"Your world as you knew it is gone. How far would you go to bring it back? Shepherd created a war, but only we knew the truth."


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Basic dni list tbh, do NOT even THINK about interacting w/ me ANYWHERE if; homophobic/transphobic/lesphobic/ANY FORM OF THAT., proshippers/conshippers, pedophiles, people who like cnc/noncon, rapist people who fantasize RAPE, dream supporters. People who fetisize gay people/trans people or really any lgbtq people/characters HEAVY DNI if you think Nick did anything honestly wrong, block/hide me if u don't agree :/ idc lol, people who support Israels current actions

DNI(bblacklist; nobody tbh lol


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This shouldn't even have to BE said but, I WILL hide you if YOU'RE. at ALL on my dni list + blacklist

Just like I said on my pt page I can make nsfw jokes or well sex jokes to put it simpler, I can also make very offensive jokes (nothing crossing basic boundaries) just jokes that some might Not like

I am taken I love my two partners very much, both did want this relationship and both r being LOVED as much as the other, do not try and call them pedos or anything because they're a year or two older then me, we r all minors and in love

I AM Underage and heavily grey sexual so certain nsfw like topics can make me uncomfortable or anything along those lines

I sometimes ageregress/petregress, it's not something I can really control however, I go into whenever I feel threatened enough to or sad or anything along those lines, be respectful and interact with care for both the little and the pup


The life you knew before is gone. Today, we fight to bring it back

Pub: 16 Nov 2023 02:17 UTC
Edit: 21 Nov 2023 05:27 UTC
Views: 139