this is super simple and just a text wall because i will come back to it later but heres information about me: my names rhys, you don't have to call me rhys esp if u like blands i know it can get confusing so like. vias there. i use all pronouns, intersex and queer etc etc

have a girlfriend and a bestfriend i like making new friends be my friend you should be my friend every borderlands fan ever (WARNING THOUGH i do interact with rhack, not my like OTP Or whatever HELP but i do . like canon rhack NOT WEIRD AGEPLAY RHACK.)

I SELFSHIP like casually i dont think about it all the time but my f/os are zer0 and holojack (not flesh jack sorry man. i like em.. holographic (joke))

i roleplay but like. it depends on how im feeling sometimes i will write poetry (also length doesnt equate quality because i can write 5 paragraphs of horseshit) BUT MOSTLY semi-lit but im more casual leaning because i like stories a lot and I wanna See Them Develop but usually around 250-600(if i have the proper motivation) words per reply and i can do more

npd and bpd, i manage these pretty well i think but i know that MIGHT not be true and i might slip up sometimes, dont feel bad for calling me out on shitty behavior i rlly do not MIND i am always trying to improve (its hard to acknowledge shitty behavior when u. feel like ur doing. everything right most of the time so . pointing it out DOES HELP even if i will get a little offended in my brain)

i tend to spend a lot of money impulsively and i will spend money on people who i consider friends it is how i show i care! i do not expect gifts back and probably dont want them unless its like art? still then idk its hard for me to articulate how to express gratitude in a situation like that . . . if u wanna be friends be clear also i have audhd so yeah

borderlands is my special interest and what i talk about a lot, if u hate borderlands um>??? idk die why would u hate it

i fictionkin rhys strongfork but theres a list or whatevet heres a shitty image that shows like al ot of them! i do tend to be like more possessive over that one i guess but also i find the concept of doubles stupid ? idk just cope its fine ....

Pub: 22 May 2023 01:28 UTC
Edit: 04 Sep 2024 10:44 UTC
Views: 407