bingo bingo baby! ᓚᘏᗢ catnip / catty ++ she . he . it send me stuff ! gay (cinthean flag)nonbinary back ext i love you, ain't that crazy!?

only dni i have is if you fit the basic criteria i dont like u freeakss

sumtimes ill talk like we're in the early 2010s again especially wif emoticons, mostly cause i wanna

bpd, autistic, paranoid and basically mentally ill but im NAWWT listing all tht stuff out casually..just bringing this up because it'll affect interactions w me sometimes..also im semiverbal if that needs 2 be said

sorry if i seem uninterested or uncomfy or any of th sorts..i dont hav anything against any1!! im just awkward and mostly don't know what 2 say

if u see me following or supporting some1 thats problematic let me know pretty pleaaasee..i'm very late 2 news and wont know stuff

i want you! i want you!

Pub: 17 May 2024 20:33 UTC
Edit: 12 Jun 2024 17:10 UTC
Views: 253