simple version

pregzai. on discord to trade !

art - joonsbubu on tumblr :3

important info below !! coloured = decorated + wip.
( probably won't trade )

. alphazai 𖹭

. pauxty 𖹭

. 4lpha , alphqzai , alph4zai , zakkie , emozaizai , prnszai , byizai , extendedzai , zaiidentity , identityzai , zakrentrycomms , zakartcomms , zakcomms , zakdirectory 𖹭

. yumetism , yumenism , no1dazailover , no1chuuyahater , chuuyahater , chuuyah8ter , ihatechuuya , chuuyahateclub , dazaiozamu , sigzaitruther , biggestsigzaitruther , souhekisolos , sigzaisolos , nolongerhumanz , sigza1 , dazaixdazai , realsigzai , shibzai , zaitism , emozai , theirsigma , transfemsigma , dazaismushrooms , catzai , sigmaspartner 𖹭

. lesbocolette , lesbozai , lesboq , lesbodazaii , lesboskk , skklesbos , lesbianzai , lesbow 𖹭

. schizosigzai , bpdosamu , hunterbpd , bpdhunter , bpdcorpse , bpdskeppy , bpdstar , favouriteperson 𖹭

. sillychester , sillycolette , sillysandy , sillysam , sillymaeve , sillyautismcreature , silliesthamster , silliestofthemall , sillysam , sillyevader , colettetism , sillyvampire , sillyzai 𖹭

. crazyz, nightyvamp , vamp1 , bloodysucker , batluv , deadz , severslide , burneddead , darkmelodies , livingcorpsez , teencorpse , backspaces , corpsekisserz , deadcorpsez , suicidemaniacz , suicidall , suicideaddicted , suicidedolls , suicidalidols , quietfog , bloodysuicide , depressedstar , depressedsuicide , wristslitter , potentialmurder , infamousvampire , razorblades , bloodycorpse , murderweapon , bloodyvamp , dazaisrazor 𖹭

. fallenkangel , wale , jellysparkles , hamstertism , dearharmony , brightpurpose , sk3ph4lo , skeppies , no1leonfan , no1zaifan , huntersinnerwolf , flapjackscoffin , childofstarz , hunteralphawolf , alphawolfs4life , trashtier , ceoofbrawlstars , stormysoul , brawlstar , yurihappyduo , yuriskephalo , skeptical , vit4sexualis , therealsonic , sillyleon , undyinglove , THESE ARE INSIDE JOKES. ( dazaiscumjar , pussayslayer69 , milfenjoyer , milfliker ) , skeppyz , piperz , sigmaz , sparklezz , wolfpawz , moonlesbian , childofstars , bloodybandaid , hunterblight , vampzai 𖹭

- I wanted to use all urls listed ,, BUT I changed my mind ! I am willing to trade MOST of these. some of them are very dear to me tho ,, so they might not be up for trading. ( I am very fucking insane about them. hashtag autism )

- feel free to dm me anytime and I'll try to answer as fast as possible. if I don't answer right away , it's usually due to school, timezones or my severe paranoia.

- I only accept urls that have something to do with my interests ,, sorry !

. anything dazai , bsd , brawl stars , skeppy , toh ( or dark theme ) related !

Pub: 21 Jun 2023 11:47 UTC
Edit: 07 Dec 2024 09:37 UTC
Views: 1310