yume I use both yume & OC x canon as descriptor for my ships.
I ship myself with all of my F/Os, but I prefer to use OCs in place of myself.
My OCs are not self inserts & do not represent me IRL whatsoever.


tamamaru TamaMaru / WishingStar, ⭐πŸͺ½
Takuto Maruki x Tamaki Fujisaki - Persona 5: Royal
β €bisexual demisexualβ €β €bisexual transβ €
i love sharing!

Shujin Academy's PE teacher & school counselor. Eventually,
two sides of a moral clash.

Opposites Attract / Sad Middle-Aged Men / Team Dads / Chaos x Law

spiderclue SpiderClue / KafToschi, πŸ•·οΈπŸ” Kafka x Detective Toschi Stabler - Honkai: Star Rail
β €bisexualβ € bisexual transβ €
strictly nonsharing!

A detective and the thief who just won't let him be - a man determined to
get his revenge on the woman who once meant the world to him.

Detective x Criminal / Enemies AND Lovers / Mutual Pining / Secret Relationship

nanasaki NanaSaki / SilverRatio,πŸΈπŸ”«
Kento Nanami x Teruki Kugisaki - Jujutsu Kaisen
β €β €gayβ €β €bisexual trans

mirrored sharing!

The most unlikely couple to come out of Jujutsu High - now,
two very strong sorcerers who work together to kill curses.

Fools for Love / Silly x Serious / Old Married Couple / Will Die For Each Other

doublecurse DoubleCurse / SuguToya, πŸ“Ώβš”οΈ Suguru Geto x Toya Amajiki - Jujutsu Kaisen
β €β €gay nonbinaryβ €β €bisexual demisexual β €β €β €
selective sharing!

Bonded together through their mutual hate, which blossomed
into a twisted, strange sort of "love".

Mutual Obsession / Bad Coping Mechanisms / Henchman x Villain / Violence as Courtship

Pub: 28 Dec 2022 10:34 UTC
Edit: 23 Nov 2024 07:33 UTC
Views: 1290
Auto Theme: Light