black divider

edit made by me


( bold italics = instant block on sight )
( italics = on thin ice. might block, might not. who knows? fuck around and find out! )

!? DNI !? you fit basic dni criteria . . under 15 or over 23 (under 15 can follow, but i rarely follow back. I won't follow back anyone over 23 lol) . . NSFW/"minors dni" accs srsly follow your own fucking rules you freaks (idc if you like my tweets, JUST DON'T FOLLOW) . . you are uncomfortable with people using he/him for canon female characters and she/her for canon male characters or you're generally just uncomfortable with transfem or transmasc headcanons (cry about it loser) . . you invalidate neopronouns . . you invalidate he/him and/or transmasc lesbians and she/her and/or transfem gays . . you dislike all of my interests . . you think/treat crowley and aziraphale as men . . constantly exclude gaz but treat könig as if he's a 141 member like huh???? . . toh and genshin fans who are white (ask to follow, especially if we don't share some interests) . . you think ""blackwashing"" exists and is just as bad as whitewashing (nigga kys) . . homestuck & south park fans . . proshipper/rainbow meatie/comshipper/WHATEVER you niggas be calling urselves these days ong pick a side fr . . if you're one of those annoying bitches that accuse others of copying over the smallest shit . . you intentionally misgender people . . if you ONLY stan bts (follow firsts are exempt but ur still on thin ice lowkey) . . dsmptwt/dsmp fans ESPECIALLY DREAM STANS . . The 1975/matt healy stans . . you use fonts, especially those ugly and fucking unreadable ones . . typing quirk user (double spaces are okay and readable but fuck off if ur typing quirk involves replacing letter s with z or certain letters with numbers you dumbass nigga! its fucking unreadable and annoying!) . . ur on edtwt (eating disorder twt) or shtwt (self harm tw) or tctwt (true crime twt) . . have "headcanons" for real people (like celebrities, youtubers, etc)/treat them like fictional characters/support rpf . . melanie martinez stans/defenders . . taylor swift stans (listeners are okay ig but dni if u stan and full on worship that yt woman) . .

┌── •✧• ──┐ black cross black cross └── •✧• ──┘

Pub: 28 Oct 2023 14:16 UTC
Edit: 29 Oct 2023 04:29 UTC
Views: 742