this is an expanded version of our explanation as to why we added winterpunk and other terms the coiner, bee, has made, along with our opinion on bee.
short explanation hyperlink... trigger warning for talk of racism, white supremacy, etc.
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winterpunk / winterqueer
we added this since it isn't inherently an anti-radqueer term or anti-transid. those are the two main factors we have when deciding whether to add a queer stance or not. since, when all boils down, it's just a queer stance through and through. no matter our opinion on it, the reader's opinion, or anybeing else's opinion. it's a blankqueer term with some additional ideology that some may not align with, just like many other blankqueer terms we already have listed on the carrd.
we already have added many terms that a lot of beings don't agree with, so what's another?
summerpunk / summerqueer
there isn't much to say since it isn't as controversial as winterpunk is. it's the poc version of winterpunk's definition, which should be generally more widely accepted. we typically separate the creator from their terms, as we believe in reclamation. so, even if bee is under some heat, there's no reason for us to not add or remove summerpunk.
our opinions of bee. bee, beeing the coiner of winterpunk.
we don't have a strong opinion on them on a personal level, as we don't personally know them. even when browsing their tumblr page, we don't necessarily have an opinion on them, as there isn't much of anything. what they've said in response to hate, positivity, and criticism is all valid in their own way, and we don't find any of it strange.
although, we don't believe bee is a part of racist ideology, [which the ideology with further be known as racism for simplicity sake] no matter how controversial that may seem, it's our consensus. to our knowledge, they have not said anything racist, against poc, transpoc, etc. they have not compared white beings to black beings or black beings to white beings, none of which we have seen. they have only said they fear poc because of white guilt, intrusive thoughts, and racial anxiety. which that alone doesn't make up for racism, as racism is quite simply put as "a prejudice against a specific racial or ethnicity group."
sure it may be argued that bee might experience internalized racism, but even so... they allow themselves to be surrounded by those who are anti-racist. they've also said they want to overcome their fear and are actively trying to overcome it. they are putting in the work, so even if they did experience internalized racism, they're doing their best to change it.
"white pride"
we understand the historical context of the term "white pride," and we think it's important to acknowledge the complexities and nuances involved with the saying; however, it's not exactly far-fetched that those who are transwhite, BtW, POCtW, WtW, etc. use that saying as a way of saying "transracial pride." some transwhite beings may use the term as a means of their own reclamation or asserting pride in their identity. similar to how transblack or transpoc beings may express "black pride," it can affirm their identity.
although, additionally, the saying can also be used by those who are proud of their heritage, culture, etc, that alone doesn't make somebeing racist. yes, it's important to remember the history and context of the saying, but... we believe that those who are white should be allowed to reclaim the term and repurpose it into a less harmful saying, especially transwhite beings, as they hold the most power in this state.
but we collectively aren't white or black, so we could just be talking out of our ass with that take.
ethnicity phobia
fears and phobias weren't made yesterday, and they definitely cannot fade away because somebeing said "you can't fear that because..."
as multiples who have been ever-interested in psychology, we are very aware of the multitude of phobias and fears one may have, and we know a fair share of oddballs, such as, androphobia, the fear of men. gynophobia, the fear of women. apotemnophobia, fear of amputees. there is many seemingly controversial fears, and they don't get spoken about. we do believe that as much as it to have an ethnicity paraphilia, it's equally normal to have an ethnicity phobia and we don't think it inherently makes them racist. just as much as an ethnicity paraphilia doesn't mean they're fetishizing an ethnicity.
it's normal for somebeing to fear specific genders, ages, disabilities, species, etc. it's also normal for somebeing to be attracted to specific genders, ages, disabilities, species, etc. it shouldn't be any different for ethnic groups. just because somebeing fears something or somebeing, doesn't mean they're against the thing or being.
with this applying to bee, it could be related to OCD or any other psychological thing, as they said they experience intrusive thoughts, racial anxiety, and white guilt. which all makes sense to us when added all up.
white racism
this topic in general is ambiguous to us, as somebeings think those who identify as white cannot experience racism, and some can, even some poc. both arguments on each side, in our opinion, equal. yes, those with white skin are commonly the perpetrators of racism, but why should we, as a society, blame a specific racial group instead of fighting against racism in general?
although, in general, we're unbiased on this topic, so we can't really go into depth about it.
as much as transharm and transhate are considered more controversial in the radqueer spaces, we do support those identities, just not the ideologies. this doesn't change with spiteracists, as there are many reasons why one may identify this way.
in this post bee has mentioned they use the term "spiteracist" as a coping mechanism and reclamation. no being should dogpile on another just because they use a term to comfort themselves. what beings do to help themselves shouldn't be a topic of conversation, just as long as it isn't hurting the perpetrator or any other being that may be involved.
and identifying as a spiteracist isn't pertaining to the racist ideology, as it's quite simply identifying as racist out of spite. there's no harmful ideology, so we believe it isn't inherently harmful.
(by 🦴, 🧨, 🗝️, 🔭 & 🔱)
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