LABELS DEFINITIONS all the definitions for things we've used somewhere (meaning either collective hoard or individual alters) alphabetized list!!

brothaqueer: whose transness centers masculinity without being a man; detached from one’s oppressors’ concepts of masculinity.

casiboy: for those who experience masculinity in a feminine way. (source)
catninean: xenogender that feels like dog-like cat or a cat-like dog!
coldahellic: xenogender related to the phrase "cold day in hell" / "when hell freezes over"
constellestial: an otherwordly gender, relating to space, stars, clouds, meteors, the deepness and darkness of space and various celestial bodies. (source)
corruptenpo: a gender that was once ‘typical’ but has since been corrupted over time. (source)

dimoric: subset of seagender; connected to the beauty, serenity, and terrifying mystery of the ocean. (source)
ditzcatgender: a mix of ditzgender and catgender. it may feel dumb, yet adorable all while feeling catlike!

goldsumnic: a gender relating to honey, sunflowers, summer, lemonade, and yellow candies. (source)
guarddogix: influenced by one’s connection to the concept of being a guard dog. may feel like it’s externally hostile and protective but is shown to be sweet and friendly for those close to them (source)

icarusalis: a gender connected/related to the myth of icarus, the sunlight/heat of the sun, the ocean, and feathered wings.
infernalprince: a princegender subtype defined as being infernal / hellish & a prince -- can be related to religion in a coping manner.
inklingmasc: a gender connected to inklings & being masculine.

solfurious: sungender, angry, tired of people and those that continuously wrong them. they're full of firey rage and fury, but they tend to bottle it up.
sunsetmascic: a gender connected to sunsets and masculinity.

lovampgender: a gender related to both vampires and the concept of love.
luminaryvir: a gender connected to being a prince and the stars; a prince of the stars. (source)

rancorie: a gender that is spite.
royalvampic: a gender where one is connexted to being a vampire and/or vampyric royalty.

unholything: a gender that feels unholy, biblical, and demon-like in nature. may be connected to the word blasphemy.

vampgender: mythologender relating to vampires.
velician: a gender related to gender related to libraries, bookstores, books, and the aesthetics of them (ex: library cafés, coffee/tea, bookshelves, etc). It may feel quiet, peaceful, calm, and wistful. (source)
voidisempatix: a subtype of gendervoid in which ones gender is influence by their lack of empathy, or for those who are gendervoid & experience little to no empathy. (source)

werevampic: a gender that is connected to both werewolves and vampires
werewolfgender: mythologender relating to werewolves.


Pub: 24 Oct 2022 01:29 UTC
Edit: 24 Dec 2023 03:33 UTC
Views: 567