
"I've been thinking about something fun we could try" she'd said
She'd just made you cum, and you were too love drunk to ask too many questions
"I think you'll like it more than you think"
In this state, that was enough to get you to agree
The elegant wolfess couldn't help but grin slyly, a hint of mischief in her yellow eyes as she explained her terms
"This week, I want to be in charge"
"And promise you won't jerk off, it'll ruin it"

The next 3 days didn't go quite how you expected
whenever you were home, she'd flirt with you
she'd flick her tail at you, or pinch your bum when she walked past
She was being very touchy in general
She was even wearing her stockings around the house, and seemed to enjoy stretching her legs out across your lap whenever you sat on the lounge together.
But whenever you hopped in bed she didn't jump on top of you like you expected
Instead she'd pull out a book and ask you to read with her
It had only been 3 days but you were already losing it
You basically wasted your entire day at work thinking about sex
And you couldn't help but eyefuck every woman you came across on the way home

You walked in the door to find her waiting for you
She was wearing a see through nightie with with a lacey garter belt and stockings underneath
The two of you savored a kiss, before going back in for another
Your hand began wandering down to her butt
But she grabbed your wrist before you could give it a squeeze
"Ah ah ah"
You looked at her in surprise

"Did I do something wrong?"

She took you by the hand and began leading you to the lounge
"No, you've been good so far"
Her cryptic behaviour was starting to annoy you
But she was very deliberately swaying her hips as she walked
And you were you mesmerized by how perfectly her garters framed her butt
"Would you like to give me a massage?"
she stretched out on the cushions and looked back at you with an expectant smile that you couldn't resist


She slipped her nighty down her arms as you knelt down beside her and began to work her shoulders
"Mmm, that feels good"
You honestly had no idea if you were good at giving massages, but she always made you feel like you were, and you couldn't help but feel proud of it
honestly, rubbing your fingers through her coat like this was almost its own reward
It was a mottled colour, filled with a mixture of blacks and greys and lights browns
The fur on the front of her body was a bit softer, and almost pure white
She had insisted on you buying her some very expensive beauty products for her birthday this year
You had been against it at the time
But you relented, and self evidently, it was worth every cent
Her voice snapped you back to reality
"Can you do my legs next?"
She didn't even look around to say it, she'd pulled out a book and was reading it while you worked
As she rolled over her nightgown hung loose from her body, fully revealing her tummy and the generously curvy thighs that lead down to the graceful, swooping shapes of her legs and her perfectly manicured paws

"God you're beautiful"

She looked up from her book and just smiled at you, adoration evident in her eyes.
She giggled mischievously before going back to her book.
"She's lucky she's pretty" you thought to yourself
You didn't waste much time before getting to work on her calves
You slowly kneaded your way up each calf, one then the other
They had a decent amount of fat on them, but not much, she wasn't a gym nut, but she was still a wolfess
You could feel her muscles softening and relaxing under your hands as you worked
You were surprised at how gratifying it felt
It felt good knowing you were making this beautiful creature feel good
Slowly you moved up to her thighs, the layer of fat was more evident here, and you could feel her fur here had a bit of extra fluff to it
You found yourself running your hands over them more for your pleasure than for hers
You were rock hard, you left out a puff of air as if to let out some pressure.
"Kiss them" she said, quite abruptly, and she worked herself up on her elbows to watch you
You kissed them, you couldn't help but let out a breathy, satisfied grunt before you continued planting kisses all over them
You loved the smell of her coat, it smelt beautiful and flowery and earthy, it smelled like her.

"Don't you wanna fuck?

"Oh I don't think you've earned it yet"

"Honey, that's not fair"

"But, you agreed I'D be in charge, didn't you?"

"And you get off on torturing me?"

"I just like seeing how much you want me"
She showed her teeth in a grin "and I know you like it when I tell you what to do"
You felt some relief knowing this wasn't just her hating you and planning to ignore you all week
She slowly stood up, you knelt there as she stepped towards you
She drew you in closer, firmly taking hold of the top of your hair as she pushed her thighs into your face
She towered over you, and she had a presence that she didn't quite have before
It made you feel a mix of complete adoration and complete vulnerability, like a priest standing before his god
"Kiss" she said
And despite yourself, you did, without even thinking
And it felt good
"Good boy"
You felt a little fat give way under each kiss, which only spurred you further into your frenzy, only stopping to lick or to take in the wonderful scent of her fur instead
"I was right wasn't I? My mum always told me that no human ever gets tangled up with an anthro unless he wants to be tamed"
You were too drunk with arousal to think about it too hard, your family, rather judgmentally, always said the same thing
They were wrong though
The wolfess let out a satisfied growl and sat back down
You followed her, cuddling her waist and planting kisses all over her tummy
She laid back, keeping one hand possessively cradling the back of your neck, the other running its fingers through your hair
"Such a good boy" she said it as if she was just making an observation
You crawled your way up her body, tracing kisses over her chest and neck as you went
Finally you reached her mouth, this time you kissed her and she kissed you back, again and again and again
As she did so, her hands began roaming your body, rubbing and squeezing everywhere they could
Eventually, she pulled away, and you dropped back down to deliver more kisses to each of her breasts while she cradled the back of your head
"You're going to worship me all week, then I'm going to make you cum harder than you've ever cum in your life"
"If you can be disciplined for me"

"I'm gonna fuck you so hard, as payback"

There was no reply except for the slight smile that crept across her muzzle
She reached under one of the pillows and rummaged around before pulling something free
"I'm going to be waiting at the door every day with this"

"A collar?"

Normally you might have balked at something like this, but you were too horny to have inhibitions right now
"You're going to wear it for me"
She continued as she lifted your chin and began to buckle it around your neck
"And its going to remind you that you're all mine"
As soon as she finished tightening it, she used it to pull you into a deep kiss
Eventually you pulled apart, just slightly, to stare into each other's eyes and share breath
"You look so handsome wearing that, by the way"


True to her word, the next day you found your wolfess waiting for you, clad in lingerie
With your collar in her hands
She led you to the bedroom, letting go of your hand as she delicately hopped up onto the mattress, she'd arranged some pillows to prop her up a little when she laid back
All planned out beforehand
She tapped a footpaw against you before laying it out on a small cushion
"Now, worship me" she commanded
You moved to comply, you were so pent up, even the thought of kissing her paws was making you rock hard
Taking hold of her leg, you planted a kiss on each of her stocking covered toe beans in turn
She'd obviously spent time rubbing oils into them today, they smelled like flowers
"Bow down for them honey, i don't want your chest to leave the bed while you kiss them"
Her words set something off inside you, you instantly complied, trying to bring yourself as low as possible before her perfect paws
The motion pushed your burning hot cock up against your body, causing a drop of precum to pump out
Your mind felt blurred, you licked and kissed at her paws in a frenzy, quietly groaning every time you stopped to take a breath
The wolfess looked down at you, head angled forward and her eyes taking a predatory aspect
"Oh you're doing so well"
She kept her eyes on you as she slipped her fingers beneath her panties
The sound gave away how wet she was
To make this perfect creature feel good seemed like the most important thing in the world
She pulled her paws away from you, lifting them in the air
Then she slipped her panties up her legs and threw them to the side, a string of her gooey juices holding on as she pulled them away
Her pussy was soaked
Part of you wanted to jump her right now, but more than that you wanted to obey
With her free hand, she beckoned you up
You made your way up her leg, animalistically licking at her stockings with intense need
As soon as you were close enough, she took hold of your collar and guided you the rest of the way
She stopped you just short of her groin, and pushed your face into her upper thighs
Her finger rubbed either side of her clit while you worshiped her thighs
So close you could smell her arousal
It made your mind feel drunk with need
Agonizingly, she held you there while her fingers rubbed faster and faster, eliciting soft moans from her muzzle
You stared up into her eyes as you mouthed at her fur
"Beg me for a taste of my wolf pussy" she demanded

"I want it so bad"

"Then beg, say: please let me taste your cum goddess"

"Please goddess, please let me taste your cum goddess"

You were too horny to resist it, but saying something still felt kind of insane, and hit you with a shot of adrenaline
She took your collar in both hands and pulled you towards her
You were all too eager, you drove your tongue between her lips, kissing and lapping at her cunt like a rabid dog
"AH, Good boy" she moaned
Arching her back, she took hold of your hair to drive herself harder against you
You let her take you, licking her out deep and clean, exploring every inch of her pussy
Soon, you changed rythm, making long and forceful licks from her perineum up to her clit
As your tongue passed over her clit you slowed down and savored the taste before returning to the start of the motion
Her moans were getting more frequent, and thighs were lifted against your head as she enjoyed your attention
It felt amazing knowing that you were worshiping your goddess well
Soon she was grinding against your tongue, she was getting close
You wanted her to cum, you wanted it more than anything
Taking a long shuddering breath, you began to lavish even more attention on her clit
Kissing and gently sucking at it, your mouth was watering and your face was coated in a mixture of her juices and your own saliva
"Good boy, good boy" she repeated, rocking her hips faster each time
Then she locked her legs around your neck, you moaned into her clit, she replied with "Mmmm"s of her own
She went over the edge, and you could hear her muttering more "good boy"s as she rode out her orgasm
You greedily lapped up your reward
After calming down, her legs released you, and her arms flopped down on the bed either side of her
She looked dreamy, and somehow more beautiful than ever
You to admit having her in charge felt new and, kind of exciting
You climbed up face to face with her and kissed her deeply
"I love you so much" she said between kisses

"I love you too"

It felt like her whole body was relaxing in your arms, and the two of you just laid there holding eachother and kissing for a few minutes before she swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up
She narrowed her eyes, grinning like a naughty schoolchild
"Now, its not time yet.."
"But you've gotten so well behaved"
"I need to see how much you want to fuck me"
Pulling down your pants, your cock sprang out fully erect
It was coated, and a big string of precum seeped out and dripped down your length in a thick string
The sight of it seemed to please her greatly

"I'm really fucking horny" you admitted

"It must be excruciating feeling me cum while you're so pent up, but don't worry honey.
She leaned in close to you, so her nose touched yours, a dark look in her eyes
"I'm going to have you screaming for me, just trust me"
Her promise really sounded like a threat, it made your cock twitch just hearing it

As she climbed on top of you she folded your legs and pushed your knees apart
drawing herself up until her knees had your thighs pinned open
Then she reached a hand down between your legs
And took a firm grip of your balls, just tight enough to make you feel a tiny wince of pain
"Who is all this cum for?" she asked, a mischievous grin breaking across her muzzle

"Oh don't worry baby i'll give you every drop"

The wolfess tightened her grip on your balls and gently played her claws up the length of your cock
"That's right, all of this belongs to me"
You gritted your teeth, her grasp was forcing more precum to drip down your cock

"You.. fuck, i need you to own me"

She almost seemed surprised, but the grin widening across your she-wolf's face told you that was exactly what she wanted to hear
A single finger felt its way up the length of your shaft, and it made your cock twitch hard
"A nice, thick, human cock for me to play with however I want"
She licked some precum off her hand
"And its so obedient for me.."
tracing her way up your body, she continued
"Every inch of you is mine" she softly hissed
As she said it, you felt the tickle of her fingers softly caressing your neck
It was as if you were sinking into the mattress, she was unraveling tension you didn't even know you held in your body
An intense sense of relaxation washed over you as you accepted her control
"You're all mine"
Gently she lifted your chin and began to softly play her fangs across your skin
your breath shuddered

"I need you"

You wrapped your arms around her hips, pulling her close
It felt as if you were operating on pure, lust filled instinct
"You're always going to have me"
she took your hands in her own and laid them out on the bed either side of you, her tail slowly swung back and forth, its fur gently brushing against your tip with each swish
With a low growl your wolfess bared her fangs and began to mouth at your collar
kissing your bare neck between every few bites
"Its so hot seeing you wear it"
"Knowing you want to wear it for me"
"Knowing you want your girlfriend to collar you"
You strained against your collar, savoring its tightness against your neck
Why did you like this so much?
It felt too good to care.


The next few days played out in a similar fashion, you'd get home, and the collar would go on
You'd worship her
You'd tell her about your day between kisses
Then you'd go to sleep
That was a task which got harder every day
Especially with her rubbing her body up against you you, holding you, squeezing you
You'd end up up going back for more multiple times before you finally felt satisfied, or tired enough to sleep
But she also took to revoking and granting access to parts of her body every morning and night
"I'm training you to be obedient" she had said, you didn't know what effect it really had beyond absolutely driving you crazy
Yesterday she had only given you her paws, which you had in all honesty learned to enjoy kissing quite a bit
You hadn't seen the appeal before
She had laid on her stomach, telling you what a good little pet you were while you drooled all over her paws
Sometimes between kisses you'd stare up at the perfect soft mounds of her butt which she had promised you could worship in the morning if you did a good job
You craved it so badly
Something had definitely changed
being this horny was making you incredibly suggestible
You were definitely being trained
It wasn't that you were too horny to care
You actually participated
Your internal monologue echoed what she liked to repeat to you while your kissed her
"Don't even think about cumming without permission"
"You belong to her"
It wasn't just to maintain discipline, it wasn't hypnotism or something
Framing it that way just excited you
The thought of her changing you to her liking, taming you, turned you on in a way you had never felt before
She completely dominated your thoughts, you'd never felt so obsessed, or so in love with her
Waking up in her arms, with her collar around your neck
The first thing you'd say when you opened your eyes would be "good morning, goddess"
You began to relish the idea of coming home just to worship her thighs
You'd ask to eat her out before work
She happily let you do so, but not without a few "pleases" and "thank you's" first
Letting her take control made you feel like you were completely losing grip
But you let it happen

This morning you had woken up just the same way

"good morning goddess"

You immediately pulled yourself close to her and kissed her chest
Her yellow eyes glowed in the dark as she opened them
"good morning pet"
Taking hold of your hands, she forced them to your own waist and kissed your neck, just above your collar
she spoke slowly "I don't want any touching this morning"
It seemed she really wanted to twist the knife today
"You can still kiss me though" she bared her teeth before diving in to kiss you on the lips
You were so painfully fucking close to the day she was promising to let you cum and your cock throbbed unbearably
Just one more sleep
Keeping your hands off her proved to be very difficult
As if it wasn't enough to have her lying naked next to you, with her with her ruffled up morning fur, and that predatory look in her eyes
She also clung to you, rubbing her legs in between yours and nipping at your collar
She climbed on top of you, pinning your arms down and invading your mouth with her tongue
The feeling of her fur on your bare skin was what really tested your self control
Not that you could really fight against the she-wolf's grip anyway
You almost ran out of breath before she pulled her muzzle away from you, softly panting
Then she scooted further up your body and swung herself around
She took great care to cover her hindquarters with her tail as she positioned her shins in the right position to keep your arms immobile
Finally she looked down at you and watched you as she lifted her tail, revealing everything
You immediately tried to stick your tongue towards it but she pulled away before you could reach
"oops, now stay" she wagged her tail vigorously while she said it "show me how well I've trained you honey"
Your head flopped back down onto the pillow
Clearly satisfied, she lowered her butt back down to hover just centimeters from your face
Your mouth was watering
"Can you feel my heat?"



"Yes goddess"

She slipped a hand down the front of your underwear to take hold of your balls, happily wiggling her hips in your face as she did so
"Oooooh so close" she teased

"I really.. really want it"

"Do you like pleasing this little wolf pussy?" she gritted her teeth as she spat the last few words out
You shuddered and groaned with need

"Yes, all I want is to please you"

She flipped herself off of you before coming back in for another kiss
"Now go on, you're going to be late for work"
After a few more kisses you stumbled to your feet and walked out the door
Not without running back for another kiss and two or three rounds of "I love you"s first.
Stepping out in public after spending time with her had been kind of surreal these past few days
At home she had become your entire world, stepping away felt strange
You constantly wondered if people could tell how wired you were
If her collar had left any marks on your neck
If they could smell her on you
It felt strange to think that there could be no outward sign of what you were doing at home
Or what you were feeling, and craving
Not even as a teenager had you gotten so many unwanted public boners
You kept puffing out air, reminding yourself to breath or just to snap back to reality
You felt like a mess
But eventually you got through the day
You got off work early, arrived home in record time
And borderline sprinted in the door
She hadn't even gotten up to welcome you in yet
She was quite a sight just relaxing on the lounge, wearing the the lacey black garter, panties and bra that she knew you loved best
her long stocking covered legs were resting on one of her ottomans
Didn't seem startled by you bursting in though
"What's the matter?" She giggled
You made no reply except to lock the door, kick your shoes off and walk towards her
You fell to your knees and crawled the last few steps
Row upon row of kisses were planted up and down the patchy brown fur of her thighs

"I couldn't stop thinking about you all day"

She just smiled and made a show of stretching her legs, before resting them back down in a more comfortable position for you to worship
You looked up at her as you kissed, savoring the feeling of supplication
You didn't stop kissing as she retrieved your collar, pressed it up against your neck, wrapped it around and tightened it
Not too tight, but tight enough that you could feel it
It felt fucking good, it felt like she had a firm grip on you and wouldn't let go
You'd been craving that feeling all day
And you couldn't help but show it
Your tongue lolled out shamelessly and you set to work methodically licking every inch of her furry thighs
That didn't stop your cock tingling and throbbing but worshiping her like this, you realized, was incredibly cathartic
Even that tingling feeling, it felt kind of good in a way
The internal pressure was too much, you felt you needed to express yourself

"Oh god, you're fucking perfection"

She giggled in delight "Perfect? Then show me how a good boy worships his perfect canine goddess"
She pulled her legs away from you
Then she turned to the side and stuck her fluffy rump out just enough that you'd get the message
You needed no prompting
Immediately your lips were planted against her rear
Mouthing at the soft flesh beneath her fur
Sometimes she'd give you instructions "kiss this cheek" "now up here" "now, i think the other one needs some more attention don't you?"
You let instincts take over, losing yourself in serving her
The worship continued for quite a while, you had no intent of stopping
But you felt her hands reach under your chin to tilt your eyes up towards her
"You're making me wet sweetie"
Delicately, she laid down across the lounge and slipped her panties off
Then she slowly opened her legs
"And you're going to have to take care of that"
She curled a finger through the ring on your collar and held you in place
"I'm starting to really love being in control"
"It feels natural" her eyes were locked with yours
"You love it too don't you honey?"
You nodded enthusiastically, your breaths were coming out in a shudder
Her grip didn't falter
Instead she pulled you down between her thighs
"Tell me"

"I love being owned by my wolfess, more than anything"

She giggled "good"
Letting go of your collar she laid back and leered down at you
"Now worship"
You obeyed
Immediately you set about lapping every inch of her wolf cunt clean
Giving into the frenzy, you were decidedly less methodical than before
You just did what felt instinctual
You wanted to explore every part of it with your tongue
Taste all of it
"Let me see those pretty eyes"
Your eyes traveled up to hers, giving her a look of complete adoration
They remained locked to her while you licked
Regaining some composure you moved up to ravish more attention on her clit
Slowing yourself down so as not to tickle her
It felt amazing seeing her bite her lip and throw her head back in response
She was enjoying your attention
"Does it taste good"
You didn't stop licking to reply, instead you made your best attempt to nod without interrupting your rhythm
"mhmm" she mirrored your nodding
"You can taste it all you like"
She took hold of your hair and rutted against your face a few times
Before pulling you away, just barely
A string of drool kept you temporarily attached

"I need..

What do you need

"I need my goddess to control me"

"And who's your goddess"

"You are"

Puling you back down against her pussy, she left a firm hand resting against the back of your neck
"Good boy"

Most of that night was spent between her legs
The rest of her body got plenty of love too, between rounds
There was a short break to eat
Then she pushed you into the shower and had you worship her there
By the time you went to sleep you were thoroughly exhausted
Mercifully, sleep wasn't too much of a struggle that night

Pub: 21 Jul 2022 14:05 UTC
Edit: 02 Nov 2022 00:42 UTC
Views: 2549