Chapter 5 Going Around Circles
Kokona : The people at the interview yesterday were amazing!
Shizuka : The flash won’t stop and when I looked at them my eyes were dazzling. But, it’s a good chance to promote us.
Panda : Hehehe. I distributed Sirius’s pamphlet with my business card!
Kokona : Yae-chan you looked very cool, although you were very composed being surrounded by many people!
Panda : That’s right, as I expected from Niizuma-cchi. Panda was really impressed!
Yae : Is- is that right?
Shizuka : Yae-chan what’s the matter?
Panda : Niizuma-cchi you’re oddly restless today.
Yae : I-I don't think so
Yae : (I should be fine now that I studied overnight yesterday. Now I need to wait for my chance to land it)
Kokona : Oh yeah, I bought a wonderful picture book the other day. I’ll show it to you next time. It’s really cute and soothing.
Yae : Wah, it sounds wonderful. I can’t wait to see it.
Yae : (Wait, was that a good timing to land a joke!? Oh no, I messed up! No, next time I will definitely..!)
Shizuka : Oh that book, it’s wonderful indeed. But..
Kokona : Right? It’s a complete set that’s already out of print! When I saw it in the old bookstore, I couldn’t help but jump in joy.
Shizuka : Yeah. The price was jumping too.
Kokona : Urgh..
Panda : By the way, I haven’t seen Koko-chan buying snacks lately.
Shizuka : You’re right. She spent too much on the picture book and has been living frugally recently.
Kokona : Because I really wanted that book, you know.
Shizuka : She also used pencil lead until it was almost completely gone. Because of the daily practice, she also can’t add more shifts to her part-time job.
Kokona : Urgh, this is what they call lighting fire on the nail.
*(Note : It’s the Japanese idiom equivalent to penny-pinching or Living within one’s means)
Yae : (Now is my chance!)
Yae : Kokona-chan! Are your hands okay?! Please show it to me!
Kokona : Eh?
Yae : Why would you light a fire on your nail? Did you get any burn scars?
Yae : (It’s in the book I read yesterday, the “Getting on the wrong idea” joke! How will she respond?)
Kokona : Yae-chan that’s not what I mean! I didn’t really light a fire.
Kokona : It’s just an idiom. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding.
Panda : Did it get you worried? Niizuma-cchi is really kind after all.
Yae : O-Okay. I’m glad that you don’t really get burnt.
Yae : (I failed. Did I mess up the timing? Or the way I said it?)
Kokona : Yae-chan, somehow, you’re different today. Are you troubled by something?
Shizuka : Yae-chan, If it’s okay with me, I’ll listen to your story.
Panda : She’s right, if it’s something you can’t say to Hiiragi-san, it should be okay with us.
Yae : (I can’t say that I just wanted to be able to chat more casually with everyone)
Yae : (Saying something like that will definitely make them feel more self-conscious with me!)
Yae : So-sorry for making you worried. But, I’m fine.
Kokona : Really? If anything comes up, don’t hesitate to talk to me, okay?
Yae : Okay, thank you very much.
Yae : Now, let’s do our best in practice today also—
Yae : Will I be able to say something more interesting today? Ugh.. my heart feels heavy.
??? : Oh my, you’re releasing such a big sigh.. You’re having something on your mind, I wonder?
Yae : (Ah! Was it heard ?)