Unintended Consequences

"Hey twerp, I'm heading out with my friends today, wanna come with?" Mari asks of Sunny. Sunny knows exactly what they'll do to him if he tags along. He's tagged along with Mari before. They beat him, spit on him, call him heinous words.

The worst part of all that, however... Mari didn't even try to stop him. She facilitated it, if anything. Sunny, to Mari's friend group, was little more than a small punching bag. A foot stool. A doormat for them to step on.

By now, Sunny has had enough of it. He hated it. Who wouldn't? It was nerve-wracking. Sunny's stomach twisted into knots whenever Mari was around. To make matters worse, him and Mari still share a room. Nowhere, was he safe. He felt like a target in his own home.

But from now on... Things would be different. Those memories of being used and abused... Those would come to an end. No longer, would Mari push him around. Those days, would come to an end.

Sunny went downstairs to the kitchen, and opened a drawer. Inside said drawer, was a pristine Steak knife. "Perfect." Sunny thought to himself. Sunny grabbed the knife, and went back upstairs.

Sunny closed the door, and went on his knees. He pointed the knife, and in it went. When Mari came home, she'd be in for a surprise.

Mari came home, and went up to to the bedroom, blissfully unaware of what just transpired. She gently opens the door.

"Hey Sunny~ You should've come with us, we mana-" She sees Sunny, laying down in a crimson pool, steak knife embedded in his chest. She collapses to the floor, knees shaking from the scene in front of her.

"No, no, no.... Sunny, Sunny, get up, this isn't funny." She pokes his head to see if he responds in any way. There's nothing. She resists the urge to let tears flow out, but it's no use.

For the first time in a long time, Mari sobs.

Pub: 29 Dec 2021 05:03 UTC
Views: 811