Ch. 13 ~ Darkness

Towa: — Hah~ Clear!

Towa: Full achievements in 100 hours!
Sometimes it's good to play some big-budget consumer stuff, too.

Towa: If there weren't restrictions, I would've streamed it, but can't be helped, I guess.
There's something to be said about clearing it yourself, too.

Towa: Hmm~ I think I could probably make it as a streamer.
I'm pretty okay at talking, I think?

Towa: Besides, if we're talking about skill, I'm at the level of a pro gamer.
I've been invited to custom rooms by Master Ranks.

Towa: You've gotta live doing the things you love, otherwise your mental health is as good as dead~!



Towa: ... Why, did I think of those things?
I already decided to drop out.

Towa: Aaahh! The event's already started!

Towa: Crap, I'm lateee!

Towa: ... It's bright.

Towa: Ugeh, I fell asleep...?

Towa: ... Hah... What am I doing.

Towa: I guess...... I'll go to school.

Classmate: Huh? Towa-chan?

Classmate: It's Towa-chan!

Towa: Ahaha, morning...

Towa: (... Well, taking a week off school would do that)

Yae: Senpai! It's been a while!

Yae: ... Are you doing okay? You're not pushing yourself, are you?

Towa: Geh.

Shigure: You're about 5 times more stupid than usual, huh?
Maybe you're just about to give up after being worked too hard?

Towa: Just not enough sleep.
... There was a game I wanted to clear, so I got really into it.

Shigure: Eeeeh~! Staying up all night playing games, can't you take care of yourself?

Yae: I've also played with everyone at Sirius,
so I know it's fun. But you shouldn't do it excessively!

Towa: So noisy...

Shigure: I thought you'd be more panicked, but it looks like you're pretty free.
I guess playing Alice is just too easy, then?

Towa: ... Huh?

Shigure: After all, Olympus is also performing "Alice" next year, isn't it?
Even though you know you're going to be compared, you're pretty confident.

Yae: I saw on Kamira-chan's stream that Denki's doing some kind of secret training!
I'm curious what kinds of things they're doing!

Towa: "Secret training"...

Yae: No, you can leave it as a secret!
I'll be waiting to see it in the actual show!

Shigure: What's with that face? Maybe, before you've even started acting,
you've decided you can't win and are waving the white flag?

Yae: No such thing.
Senpai is—

Towa: Ah, geez... Shut up.
I trying not to think about acting right now.

Towa: Welp, I have to go apologize to the teacher, so I'll go ahead first.

Yae: Differentiating between work and leisure, is it?
Hiiragi-san mentioned it once during a break. As expected of Senpai!

Shigure: Backing her up every time, being a proper junior must be a pain, huh?

Shigure: The adults just eat it up, though.

Shigure: Well, it'd be nice if the prodigy of Olympus doesn't get carried away
and do something unsightly.

Towa: Uheh~ ... This amount of printouts is too merciless. It's so heavy.
I won't let the school board get away with this. *sigh*...

Towa: And so, that's why I can't do any acting or anything.

???: ......

Towa: You listening? Iroha.

Iroha: Towa-chan...

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Pub: 08 Mar 2024 19:57 UTC
Edit: 22 Mar 2024 23:17 UTC
Views: 141