[11:25] The second attempt- who knows how well it would go?
The last attempt was to build the resolve in the people to have heart and to value something in these times of despair. To have a focus that there is something they do not wish to lose- that there is something that, at the end of the day, drives them to continue living and fighting for the next sunrise.
There is something to have resolve to protect, that there was something precious to hold hope for. To hold dear to their hearts and minds to stave off the darkness imposed by the Atrellyans.
Now, today, it was to think on the future through the eyes of people who had something to focus on. Their lands, their people, their children- all who would come after.
"Welcome, everyone. Not long ago, I spoke of the resolve we should bear to oppose the Atrellyans and to not sit idle in our fears and grief. Today, we rejoice in all there is to come from our hard work and dedication to protecting our lands and loved ones.
I want you all to think of the ones you cherish and hold dear- of all the good memories you have encountered in your life. Think of what memories the future youth of Meranthe could have because of our fight to keep Meranthe alive and well. Hold those thoughts and wonder what the future of your homes will be with your sacrifice earning them protection from the evil powers that be."
Raising his shield to his hand, the cores on its face begin to glow from the resolve of the people before. The magics awaiting to be given pure hope for what may come-
His heart almost light with such thoughts, himself, looks out to the people who have gathered, silently watching and seeing what hope could be generated from his words.
(Oliphr Ishiko)
[11:31] And once again, he stood in this part of the crowd and this part of the desert. Another ritual. Another piece of help that he was giving, one way or another.
And this time, it seems like the topic at hand was that of hope and the memories of who he held dear.
...it was the wrong topic for him. There were so many he had lost. He was still here. Others were not. It was one of those cases where he would have had a broken heart already, if he hadn't killed alot of his emotions in the process.
But even then. There were a few people he still held dear. He didn't speak it out however. But a few were there, that he wanted to keep around and protected.
Tate, the woman he was having children with. His kids. Dunsman. Ophis and Urano. Bonbon. Quite a few of the people he was starting to think about at this point, who realy don't deserve to be hunted down or killed.
He did as instructed. Those were rituals afterall. And kept thinking on them more and more.
(Christophore Garijn)
[11:39] The owldrake had suffered from a somewhat jaded outlook for quite a long time. However, that was not to say he did not hold hope. After all, he had at no point truly stopped fighting, had he?
And if Oliphr wanted him to pull forth those hopes? He could do that much.
In truth, there were dozens whom he´d be loath to lose and hundreds he already had. From Nueve and Geo, the other owldrakes he´d known as barely more than a hatchling, those gathered around him, Nera, Chiry, Raikami, even Na´ria and many more, but, that was not what he was thinking about.
Instead, he imagined. Imagined an entire world wherein those barely old enough to begin training did not have to fend off demons. Where those without strength enough to battle ogres did not have to fear for their lives whenever leaving the confines of cities. Where knowledge could flourish not because it needed to, but for the sake of itself.
For now, for just a moment, whether or not that world was ahalcyon dream or something achievable was irrelevant, doubts about it cast aside, rationality postponed. For it was hope. And, hope needed not an excuse to remain alive.
[11:40] Xiao wanted to focus in, as she wasn't able to help much when this was done last time. She was essentially an observer, silently praying in this background. In this situation, she should really be backing up Oliphr every chance she can get- and in a way, that's part of her job.
So, she'd take a deep breath in and out as she kept her eyes on Oliphr. The idea was to think about all of those that she holds dear- and the good memories that sat in her life.
Her eyes bows lightly, taking a moment to think about it...
But she didn't really need to. All of her kids immediately came to mind- Shiori, Reina, Shinji, and Urano. Her husband who was able to help her have this family. To her mother Nera who took her in all of those years ago and taught her all about Nightview and Gala.
It's something she was constantly thankful for, and something she could never forget. She hoped- that after all of this was said and done, she could experiencethis even more.
(Xiao Amamiya)
[11:53] He helped the first time, so he would again oli had helped so much flown , and these kidness acts werent forgot by him with the little wisp following him, he moves again to nightview.
family and choice were this man resolves, Five beautiful kids, and a loving wife... cling on them to always back and take care, as well fight for the freedom of people having their choices, instead being forced by the circustances, to fight or not.
His eyes focus on oli words, as he speak.
"As my d-... theodore did for me i hope do the same for my family, grow strong kids, that can protect themselves and see them live long and happy lifes." He says.
"Continuing love the woman i gave my heart..." He says with eyes closed letting the glow of his heart get stronger.
"Every won i had against fel, boosted me good memories , was showing all the efforts and struggles had result, knowing i was being able as well protect people from serenity." Good energies spread, arround the wisp following the man.
(Flown Akatsuki)
[11:56] Charlotte would take a deep breath as she stood in Nightview, the last time of her being there having been a, not fun time.
However, now she was hear for a different purpose, one of hope, one of helping.
She would then think of her own happy memories, the ones that existed, at least, the young lapine thinking about her time in Nightview with her family, the time's she spent with Makuda around her, and in Serenity.
Along with such, she would think about her kids, the three who had given her a light in her life, who had given her happiness.
And for once, a small smile would form on her face as the happy thoughts filled her mind.
(Charlotte O. Nightwalker)
[11:57] Shiori happened to be in the crowd. Though she arrived a bit late...she well- she was here now, wasn't she? Being an adolescent now, this thing didn't really...it wasn't her style. However, she'd come to support her dear 'Grampsune.'
As well as Mom.
Speaking of Mom- that was the first one on her list!
Now now...Shiori diiiiid have favorites.
The pink-haired shrimp cherished Mom to the best of her ability. Though, perhaps it could be said that she was even too attached! Nonetheless, she was the first person offered up- and twofold at that.
Next was Monday: in close second! The person of her...well. Truthfully, she wasn't sure what her feelings towards him were. All she knew was that she felt- warm around him. And that around him it was though her stomach had butterflies.
Grandma and Grandpa: Nera and Grampsune respectively! These two were held both near and dear to her. She loved giving them hugs, and hearing each and every one of their stories. Sometimes, it surprised her- the amount of wisdom that managed to lodge itself into them.
Shiiiiinji~: Her beloved little brother. Shiori wanted to spoil Shinji rotten with every fiber of her being. He was exempt from any family feuds. However, she also loooves to tease him. And possibly test malicious potion brews and her food upon him.
Twig! Oh my gosh. Where does she begin? Twig was also beloved! Closely behind Shinji. Twig- despite being older was like a REAL and TRUE sister to her. The sister she should've had in the first place.
After that was Dad: She had fond memories of him, often traveling along on his expeditions. However, her heart did ache for how long he spent away from home. Perhaps, it did leave a bit of a hole at times. Shiori knew that he meant well, but he-
Those thoughts hurt her...so she decided to move on.
Miss Daliah and Uncle Flown: She couldn't get enough of those two. The former was a mentor and guide to her at times, while the latter always provided good laughs and fun times. Though...part of her wondered why she never saw Uncle Flown and Captain Serenity in the same place.
Reina: She's Reina. Perhaps there's some care for her, but she sucks. End of story. Shiori lifted her up- but that's it.
The rest of Serenity: Everyone truly felt like family to her. And she was grateful to them. The same sentiment extended to Nightview- naturally.
Having felt like she lifted up everyone she needed to...
She was done.
Shiori kept her head bowed with a smile, as she held her praying stance.
(Shiori Amamiya)
[12:20] Their hopes, of course, would be for the long and healthy lives of their children- their brothers and sisters- friends and commonfolk of their towns. Of prosperity to their lands and people, be it economic, intellectual, religious, technological or simply an improvement on the quality of life.
No hope was lesser than another, all participating in joining together the thoughts of a future untainted and free from the fear of war and bloodshed. Of people farming peacefully, young chefs learning their trades, fishermen and women peacefully setting sail to explore the seas and catch bountiful fish, of miners safe to mine to their hearts' content and for young foragers to find and collect fruit, reagents and whatever else in bountiful quantities.
Alchemists learning to brew, artificers learning to craft, medics learning to tend to wounds, researchers finding new discoveries, artists able to paint masterpieces- all number of things which give a sense of purpose to a worldwhere people may find their passions and their joys. To find their faiths, beliefs, friends and joys at their own pace among the fresh splendor of green fields, of dense forests, the sunny dunes, the glistening seas, the peaceful tundras and the quiet islands.
The calm talks amongst the people in cities and villages- talk about card games, of new discoveries, the tidings of the divines, of playing dice and sparring to keep in shape. Of how good this place's food was, how good this other's drinks were- of the trends in fashion and how nice it was that day. Such trivial things in peace-time, now to be so luxurious in wartime- time to not worry about what tomorrow would bring. Time spent worrying about grades on tests, whether shipments would arrive on time, whether or not one flower was better suited as centerpieces- simplicities that did not threaten life or limb.
Even something like not wanting to eat vegetables and discussing why they are good for you- something so small as that being the worst thing someone had ever experienced... that was what Oliphr hoped for.
A life where such trivial matters were the worst things, that the horrors of death came not from war, but from severely old age. That the sharpest blade a child would see would be the cleaver in the butcher's shop or the carving knife in the kitchen. That the wounds they would get were from playing too much or too hard, just small, little accidents.
That was the hope for this shield, to be able to give such a wonderful world, born of the hopes of all in attendance, a chance to exist. To become the fate of Meranthe after this war was done, to allow peace and prosperity to live in place of war and destruction.
From the glowing cores, those ten wisps erupted once more. Each one weaving around the people, searching for something to protect- and in that moment, it was quite possible that it found something to protect... but would it have the strength to do so, was the question.
The Element Core found a purpose, something to protect- the investments for the future. The people who would help bring change and peace were those in attendance. Either directly or indirectly, each one had a place in protecting the future from the horrors of the present. Such resolve to protect the future and the hopes that their efforts would provide protection from evil brought Oliphr's fingers to weave lines of mana from his shield once more. Seeing his wisps stay amongst the people meant their duties were not done- they had chosen to stay and offer protection, giving a smile to the elder- almost bringing tears to his eyes in front of the people.
Trying to hold in his joy from breaking his demeanor and voice, his speech was broken by moments of composing himself.
"It would seem... it would seem that the spirits have found something worth protecting. In the spirits of our people, they found hope; in our hearts, they have found resolve. In the being of the many, they have found something so significant- ... so wonderful- so precious and kind- ..."
His eyes starting to redden as his tears begin to overtake his sight, he begins to choke up, feeling the extension of the wisps' conclusions and findings through his shield. Such wonderful hearts they all had- so truly wonderful indeed-
All that Oliphr had gone through in his life to create his Element Core- the abandonment, the loss, the utter and sheer fear and sorrow of everything come and gone- it all meant something in the end. The Element Core's purpose- his purpose- it had finally begun to root in the world.
"... so amazing and pure that- that the wisps want to help. ... That everything that has come to pass- it was all for this- and it all ... it's all just-"
(Oliphr Ishiko)
[12:23] The elder fell to his knees, holding his shield tightly to his chest as he began to cry from knowing that the shield could help others. That there was some truth to his revelation of his fate, that he was meant to help others. That the Element Core could help others. That the wishes and hopes of the people were so beautiful- so sweet and wonderful-
His heart bearing overwhelming joy and love for those who had such high hopes for a life he wanted to bring about for others- a life he believed he was fated to help others find.
"-it's all so beautiful."
(Oliphr Ishiko)
[12:23] The Kitsune strikes a match as the whims of spirits dance about. The eyes upon a tired face close as she immerses herself entirely within the energy of the festival; thoughts of home and a past forsaken fill the air, and she allows a small twitch of a smile to break across her lips.
"The spirits protect."
[12:26] Christophore was well versed in the spiritual at this point. Those wisps, those everything. He simply watched for a little while, as it all happened. And gave a few knowing nods at that, knowing full well that something must have happened.
"I see."
Was all he said at that point, while he watched the small spectacle. Yes. This was what it was about, wasn't it? To protect. To create something new. To push back when it mattered.
He was glad he was part of another case like this.
(Christophore Garijn)
[12:27] She beamed! Happy for Grandpa.
Oh...wait he was crying?
Now this was kind of...hm.
A weird feeling seeing someone you care about cry.
But...those were tears of happiness, right?
At least, she hoped so.
Shiori lacked the emotional intelligence to deal with one shedding tears!
However, she'd support nonetheless.
From a distance.
With her spirit.
As the whims of the spirits dance, her eyes trace all around her- doing their best to keep up with each passing spirit. She finds herself entranced and curious as those feelings replace whatever was on her mind and heart. Typical of her to get distracted, but for right reason!
"Woah...! So cool!"
The words escape her lips as green irises dart.
(Shiori Amamiya)
[12:29] Charlotte would remain hopeful, the happy thoughts within her mind remaining in the forefront of it, especially as the spirits seemed to come forth, the wisps quite visible to her, perhaps even more so than the others due to her specialized sight.
Her eyes would study the wisps, looking each of them over before she would look back to her Grandfather as he began speaking.
And then, when he would begin crying, she would seem concerned, her head tilting to the side before she would realize they were tears of happiness.
"It is Grandpa, it is...beautiful."
She would say with a nod, her small smile growing wider as she observed the scene before her.
(Charlotte O. Nightwalker)
[12:37] She would keep all of these happy thoughts in mind, wanting to be happy throughout this entire experience. It wasn't as if everything was going to last forever- but she could have these moments here and always sit here- knowing she's been grateful for every little thing that's come here way.
And so, she would move a hand over to rest on Oliphr's shoulder as he would take it all in. Xiao did the same, giving out a smile as she knew just how much this all meant to have.
Her hand pats said shoulder a couple of times.
"You're doing good, Oliphr."
That bit of reassurance is given as she glances up towards the sky.
(Xiao Amamiya)
[12:38] He felt drained from all that feelings interactions, yet seeing how much happy oli was, seems bring a grin as well from him, he can feel many things from the seeing the shield core working on but mainly a promise.
"Their suffered a lot over the history, the spirits need protection and hope as much all here also does, was my promise to oshun." He says.
The energies being moved arround , seems dizzy the man a bit but knowing each wisp was willing to help, continue pull him upwards instead downwards on all the wounds war inflicted to the land.
"Thanks oli feels like you always took care of us."
(Flown Akatsuki)
[12:40] he´d been aware of spirits, the same way the average nonmagi may have been aware of the concept of runecrafting. Yet, to witness such a pinnacle of it, for such noble a goal...It was an experience, for certain, as the spirits, visible to the owldrake mostly through his countless sensory enhancements
And, so was, frankly, that affirmed feeling of hope.
He was well aware of the value of continuing to fight, of course, but it´d always been a grim resolve driving him, a desire to minimize consequences, to claw away at an insurmountable obstacle and in so doing, create a respite against an eternally bloody world.
However, between these two rituals, that was perhaps changing.
If there were those that could, through sheer will, skill and experience achieve something like this, and if they were willing to do so for no reason other than to protect the future of others, if there were so many who´d come together in pursuit of that goal?
Who was Anthal´kyr to do anything but wholeheartedly devote himself to it.
Though no spiritmancer, he was a crafter, scholar and a sorcerer.
The path to that hopeful future would be long, and would perhaps not even end in the endging that had been desired, but, what did that matter, at the end of the day? Hope did not need a reason to continue struggling, and now, perhaps, neither would he.
"I will remember this. I will never forget, and I shall act accordingly. My gratitude to you, Oliphr"
[12:46] As Oliphr holds his shield tight, crying as his tears carry joy and comfort, knowing that there was still something to be done. That his purpose- the reason he still lived when other, more significant and impactful people had fallen.
His tears fell upon the face of his shield, little pitter pattering of the droplets sounding out is relief and hope. Each tear of joy carrying the weight of a thousand sorrowful ones shed for the fallen and lost. Tears that sounded the creation of a wisp bearing the hope that no more should be lost.
Little blue wisps floating about, resting with those whose hopes had brought them into being. Hopes that belonged not to the wisps, but to the ones they had returned to as manifestations of such things to look forward to- to dream and pray for- to work to bringing into being.
The embodiment of hope in the darkness.
(Oliphr Ishiko)
[12:48] Christophore Garijn says, "...mhm. That was a good ritual. Lets hope this all comes toegther now."
[12:48] Christophore Garijn says, "...sadly I already have to go however."
[12:49] Christophore Garijn asks, "I'll catch you another time, ok Oliphr?"
[12:49] Pittwald says, "Be well, chris"
[12:49] Jaizara says, "Mmh."
[12:49] Jaizara says, "Don't die."
[12:49] Oliphr Ishiko nods, clutching still to his shield
(Oliphr Ishiko)
[12:49] Christophore Garijn says, "I will likely die."
[12:49] Charlotte O. Nightwalker says, "Indeed, preferably remain alive Chris."
[12:49] Jaizara clicks her tongue.
[12:49] Christophore Garijn says, "But likely on my own accords."
[12:49] Shiori Amamiya asks, "...Well- I hope you don't die?"
[12:50] Pittwald says, "Remain alive long enough to account for your natural lifespan at least"
[12:50] Christophore Garijn says, "Gonna make it beautiful if I can make it so."
[12:50] Charlotte O. Nightwalker says, "I talking to you even if you're a melancholic nerd."
[12:50] Charlotte O. Nightwalker chuckles
(Charlotte O. Nightwalker)
[12:50] Christophore Garijn says, "Well. You are free to sceance or call for me. I don't plan on settling down for a while after my death and just wander the cosmos."
[12:51] Charlotte O. Nightwalker says, "Understood."
[12:51] Charlotte O. Nightwalker says, "I guess we'll Se-ance you later."
[12:51] Christophore Garijn says, "Express permission."
[12:51] Charlotte O. Nightwalker says, "HA."
[12:51] Christophore Garijn winks and snaps, before he creates a portal.
(Christophore Garijn)
[12:52] The wisp of resolve dance arround the hope one, dance arround flown like koi fish on a pond, he seems look at his with the same look he gave to his children.
"Inermes est verita." He holds his hands close them to pat them while they continue dancing arround each other.
(Flown Akatsuki)
[12:55] From tears spawn forth- creation.
Shiori watched intently as a wisp flew from Oliphr, bounding itself to her.
It bore a warm feeling- hot from the feelings of hope and faith.
With it came comfort that she wasn't alone...
With her was the hope of Nightview!
And while it was bonded, she couldn't help but feel happy?
It was like staring at the-
Well like Oliphr put it...
"Woah...the embodiment of hope in the darkness."
Her trip out here...she didn't expect much of it.
However, it had ultimately proven to give her more than expected.
Grampsune really is cool...