Thank you once again to Emma Kendrick for providing her thoughts on the chapter!
The cheering was loud and boisterous, countless voices shouting out, overlapping in the din. There were so many orcs gathered that the princess could not see through the crowd. All ages were present, with the older children cheering along, the younger ones running around underfoot, and the youngest either in the arms of a parent or clutching to an adult's leg.
Footsteps crunched on the dirt nearby. A shadow fell over the princess.
Victorin crouched next to her.
"Would you like to know what they're saying?"
She nodded, a soft groan her only verbal answer.
The king gestured to one of the closest members of the crowd, whose body paint consisted of a thick slash running from hip to shoulder, and five thin bands ringing each bicep and calf.
"That one there is urging Kunja to send you home with child."
She groaned again, her cunt twitching at the thought, the tender channel already under assault from the formidable shaft spearing relentlessly through it.
The king gestured to another tribal to their right, whose body paint was minimal, only a few x's painted in a seemingly random arrangement across her chest and stomach, but whose hair was full of little items threaded through the tresses.
"That one is advising him to not pull out until every single drop goes inside you."
Another groan came from her. Her arms and legs trembled as she kept herself up against the chieftain's thrusts, her slim figure jarred every time his hips slammed into her.
The king gestured to another tribal back to their left, an older male, whose slightly wizened face boasted a nose painted orange in the tribe's primary color, his left thumb, right pinky, and right kneecap also painted the same brilliant shade.
"That one is telling you to use well the chieftain's seed."
She let out yet another groan, her mind swarming with images of herself with a swollen belly, the half-breed within evidencing her complete submission to the chieftain and his tribe.
"To be fair, most of what everyone is saying involves you getting pregnant from this. A few are even saying you should stay longer to really let him have a crack at it."
Her next groan made the king chuckle.
"But I'm not about to have that conversation with your father. So...savor this."
He stood, and walked away, leaving her in the center of attention. The gathered orcs still cheered, spurring on Kunja, his burly frame bent over her as he rutted ferociously. His hands squeezed at her hips, drawing a purr from her.
The princess took another good look at the crowd. By now, some of the faces, those she had seen more frequently, were familiar. But even those she could not recognize were cheering, the entire tribe by now well aware of her and of her relationship with their chieftain.
A pang of sadness arose in her chest from the thought that once he was finished, she would be leaving the tribe.
Feels like just yesterday we got here. I only just figured out how to tie a loincloth.
The past week had been an idyllic existence.
Life in Coronhar, where she had spent the last several months, was certainly delightful. She was surrounded by orcs, almost all of whom were eager to fuck her silly. And although there was some responsibility in that life, since King Victorin wanted her to have a thorough education on orcish culture, that responsibility was at least interesting.
It's not empty conversations with nobles...
But while those orcs were more than willing and able to keep her rampant whorishness enough of a secret, she could not truly be careless and free, due to the presence of Sir Hathwell, her father's ambassador to King Victorin. While she often had copious sex in semi-public places, such as the back of the castle stables, or a secluded corner of a castle garden, or a storage shed at the docks, there was a limit to how daring she could be.
Among the tribal orcs, however, there was seemingly no limit. A loincloth was the only item of clothing they wore, and even that was not a requirement. Nudity, both hers and anyone else's, was not looked at as shameful, and neither was public sex, which she had indulged in often with the chieftain.
Like now...
The difference between those other times, and this time, however, was that now, what looked like possibly the entire tribe was gathered to watch. Those other times, while there had been others around, there had not been quite as many, and those onlookers had generally left them alone aside from occasional comments or glances. Once Kunja had realized just how much she enjoyed taking multiple orcs at a time, he had started to invite onlookers to join them, but even then, some would politely decline and leave them alone.
But these gathered orcs were all of the same mind in preferring to be their very enthusiastic audience.
Maybe they're respecting that this is my last time with him. Until I come back, that is. But I have no idea when that might be...
The sobering thought brought another pang of sadness. Thankfully, it, and the previous pang, were dispelled by her rising pleasure.
If he's feeling sad too, he's channeling it well...
The princess and the chieftain had shared the same idea for this send-off.
When the king and the other members of his party had come to collect her for their departure, she had been sitting outside the chieftain's hut, which had become her residence, the hut the tribe had set aside for her left empty since the first night she had spent with him. Seeing the party coming towards them, she had tugged on his arm, and the two of them had slipped inside. Her travel outfit had been laid out already, but she had ignored it, dropping to her knees instead to suck his cock, eventually bringing him to an orgasm he had let out all over her breasts. She had then proceeded to rub the sticky strands into her chest until it gleamed lewdly, before finally changing into her travel outfit and meeting the party back outside.
On the way out, more and more tribal orcs had joined the crowd following the party, until the procession had reached the outskirts of the jungle proper. She had turned back to the chieftain, who had been leading that crowd, once they reached those outskirts, only to see him already undoing his loincloth.
Another groan came from her now as more ecstasy approached, her thighs drenched already in her cream. The chieftain grunted, his hips snapping vigorously. She looked away from the crowd to peer back over her shoulder at him. The unfettered desire on his face was a glorious sight, that snarling visage alight with passion. His eyes flashed when he noticed her gaze, his hips snapping a little harder.
I wish I could stay a little longer...but I can't. Maybe in another life I could have truly been yours.
The disappointment she had felt upon waking, upon realizing that it was her last day here, had receded somewhat, thanks to their shared lust, the wondrous sensations that lust brought, and the excitement from the crowd's attention. Part of that disappointment stemmed from the specter of leaving the tribe, these simpler and less sophisticated orcs who had welcomed her so unreservedly. Part stemmed from the understanding that she could not be so openly shameless back in Coronhar. And part stemmed from her budding affection for Kunja.
Although she had not understood a single word that he had said to her, she could not deny that she felt a certain connection to him. The king had given her to him as a temporary gift in celebration of his new status as chieftain, understanding that she would greatly enjoy such an arrangement. And while he had taken full advantage of that gift, he had also treated her quite gentlemanly.
When he wasn't rutting me, at least...
He had also displayed a certain affection for her, one that let her know that he saw her as more than his sexual plaything.
Maybe that's why he's sending me off by fucking me in front of pretty much the entire tribe. He knows I'll love it...although I'm sure he also loves the idea of sending me home full of his cum.
Her ecstasy struck, distracting her from those thoughts, from any thoughts but those of appreciation for him. She cried out, the crowd cheering at the sight of her reaching orgasm. That reaction only strengthened her ecstasy; she basked in the attention, loving that the tribe was watching their chieftain stake one last claim to her.
A low rumble came from him now. She moaned, instinctively recognizing the prelude to the orcish orgasmic roar. Anticipation took hold, her cunt clutching wildly, her fingers curling into the dirt.
"Please, my chieftain!" she urged. "Breed me! Send me home with your bastard in my belly!"
The crowd cheered louder. She moaned again, spurred on further, already wanting to show off her neediness to them.
"Please, breed me, give me your child, please, please!"
His savage roar burst into the air, sending a thrill over her, her body reacting mindlessly to that familiar noise.
And then the heated spurts fired out into her channel. The dimming ecstasy rose back to full potency, an orgasm following on the heels of its predecessor. Another cry fell from her, the reedy wail easily overwhelmed by the chieftain's bellowing and the crowd's cheering. He squeezed harder at her hips, a slight, delightful pain bleeding into the ecstasy. His cock jumped and throbbed, buried to the base in her sex, unleashing more heated spurts, the deluge roiling deep into her. Although the bloodclove tea she had drank before leaving Coronhar protected her from pregnancy, taking his seed was still so thrilling, if only for the sheer wickedness of a princess of the Free Lands not only letting but urging a tribal orc chieftain to cum inside her.
The spurts finally died down, her cunt stuffed with warm semen, the ecstasy already starting to recede. That thickness planted inside her thankfully stopped it from disappearing too quickly.
But that thickness soon slid back, slithering through her stretched channel, finally popping out. She shuddered, feeling some of the fresh load follow that retreat, streaming sluggishly from her slit. The ecstasy receded further, afterglow settling in. The crowd had stopped cheering, and was now chattering excitedly, their attention still squarely on her.
The chieftain gave one last squeeze to her hips, and then stood. She stayed on the ground for a few more seconds, enjoying the lingering afterglow, a few last thrills bleeding into the wondrous satisfaction.
But finally, she stood, and pulled her trousers back up, more seed burbling from her slit.
Victorin stepped forward and began to address the crowd.
While he spoke, she surveyed them again. Their attention was now mostly on the king and the chieftain, but a few noticed her gaze and offered their usual smiles and nods.
The feeling of disappointment from earlier was still pushed back in her mind. All she felt as she looked out on the crowd was gratefulness for how they had welcomed her with open arms.
So, after the king ended his speech, the crowd roaring their approval at his words, she padded over to him.
"Can I say something to them, and you translate?"
"Of course."
She stepped forward, as the king spoke again, this time only for a few seconds. The crowd fell silent and turned their attention to her once he was done.
"I want to thank you all for welcoming me into your tribe," she said loudly, the king grunting and chuffing in translation after she paused.
The crowd stayed quiet enough to let her continue, but there were plenty of enthusiastic chuffs.
"I have had a wonderful time living among you, the Orange Panther tribe, and I will always remember the time I have spent here."
Another translation from the king led to another round of chuffing.
"I would love to stay longer, and perhaps become even more a part of your tribe," she said, letting a hand run teasingly over her stomach.
The chuffing this time rose into a cheer. The chieftain chuckled behind her, and the king shook his head in bemusement.
"But I must go back home."
Another round of chuffs was mixed with some groans of resignment, but a few orcs shouted out to her.
"They're telling the chieftain to make you his mate," the king explained. "To make it official."
She bit her lip, looking out over the crowd, at all those nodding encouragingly.
"Princess..." the king said, in a half-warning, half-amused tone.
"I know, I know..."
She glanced back to the chieftain, who was regarding her with a mix of affection and amusement.
"I would like to thank you, Chieftain Kunja, for taking such good care of me, and allowing me to give myself to you, not as much as I would have liked, but only as much as I was truly able to."
The crowd murmured, quieter now. The chieftain nodded, smiling widely, grunting back to her.
"He says thank you for serving him so wholeheartedly," the king translated. "And that you have been a most wonderful gift."
She smiled at Kunja, and then turned back to the crowd.
More restless murmurs came up here and there, but most remained patiently silent.
She shook her head, letting the seashells that some of the children had wreathed into her hair some days ago clack and clatter together. The crowd laughed, with some of those children cheering at their handiwork.
"Please remember this princess fondly," she told the crowd, "as I will remember you all fondly."
With that, she turned back to the king, and nodded definitively. The crowd cheered when he translated, pumping their fists, hollering boisterously, the enthusiasm making her smile again.
The king began to speak, a respectful silence quickly falling. Taking advantage of that opportunity, she stepped towards Kunja, who glanced down at her.
Her hand came up to caress at his chest.
"Perhaps in another life," she said wistfully, leaning in to wrap her arms around him.
His arms came around her in turn, hugging her tightly to him, an affectionate chuff rumbling out.
Finally, once the king finished his second speech, she pulled herself away, and, as the crowd let out more cheers, padded over to join the king's party.
At the king's wave, they headed into the jungle proper. Just as they had been met by a group of tribal orcs on their way through their territory, now, another group formed behind them to escort them through.
The cheers continued even as the crowd fell out of sight. The princess sent a few last, longing looks over her shoulder.
"I'm sure you'll find your way back here someday," Mazin told her reassuringly.
She looked over at the courtesan.
"Besides, you're still going to be in Coronhar for a few more months, so you'll have plenty of orcs to keep you happy..."
The princess nodded, the promise of debauchery helping to ease her disappointment, even as she found herself wondering when she might find herself back among the tribal orcs.
"And I'm sure there are a bunch of people waiting for your return," the courtesan continued. "The rest of the guards have been without their whore, for example."
Her disappointment eased further as she thought ahead to what might be waiting for her back in Coronhar. Her mind went then to Deiara, who had stayed behind.
I've never spent this much time away from her.
She smiled at the thought of her handmaiden, and the prospect of reuniting with her.
I can't wait to tell her all about my trip. I wonder what she's been up to...
A yawn rang out in the otherwise quiet bedchamber. The lump under the blankets on the bed shifted.
Deiara turned over, her arm falling limply onto the empty space next to her. That emptiness made her eyes open, and she glanced blearily around the room.
Hmmm...where did he go?
She stretched, throwing the blanket off herself, yawning again.
Probably bringing me breakfast. Every morning now. He's too good to me.
Her stomach grumbled at the thought of food. She slipped from the bed, snatching up a nearby robe, and putting it on, the silk settling loosely over her.
Baltar was sitting in the main room, a covered silver platter, a pitcher, and two cups on a table next to him.
"How many days is this you've brought me breakfast?" she asked, joining him at the table.
"Just keeping myself busy," he grunted. "Since your princess isn't here, I need something to do."
"Uh-huh," she murmured, smiling slightly. "Just keeping yourself busy. I get it."
She lifted the cover off the platter to reveal a spread of crisp bacon, fluffy scrambled eggs, and fresh bread, steam still wafting off the trio. A peek inside the pitcher revealed milk. As she plucked up a piece of bacon and took a bite, Baltar filled the cups.
The duo ate quietly, Deiara having long since gotten used to the orcish preference of eating before conversation.
Especially at breakfast...
"So," Baltar began after they finished, "any plans for your last day without the princess?"
"Well, I need to go to the gardens to get some stuff."
"For bloodclove tea and elder salve?"
"Mm-hmm. I need a fresh supply of both since she's coming back."
"Are you looking forward to having her back?"
Deiara nodded.
"Of course. We've never been apart for this long before. I've missed her. Even though I've had all this time to myself. That's been nice."
"And you won't miss having all that free time?"
She shrugged.
"I'm used to the life I have. It's much better than what I used to have, so I'll always be grateful that I ended up with her. And she usually is easy to deal with."
"You ended up with a princess who just wants to be fucked by orcs."
"Not just orcs. She'll spread her legs for humans too. And not just me either."
"Ah yes, that brothel you mentioned in Rendevel. What was it called?"
"The Pink Petal. You would've thought she'd been a whore for years, she settled right into it."
"I can imagine that. Anything planned after you go to the garden?"
She smiled.
"Well, lunch. Which I'll need to eat with someone..."
He chuckled at the not-so-subtle invitation.
"And after lunch?"
"I might leave the castle for a bit, just go for a walk or something, and then I'll visit the guards before the princess comes back. I want to be nice and dirtied up for her."
He chuckled again.
Before her departure, Gwennalyn had asked her to visit the guards' lounge daily, as the princess herself usually did, to provide on-demand sexual relief for the orcs who guarded the castle and the king.
"I just want to make sure they're well taken care of when I'm gone," Gwennalyn had said.
"You do know they went without you for a very long time, right?" Deiara had replied. "I think they can go without you for a little bit."
"I know. And you don't have to do it if you really don't want to. Or if it'll make Baltar jealous."
Deiara had laughed, rolling her eyes in bemusement.
"He's not the jealous type. And don't worry, I'll visit them. I do enjoy whoring for them. I just don't do it as often as you do. Although they might be a bit disappointed, especially Harrum. If he tries to choke me like he does to you, I'll knee him in the balls."
Gwennalyn had laughed then.
"Oh, they know you won't take what I will."
"Good. Like I said, don't worry. I'll take good care of them."
"Thank you," her princess had murmured. "I know they'll be in very good hands with you."
"Well," Baltar began then, interrupting her thoughts, "I imagine the princess will also be dirtied herself, after all that time with the tribal orcs and the trip back with the guards."
She stretched then in the chair. The robe's hem slipped up her thighs. Baltar took a good look, making her smile.r";area=summary;u=4847

Pub: 24 Mar 2021 13:32 UTC
Views: 147