zetta
    if you didn't knew until now, /zetta is my extended rentry!
    its where i put some information that might overload my main rentry
    so in this update, i put out some other rentrys that i made!
    like msaemoji (copypasta with the mason troy adams emojis in aftoncord 3)
    and sqemoji (same thing as msaemoji [copypasta rentry with the squidward tonight emojis in aftoncord 3])
  2. https://rentry.co/troll_face
    do you want to troll your friends so hard? but you don't wanna risk being on a cia watchlist?
    would you want a simple troll site that would epically troll your friends so hard? but also being safe at the same time??
    well visit https://rentry.co/troll_face to troll your friends!!!! NOW!!!!
    (the site is also available from /zetta)
  3. the you're worthless site
    do you remember the last video that i uploaded here?
    nope it wasn't a funny cat video!
    neither its a large video essay talking about the internet's ultimate side effects!
    you silly and goofy individual!
    its the original you're worthless meme i had made!
    i'm pretty proud of myself making that video but do you know what was next?,
    you never expect it but it's a resource site about that video!
    i had included credits, transcripts and an archive to this very specific video i made
    that it would be very appreciative if you go and visit that site
    its https://rentry.co/youreworthless
    and go browse along the endless sea of info about some random meme i had made!

anyways thats it of the ZRN news, i will post this soon on /ytp (my rambling website)
so that's it, bye bye

gluee by bladee, livetime album review

published in 04/22/2022

tldr; i rate the gluee album, and its a 9.7/10 hey all, zetta here. since febuary 2022, i was a fan of the swedish hyperpop/cloud rap singer called bladee. i played the artists discography from the oldest studio album to newest, so i started off with gluee.

anyways, here is a review of each and every track in this album, i will give out a score for the track from one to ten, so lets begin.

1. deletee (intro) — 8/10
the pad in the beginning is orchestral
the drum beat is simple yet good
the reverb in the track gives it an extra kick
the lyrics here are pretty nice and bladees voice is more calmer and smoother
the reason why i give it an 8/10 instead of a 10, it's because of the amount of autotune in his voice
but everything is pretty good

2. safehouse — 9/10
in this track, the beat and synths are are calming and relaxing, like i could put it in a compilation for sleep music
bladees voice is more quietter than the intro, but how cares
the chorus in this track is pretty lazy
i get the meaning of this song, the lyrics are pretty creative
i give it a 9 out of 10

3. ebay — 10/10
i really like the beat and the synths of the song, its really soothing
as before the lyrics are more well thought of, i don't know why i find random words and letters creative
so far i think the story of the album is bladee finding bladeecity, the lyrics of safehouse is what he found at a building, his exploration team (most likely drain gang) are the people who sing the song in ebay. i think the drain gang connected to bladeecity's public wifi to access ebay to buy something, take this theory like its a grain of salt because i don't know the lore of gluee or bladee but i will try my best
anyway its a pretty good song, 10/10

for now i'm just going to write the song and the score, i don't want to make long descriptions because i don't want to repeat myself, so i'll continue

4. shadowface — 9.5/10
5. spellbound — 10/10
6. everlasting flames — 8/10
7. freeze — 8/10
8. upgrade enabled — 10/10
9. unreal — 10/10

you've been waiting for my rating for this 2014 bladee album, so i give the entire album, a 9.7/10.
congratulations bladee and everyone who has worked on this album, have a great day

Pub: 22 Apr 2022 09:47 UTC
Edit: 15 Dec 2024 07:38 UTC
Views: 609