Rouge the Bat sprite from The Murder of Sonic The Hedgehog and Ripped by blinkesusa on Tumblr
Yax, Willow white cat laying down any + She/Moon
aries Latina (CO), minor, ENG/ESPram head facing left
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a line of cats shaking their butts
Interests (change quickly)

LaprasMisc: Sonic The Hedgehog, Ne Zha, Tarot, flowers, dinosaurssauropod, Penelope Scott, Destroy Boys, AlicebanD, Sir Chloe, Pony Town, URL hoarding
Series: Lego Monkie Kid, Sonic X, Sonic Prime, Sonic Boom, Sonic OVA, The Legend of Luoxiaohei, Lanxi Zhen, DiminishGame, Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac, Bojack Horseman, Nezha movies in general, Love. Death + Robots

a GIF of TangoTek drawn by my friend!

Pub: 12 Nov 2022 19:36 UTC
Edit: 24 Aug 2023 22:14 UTC
Views: 1061