main renty, here is my boyfriend's dope ass rant about nahida:


the reason why i'm making this post is because i am SICK and TIRED of seeing OTHER PEOPLE fight for MY CULTURE in the most INCORRECT WAY POSSIBLE.

"nahida rcta queen!", "why are you blackwashing her?", "she switched teams!" all these comments and more under artists' posts that decided to give her melanin.

artists are just giving back her melanin as she is based off a culture with people who have dark skin. this is not racist. this is literally the opposite. i understand if a character already has an established skin colour that's apart of their character (ex. ei or zhongli) though with nahida this makes no sense.

i am indian, do NOT come after me. sumeru is based off of MY culture. i know what i'm talking about. a good 70% of sumeru is based off hindu culture, it's based off south asia.

you all need to shut the hell up about saraswati and how nahida is based off saraswati because saraswati's description is saying "shes as white as the moon" and nahida is white. you ALL need to BE QUIET ABOUT THAT.

this is saraswati, for reference:

saraswati is not ever mentioned in genshin impact. NOT ONCE. but, the aranara call rukkhadevata queen aranyani. aranyani is a very obscure hindu god known for taking care of the forest and dancing n stuff

THIS IS WHAT NAHIDA AND RUKKHADEVATA ARE BASED OFF OF. NOT SARASWATI. the only thing that saraswati and nahida (+ rukkha) have in-common is that other than being white and based off a hindu goddess

saraswati isn't even white, the pale as the moon thing refers to a godly glow. so even IF nahida and rukkha are based off saraswati, hoyo does NOT HAVE ANY REASON TO MAKE THEM WHITE SINCE SHE ISNT EVEN WHITE. she has a GODLY GLOW.

indians can be pale, YES. but they aren't this paper caca toothpaste looking ass WHITE like how nahida is. REPRESENTATION FOR SKIN COLOUR MATTERS TOO. ITS NOT JUST THE CULTURE THEY'RE BASED OFF OF.

Pub: 22 Nov 2023 20:10 UTC
Edit: 19 May 2024 21:55 UTC
Views: 250