Part 4: Close Childhood Friends

Kokona: Hey, Sasuga-chan, Panda-chan, how was the interview?

Panda: Oh, now an interview about the interview, huh? Looks like you wanna be prepared~.

Chisa: We talked about all sorts of things. Like, what my very first words were, what shoe size fits me best, my masterful shiritori* skills…

Panda: Donʼt think you mentioned any of that. And what’s that about your shiritori skills?

Shizuka: Not sure why ask about shoe size either…

Panda: But… I guess, being interviewed together like this really takes me back.

Shizuka: Takes back?

Panda: I was interviewed once in elementary school. That said, it was for the school newspaper, and originally only Sassu was expected to participate, but…

Kokona: You say “originally,” so…?

Panda: Even though they didnʼt invite Panda, the committee member conducting the interview couldnʼt keep up with Sassuʼs weirdness.

Chisa: Was it when I won a school marathon?

Panda: Yeah. Remember what you told them?

Chisa: Nope.

Panda: “What did you feel when you crossed the finish line?” When they asked you that, you were like, “I was running looking at the clouds, and before I knew it I reached it.”

Chisa: Wow, Panda. You remember something like that.

Panda: Everything about you is simply unforgettable, yʼknow?~ Rather, donʼt you remember anything yourself?..

Chisa: Hmm… I think the clouds that day were shaped like mandazi**.

Panda: What’s a mandazi even…

Kokona: L-look, girls! Since you twoʼve been good friends for such a long time, looks like Sasuga-chan relies on Panda-chan a lot, right?

Chisa: Yes. I canʼt imagine my life without Panda.

Panda: Ah…!

Chisa: Without her, there wouldnʼt be anyone to treat people to tea while I make sushi. And it would be a downer, if there was no one to film it, when I caught something cool.

Panda: Yeah, right! Exactly what I thought you would say!

Chisa: Fufu, thanks for always helping me out, Panda.

Kokona: Having a childhood friend sure seems nice. I canʼt imagine what itʼs like, since my family had to move.

Shizuka: Huh, donʼt I count as one?

Kokona: Shizuka-chan, you’ve always been by my side, so to me you are more like family.

Panda: Huh, so youʼre saying Oshizu-chanʼs not good enough for you?

Kokona: Th-thatʼs not what I mean! But our relationship is different from Sasuga-chan and Panda-chanʼs, isnʼt it?

Shizuka: Well, I guess, thatʼs true.

Kokona: Thatʼs why I always thought it would be nice to have such a friend…

Panda: Oh, did you now? Why are you standing there hesitating to come in, Kathrin?!

Kathrina: Wh-what?! I wasn’t thinking about being friends with Kokona or anything!

Kokona: Huh? Kathrina-chan, youʼre back from your daily run?

Kokona: Welcome back!

Kathrina: I-Iʼm home…

Panda: What an astonishingly quick change in attitude, huh.

Kathrina: Shut up!

Kokona: Kathrina-chan, do you have any childhood friends back in Germany?

Kathrina: Not really. I guess, Mona-san from Gingaza would be closest to that. But it’s not like we’ve been together since we were little.

Kokona: So that’s how it is? Ah, I really would love to have one~...

Panda: Itʼs not too late to make one though! If you befriend someone now, you’ll be considered childhood friends by the time you grow up. Right, Kathrin?

Kathrina: H-how would I know?! I have no idea what being childhood friends is supposed to be like.

Kokona: What it’s supposed to be like… Sasuga-chan, Panda-chan, you often spend your days off together, right?

Chisa: Yes. Next time weʼre planning to go skating.

Kokona: Then, should we go somewhere too?

Shizuka: Why are we suddenly talking about Kokona and Kathrina going out?

Kathrina: Huh, is that a problem?

Panda: Hey, girls! Donʼt fight!

Kokona: Right! How about instead of just the two of us we all do something together? You can have many childhood friends!

Chisa: Say, Kokona, then maybe join us for skating?

Kokona: Ah, can we?

Chisa: If thatʼs fine with Panda.

Panda: Of course it is! It will be more fun with more people!

Kokona: Then let’s invite Yae-chan too and all go skating on our next day off!

Panda: Yeah!

TL note

* Shiritori is a Japanese word game in which the players are required to say a word beginning with the final kana of the previous word.

** Mandazi is sweet tasting fried bread frequently made triangular in shape originating on the Swahili Coast.

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Pub: 14 Jul 2024 10:28 UTC
Edit: 19 Jul 2024 12:50 UTC
Views: 150