"Oh no."
"But it’s okay, my men and I have some too."
"Oh good." Jessica said in relief, "So my men have them too?"
"God no. Your husbands would never have gone along with this. Slip your hand into my coat. Right side."
Jessica did and gasped … "A gun?"
"Your gun. With bullets. And night goggles. Move closer to me and slide them into your coat."
"I don’t want a gun." Jessica said.
"The lives of Stasia, your husbands and your new clan members depends on this. If you don’t defend them they’ll be mowed down by Anthony’s men."
"No …" Jessica gasped and sagged in Paul’s arms.
"Yes. And you’re going to have to do a lot better at looking calm Jessica. Your clan is moving again. If they make a scene Anthony’s men will attack."
Jessica pulled herself up, forced herself to smile up at Paul and tried to laugh but couldn’t quite get there.
"Okay. Now be a good girl and take the gun, bullets and night goggles."
"Now what?" she gasped when after some fumbling she managed to conceal everything in her jacket.
"Now Anthony is going to demand a change in music. He hates heavy metal. When he does, you and I, Oliver and Mason and a few other boys you rode with at the race, will go to the stage. I’ll say something about you and I working on a number together. We turn our back to the audience, but on our night goggles, turn around and open fire."
"We can’t just shoot into the crowd!" Jessica exclaimed.
"Shhh, shhh, shhh." Paul said, "Calm down, your clan is on the move again. Laugh, come on."
Jessica forced herself to laugh.
"That was close." He said. "We won’t shoot into the crowd, we’ll shoot Anthony’s men."
"But how will we know …"
"Anthony thought he was buying the guns from some foreign dealers when he was actually buying them from me. I rigged the guns with neon paint that’s invisible to the naked eye. It gets on their skin when they handle them, but more importantly, when they pick them up it sprays paint all over them. In regular lighting it looks like a cloud of dust. And the paint is water proof. The people who are helping us got guns with no paint. When the time is right, one of my men will turn off these lights." He said indicating the lights above them, "And turn on the black lights that are interspersed with the regular lights. Anyone who is neon yellow, shoot."
"Wow." Jessica said , "Wow. You take the prize in creativity, hands down. That is amazing."
Paul looked at Jessica and smiled. "You know my dear, I hope you do make it through tonight. I find you very refreshing. And a lot like Stasia. No wonder she likes you."
"What about Stasia? What will stop Anthony from killing her?"
"My insiders will take care of her. Any more questions will have to wait? I just got the signal that Anthony asked for a change in music. Let’s do it my dear. Remember, the lives of everyone that you love depend on you."
"That didn’t work out too well for my last family …" Jessica mumbled.
"Move quickly, can’t give your clan time to interfere."
As Paul steered Jessica toward the stage she worked hard to think of a way to warn her men, her friends. Dread filled her. This really was her new family. And because of her, her new family was going to end up like her old one. Why didn’t she think of inventing some kind of code with them before hand? Up on the stage Jessica stood beside Paul and couldn’t help but make eye contact with her men. They were livid.
"Get down Jess, now!" Angus was mouthing as he moved toward the stage.
"Over here, now!" Riley mouthed, also moving toward the stage.
"What are you doing?" from Jim.
"Get away from him." From Scott.
"You’re killing me Jess, come on." From Josh. And they were moving closer to the stage. And interspersed between them were Sean, Corey, Chris, Mark, Don, Stan, Caleb, Quinn, Rick, Abe, and Leah, also making their way toward her. Near the pool house she could see Justine, Amanda and Sara gaping at her. At least they had a chance.
As Paul took the microphone and said, "Ladies and gentlemen," Jessica hung her hands at her sides and flapped her hands as much as she could in an attempt to motion back. Just when she was afraid her motions wouldn’t be noticed, they were. Her men, Sean and the others, slowed down, even stopped. But didn’t back up.
When Paul said, "I’ve been practicing something special for my sister …" Jessica smiled like an idiot and looked around. Sean, Corey, Caleb, Chris, Quinn, Don, Stan, Mark, Leah, Sara, Justine, Amanda, Abe, Rick, her men, were all staring at her. Looking at one another, trying to figure out what was going on. And then she saw Doc. Sitting at one of the tables with Terry and the other physiotherapists. Oh, Doc was not going to like this …
"So sit back, relax, I hope you’re going to like this…" he nodded at Jessica and the others. He and the others turned and reached for their night goggles, but Jessica couldn’t do it without at least trying to warn the ones she loved. She grabbed the microphone.
"Um, um … just a word before we begin …" she stuttered, "Ah … I know you’re all hungry. The kitchen sends it’s apology. That, ah, funky chicken with sauce will be on its way real soon. Ah, there may even be some duck with that. We ah, hope you will get down with us …" now everyone was looking at her like she was crazy but a quick scan of her men and those she cared about made it clear that they got the message.
But instead of moving away from her, they were moving closer. "No!" she shouted into the microphone. And those she now considered to be her family, stopped. "And ah, oh yeah, a doctor’s needed in the back … behind the pool house … yeah, Doc, could you?" she asked when Doc looked around and started to get up. Pretty soon he was moving at a good speed toward the pool house.
"Jessica!" Paul hissed. "Really?" he demanded when she looked over at him. He flicked his head to the back of the stage.
"Right, sorry." She said replacing the microphone. "Oh, and one more thing … neon yellow is bad for you. Really bad." She replaced the microphone, turned around, put on her night goggles and with a precision that looked practiced, Jessica, Paul, Mason and Oliver turned simultaneously, the lights went out, people glowed neon yellow, and Jessica, Paul, Mason and Oliver open fired. Several others opened fire with them from the floor, and a second or two later Anthony’s men returned fire. Spurts of gunfire rattled off everywhere. Jessica couldn’t see anyone on the floor, had no idea where her men were … Sean and the other men, or the girls. She figured the best she could do was kill the glowing yellow guys.
"I can’t believe this." Scott shouted when he, the men, Sean and the others, found one another … crab walking through the bullets and bodies. Looking up at the stage the light from the barrage of bullets from Jessica, Paul, Mason and Oliver’s guns showed them planted in staggered formation, legs planted, and steadily firing. But Jessica kept looking around. She seemed to be trying to find something. They all had a good guess as to what she was looking for but with the bullets flying around they couldnt flag her down. The microphone was still on and Pauls voice carried when he said "They’re running for it. Trying to hide the yellow markings in the woods. Have I got a surprise for them. Turn on the flood lights!" He yelled. "Jessica, you’re with me, flank right. Oliver, Mason go left. They can’t leave here alive!"
The microphone also picked up Jessica said, "No!" while stepping away from Paul and looking into the chaos off stage, "I have to find my family!"
The men looked at one another. All of this had triggered memories of her family … of that day. Dread far beyond the terror that they felt for Jessica’s safety, consumed them.
Paul grabbed Jessica’s arm.
"Anthony’s taken Stasia into the woods. Your family has followed. The only way you can help any of them Jessica is to come in there with me and kill Anthony."
"Jessica no!" Riley yelled, the other men yelled, Sean and the others yelled, but the gunfire and the screaming drowned them out.
Jessica stared at Paul for a moment.
"How do you know …" Jessica asked, her desperation dutifully transmitted by the microphone.
"I saw them. Let’s go before it’s too late!"
Jessica hesitated for another second, looked around, and then with a small nod, followed Paul off the stage and into the woods.
"We stashed guns in the garage." Sean yelled nodding to the structure where their motorbikes were housed.
"We don’t have time. We need to take guns and night goggles from here." Riley said.
They began taking guns and goggles off of Paul’s fallen men, "Don’t take any with yellow paint on them!" Angus shouted.
"Not enough goggles." Sean said when they all converged at the edge of the forest. "We’ll have to pair up, those with goggles will have to be the eyes for the others."
And suddenly the dark light came on in the flood lights and yellow popped up everywhere.
"Let’s go." Riley said and they moved in, shooting every yellow person they could find.
It didn’t take too long before they found Jessica pinned down in a fire fight with Paul, Oliver, Mason, and a few others they didn’t know.
"Jess." Josh said.
"Are you okay!" she asked, falling into Josh’s arms. Looking around at her men, Sean, Corey, Chris, Mark, Abe, Rick, Don, Stan, Caleb, Quinn and Leah. "Justine, Sara and Amanda?"
"We’re fine." Scott said, "I think Justine, Sara and Amanda are still at the pool house."
"Welcome to the party." Paul yelled at the new comers. "Anthony is in there."
"They’re going to get stuck at the river." Riley said. "We have to surround them. Some up the middle, the others on both sides. It’s the only way we’ll trap them. Paul, you and your men take the middle and that side. We’ll go up the left."
Paul gave a thumbs up and he and his men moved off.
"Take her back Jim." Riley said motioning Josh to pass Jess to Jim. "We’ll finish this off. Anthony and his men can’t get away. If they do, we’ll always be looking over our shoulders."
"No, Riley …" Jessica began, grabbing his arm.
"I’m sorry Jess but Anthony came here to kill us. He won’t rest until he does." Riley said.
"I know. But I want to stay with you. We have to stay together …" she said looking at her men, at the others. "If this all has to end tonight then I’m coming with you. I need to be with you." Jessica said.
Gunfire ahead didn’t give them time to debate. They moved up the left flank.
In the end it was an hour of intense fighting after which everyone who was glowing yellow was dead.
Jessica handed her gun and night goggles to Mark and walked back to the pool house clutching Jim’s hand in one hand, and Angus’ in the other. Clean-up efforts were already starting.
"You should go home and go to bed." Angus said.
"I don’t think I could sleep. Besides there’s so much to do here … I’d like to help."
"But you’re shaking." Jim said, holding up her hand.
"I think that’s from all the vibrations from the gun." Jessica said, "I’m fine, honest."
"You did good kid." Paul said coming up and putting a hand on Jessica’s shoulder.
"You don’t touch her!" Riley bellowed, shoving Paul. "Was that your plan all along, to use Jess to do your dirty work?"
"What plan?" Paul asked smirking at Riley, at the men. "You know as well as I do that any plan that Jessica was privy to would be written all over her face for all to see. Oh calm down." He said when the men scowled at Abe and Rick. "There was a time early on when they were on my side. But that was a long time ago. This was just circumstance and luck."
"Just listen …" Abe said when the men continued to look angry at Abe and Rick, "There’s nothing that would work better for Paul than to make you distrust Rick and me. It’s true that early on we fed some info to him. I mean, why do you think we were there. Not just to help you recover, obviously. But beyond the first week or two we’ve told him nothing. Nothing."
When everyone but Riley and Angus seemed to believe Abe Jessica went to Riley, pulling Angus with her. "I believe Abe. And I honestly don’t think this could have been planned." Jessica said gladly snuggling under both Riley and Angus’ arms when they each wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. "There’s no way Paul could have planned for me to come out of the bathroom at exactly the time that he was fighting with Anthony about Stasia. I mean, unless Paul planned it with Anthony which I think is highly unlikely." Jessica added, glancing around at the carnage surrounding them.
"As appears to be her custom, your wife is right." Paul said to Riley, "I knew from the moment she and I began negotiating the bike race that Jessica didn’t have the capacity to lie to save her life … or yours." He said scanning the men. "But what she did and does have is guts. Imagination and guts. She stopped me from acting on impulse tonight which would have ruined this most ingenious plan. And that assassination by peanut butter idea was fantastic. If I hadn’t already had this lined up, I definitely would have gone with it." He said with a chuckle. "So, you’re immune. All of you. Enjoy it."
Paul turned to leave but then he turned back, "Oh and you might want to get some men out to your neighbors … apologize for the fireworks that went off. Wouldn’t want them calling the cops." Paul said and then stalked off.
"Shit, the neighbors." Scott said.
"We’ll take care of them." Corey said looking himself up and down. He was covered in blood. They were all covered in blood. "Let’s get cleaned up." He said to Sean, Corey and Mark, "and head off the cops."
"Peanut butter?" Josh asked, eyeing Jessica when Corey, Sean, and Mark walked away.
Jessica could feel her cheeks burning with embarrassment. She ducked her head.
"Allergies can be very deadly you know."
"Funky chicken sauce … " Rick said.
"With duck …" Abe added.
"Get down with us …" Leah said.
"That was good thinking." Angus agreed, "That’s why we’re alive."
"I think we may need to work on some more elaborate code words … " Jessica said.
"You mean something that says, ‘psychopaths with plastic guns, run for your lives?’" Don asked with a chuckle.
"Something like that." Jessica agreed with a laugh.
Jessica looked at her men. Ignoring the fact that they were covered head to toe in blood, they were observing her. Quietly. She couldn’t read their expressions. Wasn’t quite sure if they were mad or maybe even disappointed with her.
"I’m sorry." She said, "I know I said no violence …" her voice trailed off as she looked around at all the signs of massive violence.
"I think it’s time to take you home." Riley said, squeezing her shoulder.
"That would be great." Jessica said, looking around, "But I think Doc needs some help." She saw Doc kneeling between three people who were moaning on the ground.
"Do you feel up to it Jess?" Jim asked.
Jessica nodded her head.
"Okay. Let’s do it." Jim said.
"Looks like Doc brought his supplies." Scott said as they moved toward him.
"Doc always brings his supplies." Rick said.
"Lass," Doc said looking up at Jessica as he pulled a bag open with his teeth.
Jessica squatted down and handed him some gauze. "Sorry Doc."
"Yeah, you better be, saving my life like that." He said cracking a smile, "Here to help are you?"
Jessica nodded.
"Rick and Abe, you’re with me, we’ll take the ones in the worst conditions. You ladies …" Doc said to Justine, Sara and Amanda who’d just stumbled up to them. "Need to triage for us. Anyone with a superficial wound … something that just needs a bandaid," he added when Justine’s face went blank, "you move over to the pool house there. Jessica and her men will handle them there. Anyone who’s got anything worse than that, leave them where they are but flag me, Rick, Caleb or Abe, or Terry. Got it?"
The girls nodded and started walking around checking the bodies on the ground.
A gunshot made everyone jump. Looking around Jessica saw a man lifting the nozzle of a gun from the head of a body on the ground.
"No …" Jessica whispered.
"There are going to be some people that we just can’t help." Doc said rising to stand next to Jessica. "It’s cruel to let them suffer. Okay?"
Jessica nodded but gripped the hand that Jim had slipped into hers even tighter.
"We better help Paul’s people with the clean-up." Angus said.
Riley nodded and then looked back at Jessica. "Will you be okay if we go for a bit?"
"Be careful." Jessica said.
Riley smiled but it wasn’t a happy smile. It looked like he was going to say something but then he shook his head, "You too Jess." He looked around, "Let’s start by making sure there aren’t any guns left around here."
He stepped in, pecked her on the head, and moved off. Angus did the same. Don and Quinn followed them. Jim, Scott, Josh, and Stan went with Jessica to the pool house where the girls had already started bringing people.
It was half a day later that they finally converged back at the house.
They were barely staying upright, fatigue was so overwhelming, but everyone that could be helped, was. Everyone who couldn’t be was buried in a pit in the field beyond the river. Blood had been washed away. Any sign that indicated that anything other than a party had occurred had been obliterated.
"Come on Jess …" Josh said, picking her up in his arms and turning to the house, "I’ll get you cleaned up."
"What about everyone else?" Jessica asked looking back at everyone forming a line while pulling their blood soaked clothes off. Riley was pulling the hose toward them.
"We should have cleaned off in the pond." Riley said shaking his head. "It’s okay Jess, we’ll just hose off, burn our clothes."
"You’re going to hose them off?" Jessica asked in surprise. "But that water is freezing."
"We’ll be fine." Scott said, dropping his pants.
"No, stop." Jessica told Josh when he turned to the house again. "If they’re getting hosed off then I should be too."
"Jess, please …" Angus said in an exasperated tone.
"Either that, or everyone showers off." Jessica said, "If we undress out here we’ll hardly make a mess in the house. We can clean the floors …" her voice trailed off when the men stared at her with that strange expression again.
"And let me guess," Riley said, "everyone else can go first, and you’ll go last."
"Um, is that bad?" she asked Josh when the other’s continued to stare at her.
Josh didn’t say anything. Just carried her over to a lawn chair and sat down, cradling her against him.
Jessica watched as naked dirty people went into the house. Riley and Angus started a fire and began throwing clothes onto it.
Eventually Leah came back out, clean, changed, and carrying a housecoat.
"Here Jess. We can burn it after too."
"Thanks." Jessica said and looked at Josh who nodded, stood Jessica up and began undressing her behind the housecoat that Leah held up as a cover. Once she was wrapped in the housecoat Josh stripped down and then pulled her back onto his lap.
Jessica leaned against Josh and watched the fire burn. She felt like she should be sleepy but she wasn’t. Tired, bone tired, yes, but not the least bit sleepy. Eventually others came out to tend the fire and Josh was carrying Jessica into the bathroom, followed by her other men.
Josh and Scott took her in the shower. No one said anything while Josh and Scott scrubbed her clean. And she scrubbed them. They still didn’t say anything when Jessica refused to get out of the shower with Josh and Scott and insisted on cleaning Riley and Angus off … and then Jim. By the time everyone was clean Jessica was waterlogged. Waterlogged, but somehow she still felt dirty.
The men took her to the bedroom, threw some pjs on her, tucked her into bed, climbing in with her, all without saying a word.
"What about the floor …"
"Someone will clean it." Angus said in a gruff tone, "someone other than you. Go to sleep Jessica."
His tone, the extended silence from the men, brought tears to her eyes.
"I’m sorry …"
Angus sighed.
"We know Jess." Riley said, "Believe me, we know. You need … we need some rest. Go to sleep and we’ll talk later."
Jessica sniffled and closed her eyes. But she did anything but sleep. And not from a lack of trying. She had nightmare after nightmare waking her and everyone else in the house with gut wrenching scream after gut wrenching scream. The men held her, rocked her, comforted her. Even the others, who would run to the room on instinct the first dozen times, tried comforting her. The men, stroking her arm, talking gently, the girls climbing into bed with her, hugging her. But nothing seemed to help.
By noon everyone was up and dreading Jessica’s appearance in the living room. She was showering again. The third time since they’d been home. Clearly she’d been damaged by the events of the previous night and everyone feared what that meant for how she felt about them. After all, they’d all, in some way, participated in what amounted to a massacre. Given her feelings about violence, she had to think less of them.
When she finally appeared everyone stood up.
"Hi." She said quietly and the red that painted her cheeks supported her tone and body language. She was embarrassed. Guilt ridden and embarrassed. How could that be? Everyone looked at one another. "I’m sorry I kept you up … um, and thanks for trying to help." She clasped and unclasped her hands, furtively keeping eye contact as she looked from one person to the other, "Ah, is there any coffee?"
"Yeah, coffee, got it." Josh said, pulling a chair at the table and indicating that she should sit in it before moving to the kitchen.
"I’ll get it." Sara said slipping by him. "Just milk, right?" she asked Jessica.
"Right." Jessica said and smiled. A real smile. Tired, but real. Everyone relaxed.
"Come sit down Jess." Josh said going to her, wrapping an arm around her and directing her to the chair.
"Eggs and bacon?" Abe asked also moving to the kitchen.
"And pancakes." Angus said.
"And pancakes?" Abe asked.
Jessica nodded, "Thanks." She said to Abe and then Sara when Sara handed her the coffee.
"So … you’re feeling alright?" Caleb asked tilting his head to see her from different angles.
Jessica nodded and tilted her head too, with a laugh. "Is this the newest thing in medicine?" she asked, "the tilt diagnosis?"
"Yeah, I guess." Caleb said laughing. Everyone laughed. Her men sat in the chairs at the table and even though they looked relieved like everyone else, they still looked at her in a strange way. But when she looked worried they forced smiles, Jim starting and elbowing Josh and Scott on either side of him. Riley and Angus got the picture.
"So …" Jessica said. "The wedding is tonight and I thought …"
"The wedding?" Riley choked out. "You still want to do that?"
"Of course." Jessica said surprised, and then panicked, "Don’t you?" She looked around at the men suddenly terrified that maybe they were so mad at her that they didn’t want her anymore.
"Of course we do." Angus said and it was easy to see happiness take over the odd expression he’d been wearing. "But we thought that maybe, under the circumstances, you’d want to wait."
"For what?" Jessica asked truly stumped about what there could possibly be to wait for.
"Time." Scott said, "You know, to get over … last night."
"No. I don’t’ see how one has anything to do with the other."
"Okay. Then I guess we’re having a wedding tonight." Jim said, excitement replacing misgivings.
The girls squealed and started talking all at once, about everything that needed to be done, all the shopping, the decorating …
"When you’re done eating we’ve gotta go into town." Leah finally said to Jessica.
Jessica laughed. Her normal laugh. The men looked at one another in surprise. She really was alright.
"That’s what I was thinking about. I think we did enough work last night. I want this to be as stress free and fun as possible. So I thought, let’s not bother decorating the pond and pool house. It’s great the way it is. And for clothes, I’d prefer if everyone wore their favorite item. You know, rather than a wedding dress I’d like to wear the dress you got me Angus." She said looking at Angus but that expression was back. All her men had it back, and the others looked uncomfortable. Nerves had her rushing on, "The one for our first date night. It’s my favorite. And my maids of honor," she said turning to the girls, "should wear their favorite dresses. And the men … it doesn’t have to be formal. If you have a favorite Hawaiian shirt, wear it. How … how does that sound?"
She looked around when no one said anything.
Abe came over and deposited a plate filled with food in front of her.
"You have a favorite shirt don’t you?" she asked, looking up at him.
"Sure Jess." He said, "I have a Hawaiian shirt or two." He looked around at everyone and then squeezed her shoulder, "Eat up."
"I can’t." Jessica said, looking around too, "Until someone says something. You’re worrying me. Is something going on that I don’t know about?"
A series of emotions played across Angus’ face as he started and stopped saying something two or three times. Finally he looked to Riley for help.
"Why don’t we have the wedding here, at the house." Riley asked.
"Why?" Jessica asked, "It’s nice here, but the pool house is nicer."
"After everything that happened there, it seems better to do it here." Scott said.
Jessica paled. "But we cleaned up … everything from last night is gone, right?"
"Yes, it’s gone." Scott confirmed, "But wouldn’t it be better to avoid going there for a while?"
"No." Jessica said shaking her head. "It’s my favorite place … even with what happened. That was all last night, in the dark. If we get married during the day it’ll be like a different place. Please." She said when it was clear the men were not in agreement. "We can’t let last night ruin that place for us. You built it for me. I love it. Paul and Anthony can’t take that away from us."
The men looked at one another, and then at the others. Everyone seemed unsure.
"Are you sure about this?" Josh asked. "I’d hate for our happiest day to be ruined by … Anthony and Paul."
"I’m sure." Jessica said with a huge smile, "Nothing is going to ruin this, we won’t let it."
"Okay …" Angus said. "Okay. I can see it working, if Jessica’s sure."
The other men nodded and Jessica clapped her hands and squealed.
"Eat." Riley said, pointing at her. He shook his head while Jessica shoveled food into her mouth. He looked at the other men and shrugged.
"So, Jess." Riley said after she’d eaten for a few minutes but now sat playing with her food, "You’re really okay?" he asked when she looked up at him.
Jessica nodded, "I honestly don’t know what those nightmares were about. I feel fine. You’re all alive, Anthony is dead, Doc says Stasia will be okay … Paul took her home. I know …" Jessica’s voice faltered. She looked at her plate but then she forced herself to look up at everyone. "I know it’s pretty hypocritical of me. To say I don’t want any of you to be involved in violence … and then do what I did last night. I don’t have much of a defense except to say that last night felt like self-defense to me. Just like with Daryl. I was afraid that you’d get hurt if I didn’t … I’m sorry. I hope you can forgive me … and understand that I still don’t want any violence."
"Forgive you?" Sean asked. "You’re asking us to forgive you …"
Jessica nodded her head. "Can you?"
... continued in 8f

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Pub: 29 Sep 2023 15:44 UTC
Views: 101